Between Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Ken Lay (Bush's absolute top #1 campaign contributor and CEO of Enron) anyone would have to say "Kenny Boy" did more harm to the U. S. economy than did Saddam Hussein. Lay's underlings at Enron, Skilling and Fastow have had over 100 felony charges announced yesterday by the Justice Dept. Much was made of Lay's phone calls to Bush at the White House when Enron was in the process of collapsing and it was said Enron received no help from the government. Enron was beyond help but WHEN DOES KEN LAY GET ARRESTED? In December, 1994 win or lose Bush will never have to face the voters again. I think he'll have the loyalty to pardon his friend and Lay will do NO time in prison. (New Orleans) |
"Taking Oh So Good Care Of Those Irresponsible CEOs" |
you mean no one else contributed the $2K federal election contribution maximum? crazy. | Individual Contribution Limits for Next Cycle by Lacye Tennille July 25, 2002 Once the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (BCRA) takes effect (November 6, 2002), an individual may give a maximum of: $2,000 per election to a Federal candidate or the candidate's campaign committee (currently the maximum is $1,000 per election). Primaries, runoffs and general elections are considered separate elections. $5,000 per calendar year to a PAC or state party committee that supports Federal candidates. $25,000 per calendar year to a national party committee (currently the maximum is $20,000 per year). This limit applies separately to a party's national committee, House campaign committee and Senate campaign committee. The aggregate limits for individuals (currently $25,000 per year) are increased as follows: There is an overall individual aggregate contribution limit of $95,000; a maximum of $37,500 may be contributed to candidates. Of this $95,000, a maximum of $57,500 may be contributed to all other political committees. Of the $57,500 allowed to be contributed to political committees, a maximum of $37,500 may be contributed to PACs, state party committees and other political committees that are not national party committees. Beginning in 2003, the limits on individual contributions to candidates and party committees, as well as individual aggregate contribution limits will be indexed for inflation. PAC contribution limits will not be increased or indexed. According to the Center for Public Integrity (nonpartisan, non-profit organization): Ken Lay spread out his contributions: From 11/3/99 to 11/6/2000, Ken Lay contributed $300,700 to various campaigns and PACs around the country. $3000 dollars of those were to three people: 2 Democrat Texans with locked up races, the third was a business friend with a locked up race. Total since '93 from Lay to Bush is 550,000 | |
$1000 for the primary, $1000 for the main race. i don't really care, though. fuck lay. he's evil. he hurts the cause of capitalism. |
There are many ways to give a canidate a helping hand. you know damn well that with PACs and other entities its entirely possible to ensure your canidate and his party get all kinds of funds. Arent the limits for how much you can give to an entire party practically non-existant? |
like i said, i think lay should be put in prison. i'm for campaign finance reform, for sure. i'm not sure it is perfectly constitutional, but it seems necessary in a world where very rarely do you win if you don't spend the most money. then again, god forbid the american people actually think about who they are voting for. |
I saw this one ad from the US where the family was hunting together. It was bizarre. |
because you have one of the blandest cultures in the neighborhood. canidates soaring in f-16s rented from the Air Force to Scorpions 'rock you like a hurricane', mudslinging tv ads equiviolent to day time soap operas, staged gimmicks, sex scandels even murder..... you wish you had our politics. you guys are arguably rendered virtually irrelavent because of your lack of POP! in your politics. though you got something going with the chiba legalization. you're pissing a lot of people off here. keep up the good fight. |
I already get all the entertainment value that there is in your political system, while at the same time they dont fuck up my life.. Bland is grand. You wish you had our politics. |
They dont make commercials like the Americans do, but when they actually argue in Parliament, Canadian politics are much more entertaining than American politics. |
. . . . Jiminy Glick appears with brand new interviews on COMedy Central. This week will be the second one in the all new third season started April 30th,2003. He will be interviewing "Steven Spielberg" . . . saw a vignette for it and Jiminy asks "so when are you going to make the one that really clicks?" Spielberg looks a bit shook up . . will have tonight to see his reply. I am laughing reeel hard. "PRIMETIME Glick" 9:30 Central time on COMedy Central . . Help up aalll. |
he looks like a smelly, smelly man. |
or does the Sorabji group have a lot of real a-holes in it. |