My thoughts...on my confusion. The Stalking Post: My thoughts...on my confusion.
JustAPUNK on Monday, December 31, 2001 - 06:16 pm:

    I think my problem is that i think to much about nothing at all and that the littlest things are hard to get through. I thought that i could control only one half of my body becouse i was half blind and deaf in my eye and ear on one side. So i thought i had no control over that side of my body. But then i realized that it was just the acid i had taken just and hour before i started having these insane ideas.
    I also tried very hard not to turn out like my insane parents. With their ways of hiding their emotions and not speaking out about the way that they felt. In the end i think i ending up just like them becouse I never told them my feelings.I thought that they would teach me their ways and i'd turn out just like them.Now i can't have a normal conversation with them becouse I never shared my feeling with them. I realized that I was the one in the wrong becouse they would of happily listened to my problems and comunicated back. I was to afraid of what they would say and if they would judge me.
    I turned to my friends for advice. Their advice was to do drugs and hang out and I was like yeahhhhhhh, these people understand me. So I went with what my intellegent burntout friends said. I ended up being the biggest pothead of them all. They all looked up to me with my bags of weed and my expert ways of weed. I know everything in their eyes. Ha!
    To my parents I was a lier and i'd never amount to why go with that when i've got all this positive attiutude towards my friends...So i didn't listen to my stupid insane parents. Why where they thinking! I like drugs...just let me express myself...right!
    Now i'm a loser with out a high school degree and all my friends are either backstabers or have lied to me in someway...or their dead...or they turned to heavier drugs and are insane tweakers.
    All that is left is my family and you know what...I think it sucks big dick that they where right!!!!!!!!!

By Hal on Monday, December 31, 2001 - 06:54 pm:

    Ok... This is easily solved... Well ok that may be a bit optimistic BUT!!!...

    Slow down on the smokage my friend, that will help. Second, talk to your folks, really talk to them, ask questions, if your sorry for something say so... Parents usually are the most forgiving if they love you, which any good parent should even if their kid is a horible murderer or something like that.

    Make your peace man.