Coincidental The Stalking Post: Coincidental
By patrick on Monday, August 18, 2003 - 07:54 pm:

    Is it any coincidence that as my family and I attended a benefit for an organization that works to aide people with major spinal cord injuries that a friend has a motorcycle accident on sunset blvd and severs his spin in two places?

    there are no such things as coincidences, ive always believed this.

    but a 'coincidence' this blunt and tragic....

    im at a loss for words.

    why does it have to work this way?

By eri on Monday, August 18, 2003 - 08:25 pm:

    Patrick, is that kinda like when I went to do a fundraiser car wash this weekend and I was getting really sunburned, and then someone took off with my sunscreen and we were getting like NO cars, and someone else gets there and takes over my position, and the cars line up, and I get more sunscreen on and it starts raining?

    Weird stuff like that happens to me all of the time.

By Nate on Monday, August 18, 2003 - 08:34 pm:


    sad, patrick. i'm sorry about your friend.

By agatha on Monday, August 18, 2003 - 10:24 pm:

    That is really tragic.

    Any word on what the extent of the damage is? I'm assuming he won't walk again?

    I'm really sorry.

By eri on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 12:00 am:

    I did forget to say that Patrick. I am truly sorry. I hope you understand that went unsaid.

By patrick on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 12:27 pm:


    it looks as if now its just from the waist down.

    we havent seen him yet. we were more than acquainted with him, someone I would call a friend, but not someone I know all that well.

    Not that he deserved what happened but he toyed with fate.

    He just got stopped the previous night, drinking, while driving his bike. He passed the breathalyzer test, a warning if there ever was one. Then he goes and does it again and decides to cozy up to a telephone pole.

    Its unclear if another driver had anything to do with it or not.

    I was a bit freaked yesterday.

By Spider on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 12:35 pm:

    Oh, man, Patrick. I'm sorry about your friend.

By patrick on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 12:38 pm:

    well thanks, but really....its ok. he wasnt terribly close and Im not one to solicit sympathy.

    it was just freaky how quickly *SNAP* one can alter his reality so drasticaly...and the 'coincidence' was like a shiny cherry on top.

By spunky on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 - 12:38 pm:

    i can understand you being freaked out.
    I hope for the best for him. Eri lost a high school friend from such an accident.