I'd be organising a gay pride march on the same day if I was a Londoner. But I don't know if I'd support banning any form of free speech. Tough. |
agencies to gather a lot of data on a lot of individuals at one time. Personally, I think that anyone who is REALLY linked to al Qaeda will be nowhere near that rally. |
the only dilemma is that of the officials trying to trump up some reason not to allow it. same kind of questionable shit thats been happening here ever since. recently in my homestate, just an hour north of Atlanta, a huge hotbed for Klan activity, a anti-immigrant rally was held by some yahoo organiZation. anti-racist organiZations did the best thing they could. Not attend. It turned out there were more cops than racist marching fuckwads. theywere permitted one tromp around town square, it lasted less than an hour. No protesters showed up. The whole even was like pissing on a firecracker. A total embarrassment. Id advise the same for this rally in the UK. Just don't show up, don't bother getting enraged about it. Let the couple 100 idiots make their noise and then let them go home. |
PUBLICITY ABOUT EFFIGY BURNING: Reporters from the Milwaukee >Journal Sentinel, WITI-TV 6 (Fox-Milwaukee) and the Associated Press in >Racine, interviewed a Wisconsin tavern owner who said his bar will have >Air Force personnel attend a Sept 11th commemoration ceremony featuring >an Osama Bin Laden effigy burning. The media have not contacted AF >Recruiting Service. If they do, they will be told no Air Force >personnel will participate in the event. The front-page story can be >found at <http://www.jsonline.com/news/metro/aug02/66062.asp>. |