moonlighting The Stalking Post: moonlighting
By Nate on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 10:52 am:

    i put a bid in for a little job today. evenings and weekends for a month or two, maybe.

    i checked with HR and read my contract and under California law they cannot own code I produce on my own machines in my own time. I checked.

    but still-- something in my gut feels a little dirty about this.

    as if, this time should somehow be the company's. if i'm going to be at a computer doing some sort of software design and implementation, it should be for the company.

    the company, the company, the goddamn company.

    then again, don't i do enough? this ain't france, man. i'm not working a 35 hour week. not even in that neighborhood.

    i developed the world's first something a few month's back. i read that fact in a press release we issued the other week. i guess this isn't really a huge deal, it happens all the time-- but it is a little strange to see the PR spin placed on something i designed and mostly implemented by myself in a couple cold, dark months in a far away land.

    goddamn company.

By drpy on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 11:12 am:

    hell yeah, fuck the goddamn company.

    m. le pen will fix those lazy french.

By Dougie on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 11:48 am:

    Shouldn't be a problem if it's not in direct competition with anything your company produces, no? What you do on your own time should be your own. What was the world's first something that you developed?

By Nate on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 12:00 pm:

    naw, legally i'm in the clear. there is no competition whatsoever. it's more the pang of guilt from some misplaced ethic.


    i don't want to go into detail because i'm not really keen on associating my name with my company in an obvious way on this board. it has to do with natural language processing of email, though.

By eri on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 01:31 pm:

    Doing other work outside of the office, although the same thing in some ways, is nothing wrong. There is nothing unethical about doing the same type of work for someone else, outside of the office. It isn't any different than working a full time job during the day and a part time job on weekends. Don't feel guilty.

By sarah on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 02:50 pm:

    nate, what did you develop?

    also: fuck the french.

By Antigone on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 05:15 pm:

    Nate can't tell you what he developed. He works for The Company.

By Dougie on Wednesday, April 24, 2002 - 06:31 pm:

    Hard to believe Le Pen actually beat Jospin. He's spun himself into a kinder, gentler Le Pen though. He's like a French Pat Buchanan (or on the opposite side of the spectrum, a Jesse Jackson) -- if they stick around long enough, they figure they'll get elected or coalitionized into something.

By sarah on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 10:02 am:

    natural language processing of email sounds like something that could be useful for spies.

By Nate on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 11:15 am:

    or people who manage customer interaction centers.

By patrick on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 01:15 pm:

    "my dag bern disc spinner dun went kapute"


    "my cdrom drive is no longer functioning"

By Antigone on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 02:12 pm:

    You do NLP, Naticus? Funny, I've been thinking of hacking together a generic Sorabji post generator by creating a word succession probability matrix from each poster's writing. Wouldn't that be kewl?

By Spider on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 02:36 pm:

    Do it!

By drpy on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 02:47 pm:

    yeah, i'd like to see that.

By semillama on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 03:13 pm:

    How do you know he hasn't already?

By wisper on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 03:30 pm:

    test test test....


    or.... AM i ??

By LoneStranger on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 05:07 pm:

    What is the moonlighting project, Natey?


By patrick on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 05:21 pm:

    moonlighting is a term to refer to someone who working a second job at night, i.e. under the 'moonlight'.

By LoneStranger on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 05:29 pm:

    I know what moonlighting means.

    If you read the question again, you should see that I am asking him what his moonlighting project is, not what moonlighting project means.


By patrick on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 05:34 pm:

    sorry im working on 4 hours sleep.


By Nate on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 06:16 pm:

    it's a db application with a thin client front end. easy fare. i'm going to do it up with microsoft's new sex tools. i bid $25K.

By LoneStranger on Thursday, April 25, 2002 - 07:55 pm:

    Sounds cool.

    I still haven't heard back from LucasArts. It's been just about as long as it took for them to get back to be as last year.

    They said we'd know by the end of April. It's almost the end of April.

    I hope I make it to the interview stage. That would be awesome.

    I'm reading on how to design a scripting language in C++. It's very similar to what we are doing in my Declarative Programming Topics class, only we use Scheme in there. Lots of parenthesis and such. I'd be getting a better grade if I cared about the language.

    I need to spend more of my "moonlight" hours reading more programming and game development things. My friend is letting me borrow his scriptwriting book. I really want to read that so I can get a better idea on story pacing and other aspects of plot design.

    I'm rooming with a couple other CS majors next semester, and one of them hacks games and things for fun. Apparently he and another guy just hacked some game so that it contacts a server to upload it's high score file. The server will merge that high score list into the master list, and then return it.

    I'm hoping they will keep me going on game stuff next semester. I hear those game hackers actually get hired.

    But I hope you get that db job. Less time for you, but $25k is probably quite worth it.

    An incentive to go home on time, eh?

    Anywhoooo... I told myself today I would stop Sorabjing it up during class. I guess that didn't last long.


By heather on Friday, April 26, 2002 - 07:44 pm:


    he needs an incentive to go home on time and that incentive is money

    ho hum

By Nate on Friday, April 26, 2002 - 09:37 pm:

    i have big wool socks.

    it looks like rain.

By LoneStranger on Sunday, April 28, 2002 - 11:52 pm:



By heather on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 02:30 pm:

    here's where i need to say-

    i am not pathetic


    lame, maybe

    but not pathetic. fuck fuck fuck.

By sarah on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 03:48 pm:

    it's ok heather.

By semillama on Monday, April 29, 2002 - 04:05 pm:


By sarah on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 02:24 pm:

    sem, you never go to detroit, you always go to the UP, that's why i didn't ask. if you can be in detroit, well shit, by all means... !

By sarah on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 02:25 pm:

    also, Bruce Willis is the sexiest man alive.

By Nate on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 02:59 pm:

    the UP might as well be its own state!

By semillama on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 04:16 pm:

    Hear Hear!

    I was actually question marking the two
    entries above mine, Heather and Sarah,
    becuase it seemed weird.

    And I can make it to Detroit in three hours. I
    always go to the UP because the UP is better.

By sarah on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 05:07 pm:

    it seemed weird because you aren't a girl and you don't understand.

    so anyway, come to detroit for labor day weekend or something.

By semillama on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 07:00 pm:

    it seemed weird because it was apparently
    not in
    context to the comments above it.

    Labor day? Ok.

By LoneStranger on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 07:12 pm:

    Isn't labor day on or right before the birthday?

    Whoops. Out of context.


By patrick on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 07:25 pm:

    if there was a citation for bad jokes, you'd get a double there.

By semillama on Tuesday, April 30, 2002 - 09:05 pm:


    Ah. Hmm.



By LoneStranger on Thursday, May 2, 2002 - 07:09 pm:

    2:00 for bad jokes.

