Then there's other uses. The divining. Every so often I pick up my deck that I've got written definitions on. Occasionally I find a card lying on the ground all by it's lonesome, always face down. Today I found one. Slightly chewed, run over, one corner seperated into two layers and folded over. The back is red with a pattern of ferns and two dolphins in the center. Red. Other side reveals the standard jack of hearts. Does anyone know what the jack of hearts means or will I have to look it up? |
you planning on visiting your sister any time soon? |
No, I'll be riding the 'hound. She'll have to live without a visit. |
I went because I ran into Crazy Pete while working tonight, he said he'd be there and I miss my sometimes kissing comrade. He's a good man, a little off beat but if someone has their own drum at least they're prepared to please themselves. I broke my fast from lip-touching (not such a terrible fast, two and a half weeks? Do party kisses count because those were drunken party kisses) in the most utterly casual manner of goodbye darling friend kisses. Walked home. Across the street from where I found the Jack of Hearts, I found the King of Spades. Faceup. Same deck. Not nearly as chewed. There's a point where no crease or tear is visible but it feels split. Funny now. I could divine the cards to represent people instead of feelings. What is going to happen, though, and when is what I really want to know. Where do I go from here? Curiouser and curiouser. |