I asked her how on earth this could be possible, since she has a lot of friends and it seems she is always having dinner/going to a movie/etc with one of them on any night of the week. I asked, "Is it because you don't have a man in your life? Oh my God." She admitted this was true, and then in the next breath, she said, "Men only use women. It's true. They don't love you and only want one thing from you." I protested, and she said she couldn't think of a single relationship among all the people she knows that is healthy. But then she says that she thinks she and my dad had a pretty healthy relationship. Even though they're divorcing, because she doesn't think my father ever loved her. W. T. F. I think she has multiple personalities. |
Same ole same ole for them. Spending weekends at the beach house, golfing, boating. Going shopping with the hens after work clucking all the way. Buying new furniture, planting new azaelas, and taking the pooch for flea dips. In otherwords, the same ole same ole with some things she wanted to do when she had kids but never had the money or the time on top. My mom and I dont have really intimate conversations. The conversation you had with your mother spider would never happen between us. I should drop her a line and find out if the "jury is still out" on the "Eva Jude" name we have slated for Milkdud if its a girl. |
does this make sense? we think it sounds great to say it together....like many southerners do. "Eva Jude do your homework. Eva Jude clean your room" right? |
make me come up there after you wait til your papa gets home he will tan your little hide just like he did when you were messing with the hogs what did I tell you about those rude gestures now? Eva Jude you look at me when I am talking to you. |
my mom currently is mad at me because i'm planning my move back to hawaii instead of choosing to move to the tampa bay area to be close to her, her husband, and my grandparents. she got me a fussy Anne Klein watch for my birthday. i wanted an outdoor hiking/camping/jogging type watch. i've never owned a watch before. i can't imagine what i would do with a fussy dress-up type watch. |
I wish I could make her well. |
how's your mum heather? |
the Native American role in the megafauna extinctions at the end of the Pleistocene. my mother is fine, enjoying her now semi- retirement. She's working part time now to help pay for traveling, and she's coming down (with the rest of hte fam) for thanksgiving again this year. |
'orphan' holidays again this year...im looking forward to them! |
I'm spending Thanksgiving in Columbus. I can't remember the last Thanksgiving I had with my fam-lee. |
isn't that a sad/shocking/striking analogy? my mother has serious mental problems, but she's still the smartest person I know and was right about all that native stuff. |
that the Paleoindian ancestors ot modern Native Americans had nothing to do with megafauna extinctions 11000 years BP has every thing to do with a political self image and increasingly less to do with the evidence. It's a nice story, but I give it as much weight as the idea that Phoenicians are responsible for Cahokia and that ancient Irish monks built Mystery Hill and the Nazca Lines are alien landing strips. |
After Thanksgiving dinner last weekend, i told her i was sorry that i'd never make her a grandmother. It really does get me down, that she'll never get to have that. She said that she figured that out a while ago, and there's always babies around for her to fuss over. And she still thinks my sister will squeeze out a litter for her, eventually. And it's better that i'm happy. So i guess we had a moment. i just wish she'd stop smoking. Dad too. I cringe every time they light one. I call her every other day. |
can you believe i used to work for GlasStar? What an oddball kooky industry. I was the customer service representative and repair technician. I took calls all day long from cranky old people and housewives in the middle of nowhere who fucked up their grinders wanting to send them in etc etc. The best part of my day was going into the warehouse in the late afternoon and tinkering with the god damn things (i.e. away from the phones). Strangely enough, the headquarters is located in the one section of the LA/San Fernando Valley in which, at any given moment, there are probably 10-20 porno films being made....that is, Chatsworth. One day they called me in and said I wasnt exactly the right mindset for their customers and gave me the boot. Its the only time Ive ever been fired. I was quite relieved as the job itself was about as interesting as colored chalk and thats putting it nicely. However I think it was a matter that the boss, the daughter of the deceased founder, who's corvette i insulted one day, who's 'way' of doing things was so archaic that little ole me could have revolutionized that place in no time was threatened by my presence...I questioned her procedures and suggested more efficient ways of doing things(i.e. I actually thought about what i was doing). |
First some history: I sent this email out: Happy Holidays! I know it is kind of early, but I had to put in my vacation request, so I thought would let you guys in on our plans. We are planning on leaving San Antonio sometime in the afternoon and should arrive in Redfield late on the 26th (we will try to make it before 8 at night). I hope to spend most of the day on the 27th, then head out to Erin's folks in the evening, after everyone is either ready to go bed or home. Then we will be in KC on Saturday and Sunday, and head back to San Antonio on Monday, the 30th. I really do not want to be on the road on New Years Eve... Of course, all of this is weather permitting. We will spend time with our most cherished even if we have to put it off a couple of weeks to be safe. We love and miss all of you, Tracey, Erin, Hayley & Mikayla Then I got back: I almost cried when I read your plans. You know Rex has to work cuz he's the boss &everyone else takes off. We're going down the weekend after. That's the only time Tony can go, too.He is so disappointed! Last year,Ihad bought the girls the cutest matching fleece suits with fur trim & Erin the nicest Isotoner gloves. It took me forever to find a small size for her delicate hands. Then I had to take them back cuz we never saw you & i knew they wold be worthless in Texas. And now you're telling me you're denying me of my favorite past time again- shopping !! Ever since Sandy died, whenever I really miss her, I dream that I visit her. I learned in physcology that this is called wish fullfillment to compensate for things you really want to do in real life & can't. Anyways ,the other night I dreamed that you & I took the the girls to a park & we sat on the bench talking & laughing. Iwas r! eal happy until I woke up & reliazed that would probably never really happen & you're alive.,then I cried. I miss you so much. Rex, Maryetta, &I were really looking forward to visiting you in Texas. We changed our minds about going when you broke your promise to Tony. Do you think it would be possible for you to visit Erin's famiy first & Maryetta's last while we're there. It wouldn't take any time away from Erin's family & might actually be nicer since it would be closer to the real holiday. Let me know what you think. We really want to see all of you.. Love ,Me. Now what? The idea of reversing the visits is just fine, but damn can mom lay the guilt trips! |
fuck it. |
no way we're travelling. they will just have to deal. when babys are involved, like weddings, moms can get weird-possessive. |
patrick: she does indeed! She swears by the GlasStar. But bored housewife she is not, she works at a supply store doing commisions and fixing rich women's Tiffany lamps. ginders sound like a dentist drill. Hate it. |