American bullshit The Stalking Post: American bullshit
By patrick on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - 12:43 pm:

    Let this be a corkboard to post notes of American it corporate, governmental, diplomatic, military, political, environmental, global, local etc.

    Here's one example of American bullshit abroad pooped forth by the good ladies and gents at an American oil giant.

    American bullishit entry #1

By The Watcher on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 05:50 pm:

    Very ineresting I must say.

    I think it would be worth it to ChevronTexico to set up a training program for these people. They obviouly want to work.

By spunky on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 10:36 pm:

By spunky on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 10:45 pm:

By Nate on Friday, July 19, 2002 - 10:57 pm:

    jesus hates you.

By patrick on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 12:55 pm:

    hey trace, generally speaking, you really should look other than the a company website to learn about said company's exploitation practices. its not just about jobs your nit wit.

By spunky on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 03:49 pm:

    That's what the storming women said. That it was about jobs.Generally speaking, most other sites are most likely to get the facts wrong because the facts do not support thier case.

By patrick on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 03:59 pm:

    trace. my story came from the Associated Press. generally speaking their only cause is journalism. That what they do for a living.

    Chevron is not in the business of journalism and reporting facts. Chevron is in the business of making it shareholders profit.

    Trace, i direct you to a specific quote from my article:

    "The latest action was launched to force the oil giant to grant jobs and help improve living conditions of nearby villagers, Kuku said.

    Lucky Lelekumo, a spokeswoman for the Ijaw women, said in a statement quoted by the daily Punch newspaper that the action was to draw attention to widespread poverty in villages with "nothing to show for over 30 years of the company's existence."

    The protesters also hoped to force the state government to give assurances that Ijaws would be granted favorable municipal council boundaries delineating the tribe's lands from rival Itsekiri areas, Kuku said."

    Not only jobs but social programs, political causes in addition to jobs(i.e. "living conditions")

    Do a search on yahoo and read the various articles on the subject. That is, read Reuters, AP, NY Times, LA Times, BBC or whomever.

    Sure well reknowned news sources have their slant but they are more interested in promoting an objective stance than say...a corporation *rolls eyes*

    Puhhhleeeeeze trace.

By spunky on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 04:04 pm:

    From the link you provided:
    The latest action was launched to force the oil giant to grant jobs and help improve living conditions of nearby villagers, Kuku said.

    Lucky Lelekumo, a spokeswoman for the Ijaw women, said in a statement quoted by the daily Punch newspaper that the action was to draw attention to widespread poverty in villages with "nothing to show for over 30 years of the company's existence."

    The protesters also hoped to force the state government to give assurances that Ijaws would be granted favorable municipal council boundaries delineating the tribe's lands from rival Itsekiri areas, Kuku said.

    The Ijaws accused the women who raided the Escravos terminal of using their siege to pry government concessions in a yearslong land dispute between Ijaws and Itsekiris. Although the Escravos protesters include women from several different ethnic groups, the core group is Itsekiri.

    Anino Olowu, a representative of the women still inside Escravos on Wednesday, denied her protest was linked to the land dispute, or to the Ijaw action.

    From the link I provided:
    Since 1963, with our business partner, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp., we have helped strengthen the economy through oil revenues, jobs (92 percent of our 1,800 employees in Nigeria are Nigerians) and taxes. We're committed to safe and environmentally responsible operations, and we've taken a leading role in reducing natural gas flaring, which has earned us awards from the Nigerian Environmental Society, the Nigerian Federal Environmental Protection Agency, and the Nigerian Conservation Foundation. Our most fundamental business strategy is to build trust with our Nigerian hosts, our business partners and the communities surrounding our operations.

    We have also invested heavily in Nigeria's future through a number of education and community development projects, which include:

    scholarships that benefit about 3,000 students each year;
    construction of several classroom blocks, teachers' quarters and science labs;
    construction of steel jetties, civic centers and water projects in many communities;
    a technical training program has graduated 70 students since 1998, has 40 current students and plans to teach 120 annually;
    an 18-bed cottage hospital where 18,000 patients were treated and 56 babies were born last year;
    a fish-farm and poultry project that provides jobs and quality, fresh food for the community
    a science teachers program which paid for 48 graduate teachers to teach science, math and English in 12 rural schools.

    Typical. And you wonder why I call you an "American Hater" or "Blame America First"....
    From what I can see, this is a dispute with the local government and not an American Company.
    But, since there is someone out there blaming the US, you jump on thier band wagon.

    The information provided on the Yahoo site was directly taken from quotes from the leader of the uprising. I would think you would wiegh a political activist's statements before you decided they were factual.

