Liberal Media The Stalking Post: Liberal Media
By patrick on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 01:23 pm:

By dave. on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 01:30 pm:

By Rowlfe on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 02:56 pm:

    speaking of 'liberal media', didja see that the new Moore movie is being blocked by Disney from distribution, according to NY Times and Moore because "it will anger Jeb Bush and cost disney a tax break"

By patrick on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 03:19 pm:

    i cant listen to political radio. it makes me fucking nuts.

    i linked that story above rowlfie dude

By Rowlfe on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 05:03 pm:

    oh, I thought it was all linked to the same thing

By J on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 05:22 pm:

By The Watcher on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 06:07 pm:

    I just want you to know. I heard Ted Kopple on the Shaun Hannaday radio program this afternoon and he said that he actually supports the war in Iraq. He thinks the administration has made a few wrong decisions. But, he believes the war was the right thing to do.

    Imagin a network newsman actually saying he thinks this war was the right thing to do.

By Rowlfe on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 07:03 pm:


    just so you know...

By In addition to... on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 07:16 pm:


By Rowlfe on Wednesday, May 5, 2004 - 09:36 pm:


By semillama on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 09:56 am:

    Everything Hannity says is a lie.

    Even if he accidently tells the truth, his intent was to mislead, so that counts, too.

By The Watcher on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 03:15 pm:

    I challenge you to prove that one sem.

By semillama on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 03:38 pm:

    Sure, give me something.

By Rowlfe on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 04:45 pm:

    "The only thing [Kerry] seems consistent on is that, throughout the 19 years he was in the Senate, he voted to raise taxes consistently 350 times."

    FactCheck (non-partisan) skewers this:

    just one of well... hundreds

    What Hannity and some of these other pundits do is the say crazy shit you cant refute in 2 seconds. repeated enough times and it becomes true.

    another favorite:

    HANNITY: BBC, now we’re quoting the Brits, okay.
    SCOOBIE: He did a study and he found how Katherine Harris and Jeb Bush used the
    felony voter purge to get tens of thousands of eligible voters off the voter rolls and these
    people didn’t have access to any kind of ballot once they were at the polls—
    HANNITY: First of all, that’s untrue. It’s never been proven. It’s never even been alleged
    except by the real extreme left like yourself. But what is true and what was chronicled is
    the systematic disenfranchisement of brave men and women who were out there serving
    their country—and that’s what Al Gore did. We have to break...

    The existence of the scrub list is well documented and even admitted by the companies that took part

    some of it can be viewed here:

By The Watcher on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 05:32 pm:

    Congradulations Rowfe. You have proved that Hannity has fallen into the same problems as other interpretors of what other people have said. They thought they heard one thing when what was actually said was another. The "higher taxes" line from Bush is strictly election semantics. To a republican mind, voting against a tax reduction is the same as voting for higher taxes.

    "Tens of thousands" I really have to question that figure. But, that kind of problem occurs any time voter rolls are legally purged. Even in democratic states. In Maryland the boards of elections are supposed to remove from the rolls anyone who has not voted once in the last five years. That is supposed to prevent the dead from voting. Which is something that can happen all to frequently. We see more of that little trick from Democrats than Republicans. Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore are all famous for it.

    I do not usually get to listen to Mr. Hannity on the radio. But, on more than one occasion I have heard him oppoligize for making a misstatement, misquote, or not having all the facts at the time he said something. That is very rare from anyone on the air. Also, when I have listened and he has dropped someone it was not because he disagreed with them. It was because they were being obnoxious, rude, vulgar, or profane.

    You haven't won me over. But, you have definately come up with some excellent arguments for your cause. Something lacking to much in todays world. Well done.

By Rowlfe on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 06:10 pm:

    "In Maryland the boards of elections are supposed to remove from the rolls anyone who has not voted once in the last five years. That is supposed to prevent the dead from voting. Which is something that can happen all to frequently. We see more of that little trick from Democrats than Republicans. Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore are all famous for it. "

    this purging wasnt there to remove the dead. Katherine Harris hired DBT in 98 (since merged with ChoicePoint, who if you look up are packed with Republican contributors) to remove the names of felons, and cast the net so far it cost thousands of people the right to vote. Tens of thousands among 173000 names on the scrub list.

    And this company was CONTRACTED. Florida is the ONLY state that pays a private company to 'cleanse' the vote. And they were hired by the woman who allowed Bush to campaign FROM HER OFFICE.

    from Greg Palast, who I referenced:

    "the list invariably targets a minority population in Florida, where 31 percent of all black men cannot vote because of a ban on felons. In compiling a list by looking at felons from other states, Florida could, in the process, single out citizens who committed felons in other states but, after serving their time or successfully petitioning the courts, had their voting rights returned to them. According to Florida law, felons can vote once their voting rights have been reinstated.

