
sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
By patrick on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 01:13 pm:

By semillama on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 03:11 pm:

    that's seriously weird.

By agatha on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 07:17 pm:

    hoo boy! i totally love that.

By trace on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 08:25 pm:

    that meks me want some chow mein

By Nate on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 08:37 pm:

    that was the japs, you ethnically insensitive SOB. chow mein is chinks.

    i like how heinz is spelt when the kikoman is kicking some ketchup ass.

By dave. on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 11:10 pm:

    that ruled this whole month and it's not even over yet.

By trace on Monday, November 25, 2002 - 11:49 pm:

    i thought it was low mein

By wisper on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 - 11:12 am:

    ....there are no words.

    i watched that without sound and it's still better than anything.

    And then the cat hung himself!

By kazoo on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 - 11:35 am:

    Is that other guy's head made out of tofu?

    I thought it was hilarious

By wisper on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 - 02:41 pm:

    speaking of crazy asian stuff, should i go see Guns n' Roses on friday?

    or rather, should i go see Axl and some mix-matched background dudes? the new logo is so shitty, but on the other hand that means i'll save $$$ by not purchasing any concert swag.

    tough choice.

By semillama on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 - 03:11 pm:

    Go see them just to see Buckethead play. nobody touches that guy.

By patrick on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 - 03:39 pm:

    are you kidding?

    holy cow.

    it reminds me.....

    my brother is visiting for xmas and he has one request....

    to go to the Whisky A Go Go......the birthplace of many of his hairmetal heros.

    this should be interesting

By J on Wednesday, November 27, 2002 - 10:27 am:

    If you go can you find out if Mario still owns it?

By patrick on Wednesday, November 27, 2002 - 03:31 pm:

    you and mario got history?

By J on Wednesday, November 27, 2002 - 07:13 pm:

    Not really but when I was 17 a girlfriend and I went to L.A.,we met this really neat guy named Sam Emerson who was a photagrapher and did album covers he was doing a shoot there and took us there. Mario really liked me and wanted to be my sugardaddy,he said he'd get me my own apartment and a new car and he was serious.But he was old and smoked stinky cigars and I passed,but he let us in there for free and gave us free drinks.I thought it was odd that he knew I was 17 and he wanted to have sex with me,but was worried about being busted for underage drinking at his club.

By wisper on Saturday, December 7, 2002 - 05:39 pm:

    uhm, i just found the english sub-titled version


    it clears up some stuff, but still...so many questions....

    "which sauce to use, DANMIT!"