By spunky on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 04:25 pm:

    Look, Nigeria has a valuable natural resource.
    Chevron says "Hey, let's make a deal.
    Your land. We just build extraction facilities.
    We will give around 1,650 locals jobs. You get 60% of the revenue."
    Nigeria Gov't said "Sure, you bet".

    So, that is what took place.
    Since then, it appears that due to polical pressure, Chevron, in the wake of the "Corporate Citizen" PC coupe, has endevoured to improve the lives of the locals that have nothing to do with Chevron, except maybe live next to where Chevron is pumping.
    The media is cramming the idea down the world's throat right now that businesses and corporations exist to make everyone's lives equal, and not to make money.
    Maybe the Nigerian Government should have turned Chevron down if they did not want these facilities to be next to locals, but they choose not to.

By patrick on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 04:56 pm:

    GOD DAMMIT!!! Why are you so fucking dense?

    is it unfounded an oil company exploits foreign (and domestic lands)?

    BY GOSHHHH noooooo that never happens!! (thats sarcasm)

    No one is blaming the US. We are talking about Chevron. They are a company, that happens to be American. Thereby falling under the title of this thread, of which nate inspired, in which he said the world was going to get tired of our bullshit Do you understand this?

    You can't seem to determine the difference between reporting and company lipservice. I KNOW who was speaking in the quote. There wasnt any FACTS in the QUOTE, i put it in my post to show what THEY say THEY are after. I could have put Chevron's statement in there, but it was implied in the article. I didnt QUOTE any facts. But you seem to be too retarded to understand the difference. If the person I was quoting, Lucky Lelekumo, was quoting hard numbers and data I would question it all the same as I do Chevrons.

    Pay attention to the below (didnt you do this basic language interpretation in 6th grade english?)

    ***OPINION*** (a direct quote, opinion, with no hard data, not really questionable, its one individual's point of view. Alterior motives for this opinion may be suspect, and this would be the level of discourse that would have made this thread interesting)

    "Lucky Lelekumo, a spokeswoman for the Ijaw women, said in a statement quoted by the daily Punch newspaper that the action was to draw attention to widespread poverty in villages with "nothing to show for over 30 years of the company's existence."

    ***FACT*** (as stated by Chevron, subsequently questionable, hard data & science)

    "Since 1963, with our business partner, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp., we have helped strengthen the economy through oil revenues, jobs (92 percent of our 1,800 employees in Nigeria are Nigerians) and taxes."

    In summary, and this is the last i'll say to you about this subject because you've ultimately dumbed this down...

    if you are leary of the reasons the protestors storm the plants, GREAT! I love to hear alternate ideas, BUT do NOT bring to the table facts from the very party at the center of the issue as a counterpunch? This is bad bad bad. If we were in a college debate course, social studies etc. you would be cited for bad bad research.

    Study UN information, study various humanitarian organizations in and OUT of Nigeria, and not just the ones Chevron cites. We all know how corporations sleep with the government, not only here, but most surely abroad too.

By Antigone on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 05:43 pm:

    Trace is just off his medication, that's all.

    The oil situation in Nigeria is pretty fucked. My best friend is from Nigeria and lived there until he was 16. Maybe I'll get him to post a fraction of his hours long diatribes about the Nigerian oil industry.

By spunky on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 06:08 pm:

    What ever.
    You are going on a tirade again, so I will leave it alone.
    I just very much disagree with you.
    This is not "American bullshit abroad pooped forth by the good ladies and gents at an American oil giant".

By agatha on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 07:58 pm:

    jeez, trace, everyone and their mother knows that oil companies are, by their very nature, corrupt. how could they not be? i try not to get involved with the political discussions around here, but puhhhleeez!

By Nate on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 08:02 pm:

    no one knows dick.


    not one of you knows what is really going on.

By spunky on Monday, July 22, 2002 - 11:55 pm:


By dave. on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 12:17 am:


By dave. on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 01:36 am:

    that is the nirvana of the board of directors of energy companies. these companies grip this administration by the scrotum. yes sir, sayeth this administration. i keep waiting for the democrats to grow permenent teeth. scary that the fate of the country (world) rests on the shoulder of political orthodontists. happy gnawing.

By agatha on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 09:23 am:

    including yourself, nateypoo...

By Nate on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 11:49 am:


By agatha on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 07:01 pm:

    heh. at least you're honest with yourself.

    are you two coming to visit or what? and what about sarah?

By Nate on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 08:13 pm:

    who knows? heather's schedule is odd. i need to take some time off, though.

By heather on Tuesday, July 23, 2002 - 11:24 pm:

    odd odd


By Jemegbe toju wisdom on Monday, March 14, 2005 - 09:06 am:

    The situation is very terreble especially the oil community and the killings.

    n.b any itsekiri brother or sister in USA or ENGLAND call me wisdom 08038363925