    And if this unfairly singled out minorities, it unfairly handicapped Gore: In Florida, 93 percent of African-Americans voted for the vice president. "

    it was voter fraud and I could keep going. And with Diebold and its chairman saying he'll do anything to get Bush re-elected, something like this may happen again. Theres no paper trail, and the machines have been proven unreliable and inaccurate. Why is it the right wing wants all voting to go electronic?

By TBone on Thursday, May 6, 2004 - 06:25 pm:

    Diebold has also been shown to lie about what their equipment can and can't do. Such as when they said that it isn't possible to remotely retrieve voting information while the polls are open. (that would be illegal.)

    Then, after their machines were used, some regular guy found a file on Diebold's FTP server with vote data with a timestamp of the middle polling hours on the day the polls were open. It shows that not only was it possible, but that they actually did it.

By The Watcher on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 12:56 pm:

    Funny, I live in a State where the Democrats have been in control all my life. And, they are the ones pushing for the electronic voting machines here.

    As far as I'm concerned, I think most politians are crooked. They may start out with great ideals. But, power corrupts. And, very few can resist the temtations for long.

    I do not think Bush is crooked. But, the powers behind the throne? To many people from both major parties owe to much to others.

    The time is ripe for a third party. Unfortunately, I haven't seen anyone from the other parties that impresses me very much.

By heather on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 01:05 pm:


By The Watcher on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 01:37 pm:


    I agree.

By heather on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 02:12 pm:


    you canNOT agree

By semillama on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 02:20 pm:

    What state would that be, Watcher?

By TBone on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 03:03 pm:

    I can understand why anyone would theoretically be in favor of electronic voting. No more "chad" counting and all that bullshit. Manual counting is error-prone and people can consciously or unconsciously sway the vote by miscounting...

    But it takes us into the realm of outright manipulation and conspiracy. There's no paper trail, and any inconsistencies can be blamed on glitches using the the magic tech-speak that people won't understand. There's no such thing as a re-count in electronic voting.

    And, of course, the corporations chosen to make these systems keep proving themselves absolutely untrustworthy.

By patrick on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 03:32 pm:

    is this the behavior of a supposedly respectable, professional journalism organization or a petulant 5 year old?

By patrick on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 03:34 pm:

    hey kazoo, should the billboard ever go up, i'll buy the paint filled balloons if you do a drive by.

By TBone on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 04:21 pm:

    There was a time when news organizations fought over who did a better job of reporting news. But it's clear that Fox, at least, is all about ratings.
    They all are, really, but Fox doesn't care if everyone knows.

By jack on Friday, May 7, 2004 - 09:40 pm:

    i'll see your "..." and raise you several hundred line breaks, heather.

By AG on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 01:09 pm:

    Such vulagarity on you site. Such anger when someone disagrees with you. I hope you don't swear like that in from of children.You going to take shots at me too???? Grow the hek up and stick to the issues. Ted Koppel is not "liberal media". He is objective, and impartial, and has appeared on both right and left wing radio shows. So, don't go down that road, unless you can't back it up, buckwheat!!!

By dave. on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 01:13 pm:

    i like this:

    So, don't go down that road, unless you can't back it up, buckwheat!!!


By semillama on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 01:15 pm:

    Thanks for sharing.

    oh, yeah. There's one more thing I gotta do! C'mon!






    Fuck you, you ass!

By TBone on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 01:16 pm:

    Dude, this thread is so twenty days ago.

    And you completely missed the point.

By TBone on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 01:17 pm:

    Oops. You guys are sneakyfast.

By semillama on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 03:02 pm:

    i know! dave. snuck in before me!

By dave. on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 03:18 pm:

    does it look to everyone else like it looks to me that this whole 3 and a half years of media naptime has come to an end? ashcroft's latest bullshit terror warning was almost instantly dismissed as an attention grabbing stunt. bush's most recent speech was met with barely concealed derision. the media's just recently rediscovered it's testicles. i think things like air america, which is on the air in most of the major media cities like new york, combined with the parade of books by insider whistleblowers has had a multiplier effect on this. it's becoming ok to criticize the president again and the republican attack machine suddenly seems much less scary and powerful than it did a year ago. i can't wait for fahrenheit 9-11. when people see bush horsing around during the rehearsals before the speech where he declared war on iraq, when they see what an absolute buffoon he is, john kerry's gravitas will suddenly look more appealing than ever.

    the republicans are now engaged in full-on damage control. actually, they have been for the last couple years. the public is catching on to their offense-is-the-best-defense tactics. the liberal media is back.

By patrick on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 03:44 pm:

    perhaps the media went to sleep knowing full well that 3 1/2 years of constant attack could backfire and keep the prez in office. some could argue that newt gingrich and the whole republican contract with america crap and the whitewater scandel backfired against republicans and kept clinton in office.

By patrick on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 03:46 pm:

By semillama on Friday, May 28, 2004 - 04:49 pm:

    Maybe the media just did what would sell the most advertising...