and now I need computer HELP! The Stalking Post: and now I need computer HELP!
By wisper on Thursday, July 1, 2004 - 02:56 am:

    Yep, it's come down to this.

    So 2 hours ago or so i clicked on a bad link. And a million porn popups came up, and a million things trying to load onto my computer.
    Windows kept throwing messages at me, (and you know how sometimes it's REALLY windows and sometimes it's just them trying to fuck with you?!) So, as usual, i just closed what i could through rightclick-Close on the taskbar, but a few things i had to click to close, whether they were real windows or not. So i just went to task manager and ended Explorer totaly. But i still had to click off some of the mystery warnings and such.

    Then (as is my custom in this situation) I ran AdAware and Spybot, and let them delete what they could. Then i cleared all my cookies. Then i ran AdAware again. Then i ran my virus checker (I use eTrust Innoculate IT) which showed nothing freaky.
    Then i restarted.

    But my CPU usage is going berzerk. I don't truly understand the Processes + Performance things in Task Manager, but i know when something is wrong and something IS wrong. Every 3 seconds my cursor brings up the little hourglass, and everything stops for a sec. Then it's gone. Then it comes back. Every 3 seconds.
    Task Manager tells me it's "regsvr32.exe", it keeps flashing on and off in the Processes list.
    And the neato CPU Usage graph is going mental. It goes:

    and on in that fashion.
    I don't like the looks of this.

    can anyone of you beautiful people help me?
    my baby is sick.

By Dd on Thursday, July 1, 2004 - 12:25 pm:

By Antigone on Thursday, July 1, 2004 - 01:43 pm:

By wisper on Thursday, July 1, 2004 - 07:39 pm:

    yes yes, I've had more than a few of those "FUCK THIS i'm getting LINUX" moments in the past...

    (what's funnier is that two of my friends have switched to Mac because of this type of thing, isn't that sad?)

By dave. on Friday, July 2, 2004 - 04:38 am:

    if everything's up to date (antivirus, spyware and windows update), i couldn't even begin to speculate why regsvr32 is throwing a fit.

    i direct you to the management console (right click on 'my computer' and select manage. check the event viewer for warnings and errors (application and system).

    i'm really not the 'puter god some folks think i am. i'm pretty much just smart enough to be dangerous. i'm the i.t. department nightmare end loser.

By The Watcher on Friday, July 2, 2004 - 02:02 pm:

    I had simular problems with my old gateway.

    And, that happened after I added Personal Firewall.

    I got so fed up I did buy a new computer. I haven't had that problem with the new one.

    PC's are not my strong suit. I'm a dinosaur. I work with big old mainframes.

    Give me a good old mainframe dump and I can work wonders.

    Give me a PC problem and I'm totally lost. Almost.

By Antigone on Friday, July 2, 2004 - 02:13 pm:

    The department of homeland security is now recommending you not use internet explorer as your browser: link

By Platypus on Friday, July 2, 2004 - 03:48 pm:

By TBone on Friday, July 2, 2004 - 06:04 pm:

    I like Firefox.

    Most of that explosive popup crap would go away if you stopped using IE.

    While the old Macs were pretty lobotomized, I'm really impressed with new Macs. Other than the half-baked backward compatibility, they're related to the old pre-OS-X macs only in name.

    Anyway, sounds like something retarted is repeatedly trying to register a dll on your system. One thing to try would be to shut down all the programs you can, then start googling all the processes still listed as running in the task manager thingie. If any of them are malware, you'll get lots of top results saying so.

    Or, like dave said, make sure your adaware etc are all up to date.

By wisper on Friday, July 2, 2004 - 10:34 pm:

    why must this happen when my dad (I.T. man since the 70's) is on vacation in the middle of a lake?

    This never happens to me. I'm well trained, damnit. I know not to *Hit the monkey, win a prize!* or load those goddamn Smileys.
    I haven't been porn-flooded in years!

    The antivirus is all up to date. I even ran them in Safe Mode. Ugly, freaky Safe Mode.

    Is firefox good indeed? Is it hard to get Flash running on it? I'd really miss Homestar....

    dad's gonna mock me for weeks.

By dave. on Saturday, July 3, 2004 - 02:12 am:

    i've been using it for the last couple days. flash works fine. i was a staunch netscape fan until ie6. ie6 just worked better.

    i'm liking this firefox thing. it reminds me of galeon in gnome.

By wisper on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 04:28 pm:

    i love my Firefox.
    so much.
    I also love how it doesn't play midi files.

By dave. on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 04:32 pm:

    i know! i have also found some windows media content doesn't play. bastards.

By wisper on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 04:27 am:

    you know you can get a plug-in so that it does play midis? WHO THE HELL ASKED FOR THAT?!

    it is a bummer though about windows media. It's so random too, you can watch all the clips on Comedy Central, but not
    They say it's a bug that will one day be fixed.

    My dad has been turned to Firefox as well. He tried it out while he was cleaning my computer. He says that if/when it has the ability to work through his company network firewall, he's changing all 300+ computers in his charge to it, in a second.

    Oh right, my computer. It took no less than 7 virus scanners to find the single file causing the problem. It had just been unleashed the week before, so none of mine could get it.

    I love Firefox. I went from having to run Ad Aware twice a goddamn day to forgetting where it is stored.
    I erased IExplorer off my desktop and everything. Such a proud day.
    I feel like a convert to some religion. Like i should be going from door to door, asking people if they have felt the healing power of Mozilla.