Things Involving Me The Stalking Post: Things Involving Me
By wisper on Saturday, October 12, 2002 - 06:22 am:

    i know i've been quiet lately, as my internet is gone now. It's a money thing, it's a moving thing. And i quit my web-design job (NEVER AGAIN).
    And i sure miss y'all.
    These are the things i've been pondering lately-

    Wonderful Things:

    1)*No longer having giant emotional breakdowns*

    You remember, don't you?
    Well, months later, after a few shrink sessions, too much crying and a month's worth trial of Paxil (that i never took), I did the one thing i had been avoiding the entire time out of fear. I stopped taking birth control pills, just as a last resort. As a last effort to get sane. And so of course it worked.

    I should have known the estrogen was making me crazy. Anything involving estrogen i usually avoid. I can't even stand the amount of that shit that i was born with. But i didn't want to stop the pills. No tri-cyclen means living half-human for a week every month. It means cramps that only Codeine and prescription muscle relaxants can stop. The only reason i went on them was because i passed out in the shower one day due to cramps and realized that i could have died. Birth control was just a convenient side effect. Those pills were a god to me.
    And even now, i miss them. I can't remember the last time i cried, let alone spent all day sobbing in bed, never leaving my room thinking that everyone i knew was going to die and the boy was going to leave me, and then crying just because i was so sick of being scared of my own thoughts....but i miss the pill. So much. Even now, when i see that they could have easily made me loose it forever.
    It's pain vs pain.
    But i am happy now. And sane. It's good. I'm eating like a big pig and singing randomly. In short: I'm back, baby.
    Thank you all for listening during that time.

    2)*Living with the sig*

    scary too, having never done this before. And we have too many toys. And too much fun.

    But annoying housemates.

    3)*Having Dirt-Cheap Rent*

    See #2. Yes, i think i can handle $140 a month, thank you. And all we had to do was live with 4 other people.

    heh hehe.... fuckers.

    4)*the Sopranos*

    Just now catching up with rented DVDs. So the hype was true. It's also fun driving to every video store in a half hour radius trying to collect a whole season in one week. Watching 4 episodes in one shot, and it just zips by. Of course i'm only at season 2, episode 5, but i'm hooked. So very hooked. Damn them.

    5)*Spongebob Squarepants*

    Because he's like Stimpy, but more innocent. Stimpy got depressed a lot, Spongebob doesn't.

    6)*Goatmilk Soap*

    smells good!

    7)*not smoking for 3 weeks +*

    because there was blood in my snot. So i figured it was probably time to stop.

    8)*My Big Fat Greek Wedding*

    once again, the hype was true. Why is this movie so funny? I didn't even want to see it.

    9)*Being a Middle-Eastern Person in the USA*

    No, i'm not. Either of those ;) And it seems like it may be the worst possible time to be one right now, but think of the potential. Suburban patriot thinks she overhears 'terrorist talk' in a bar, and mere hours later.... Florida is shut down and they're on a highway, blowing up large chunks of people's cars!! This just in.... the 'terrorists' were goddamn med students! I watched CNN for 3 hours that day! It was the funniest thing i've seen on tv in years. I wish i had taped some of the paraniod "but,uhm, not that i'm racist or anything" bullshit that they were saying on TalkBack Live. Riveting.
    My point is, there are probably thousands of similar paraniod shmoes out there, so the Muslim community should take advantage and have some jolly payback for post 9-11 crap. Get every middle eastern person they know together and start whispering in public about a random date or place and see how many more tax dollars can be put towards supposed threats.
    Oh, what a world it would be.


    i'm sick of everything else. email--->onion-->sorabji.

    Happy Thanksgiving, suckers!

By Gee on Saturday, October 12, 2002 - 12:43 pm:

    look, it's wisper! yay!

By wisper on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 07:14 pm:

    where? where???

    Oh yes, i forgot some things:

    11) My New Toothpaste

    i found the most amazing toothpaste. Arm n' Hammer All-In-One. It has all the properties of other special toothpastes combined (tarter control, plaque fighting, whitening) plus the box said "prevents 'night mouth'". I had no idea what that was, but i bought it because it comes in a really shiney tube. You know how sometimes when you brush your teeth at night, you wake up and your mouth tastes like rot? Due to the mint flavour digesting while you sleep, i assume? IT DOESNT DO THAT. You wake up with yout breath as fresh as when you hit the pillow. I was scared.
    And i can only imagine that, being such a powerful breakthrough in toothpaste tecnology, this suff will obviously give me cancer.

By sarah on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 09:41 pm:

    hi wisper.

    the pill made me insane too. i went off, and now i have nothing left to blame it on. glad you're back.

By dave. on Thursday, October 17, 2002 - 10:13 pm:

    i use that toothpaste. it is amazing stuff. toothpaste choices infuriate me sopmetimes. why can't they just sell us the best toothpaste formula developed so far? are there actually people out there who prefer the inferior toothpastes so that we need to have all those choices? same with cold or allergy medicine. just have only the stuff that works best so i don't fuck up and buy the kind that totally sucks.

By Platypus on Friday, October 18, 2002 - 12:16 am:

    I use Kingfisher Fennel toothpaste. It rocks, although sometimes my whole world tastes like anise. It's actually tooth creme. Creme. Not gritty. I like it.

By patrick on Friday, October 18, 2002 - 11:32 am:

    we get ArmNHammer tootpaste at the 99cents store. It comes in bilingual packaging. Is that the stuff that makes your mouth hot, due to the baking soda?


By Annoyed Consumer on Thursday, July 22, 2004 - 02:27 pm:

    Can I just say one thing. Why the Fuck are there no toothpastes in this world that dont taste of fucking mint!!! Surely im not the only person in the world who does not like mint and is over 7yrs old! I dont think there is any evidence to suggest that using mint increases your defenses against any sort of tooth problem. So why do they all taste of mint.
    P.S Sorry bout the language but im really passionate on this subject.

    Message of the day: The struggle for freedom of choice is the most important of all!

By Dougie on Thursday, July 22, 2004 - 02:45 pm:

    There's Tom's of Maine stuff out there that is cinnamon, there's one with fennel which takes like licorice, there's one with ginger, etc. Personally though, I love to feel minty fresh.

By wisper on Thursday, July 22, 2004 - 09:03 pm: