Kids these Days The Stalking Post: Kids these Days
By Sye on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 05:22 pm:

    I'm 21. I'm a single mom. Was pregnant with my son my senior year of high school.

    Before then, I had been a cheerleader. I was very toned, and had a great muscle build. I was always on the bottom in stunts and stuff, so you would say I never was a skinny one.

    When I got pregnant, no one ever told me I had to watch what I eat. Well, now I'm paying for eating chocolate covered donuts for breakfast every morning for nine months.

    I am definitely as "pleasantly plump" as they come. I wouldn't call me rotund, and I don't look disgusting, I just don't look good either. I'm short with a big ass. You get the point.

    Yesterday, I was walking back from the little cafe next to our office with a bag in my hand (mind you, it had some sort of salad with grilled chicken in it), and there are some kids walking the other way. I passed them, and didn't think anything of them. When they were behind me a good distance, I heard one of them say, "Don't you think you should skip a meal, lady?" Not wanting to create a scene in front of my office, I quickly walked in the door and said nothing. In hindsight, I wanted to wring his little neck, and yell at him and call him names. Being the adult that I am, I did not do anything of the sort. But I WANTED to, so BAD.

    What would you have done?

    I'm okay with real or fake answers. I need a laugh.

By J on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 05:33 pm:

    You should have told the little bastard "too bad your mom skipped your abortion":)

By Sye on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 05:58 pm:


    Thanks, J.

By Gee on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 06:13 pm:

    were you really surprised that you ate chocolate donuts every day and got fat? Is that really something your doctor should have to tell you?

    yesterday some guy was driving down the street passing my roommate and myself and he yelled something about us losing weight. I yelled "fuck off" back at him, and that was the end of it. if you (universal you) aren't happy with the way you look, change it or accept it. if you're happy with the way you look, then who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks?

    of course it's never really that simple. but it should be.

    children are really awful little people.

By patrick on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 06:25 pm:

    im just curious but should anyone have to tell you
    how to eat?

    I mean...common sense should tell you that ESPECIALLY when you are pregnant and dictating the diet of another, that you would want to eat better than ever. did your ob/gyn advise you on your diet?

    i just dont get it.

    moreover, a childs diet preferences start in the the womb. your eating habits become his. start now doing the right thing.

By kazu on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 06:58 pm:

    kids are mean.

    but eating donuts every morning for breakfast is just plain dumb for anyone, pregnant or otherwise. teenagers usually make dumb decisions about what they eat but most probably know that donuts are not healthy. still, what did your ob/gyn say? what kind of prenatal care were you given and why wasn't diet addressed?

    what have you been eating for breakfast since then?

By patrick on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 07:09 pm:

    just as a side note....

    because places like Rubios, Baja Fresh, Whatever Grill are popping up like wildfire doesnt mean they are any better for you.

    fast food, regardless of who makes it, is bad. a baja fresh burrito....beans cooked in lard. starchy rice and flour tortilla. as bad, if not worse than a nasty big mac.

    we keep reading how fat our kids are becoming and its quite sad actually.

    if its to be a free country and advertising is to be as it is....(read: effective) then we have to exercise more self control and be a little more wise.

    And sye, im not coming down on just your comments kinda shock me, but i know its probably pretty commonplace that so many are clueless about what they eat. whats more alarming about your situation is that, short of some sort of illness you were seeing a doctor every few weeks for almost a year and your body humming with hormones. pregnant women, by nature are some of the healthiest of people because of their pregnancy.

By Spider on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 12:22 pm:

    You are all totally missing the point.

    The point is, people should not be fuckwads and comment aloud about strangers' weight. End of story.

By Antigone on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 - 01:51 pm:

    Ain't nuthin' wrong with a big ass, Sye. Be proud of your ass.

    My girlfriend has been trying to lose weight for the past six months. I think she's just fine lookin' as she is, and I tell her so, but she's a tad too self critical. Anyway, I tell her, "Anywhere but the ass, baby. None off the ass!"