sick of Sorabjis,post 3 The Stalking Post: sick of Sorabjis,post 3
By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 04:59 pm:

    Dodi,Watcher,do me a favour,post here,......

By Dodi on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 05:16 pm:

    Did you get my other posts?

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 05:29 pm:

    The Watcher,just post to me all the time,i want to understand everything about you and your very fine Wife,just post all the time,you go through more shit than any Sorabji can ever dream about,you know this,I know this,so just post, you may understand,I allmost died from high pressure in the last 6 weeks,I am now back to normal,come on Sir,keep posting.

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 05:49 pm:

    DODI,Good God Girl,no,I did not get your last 3 postings,I wanted more than anything to get through to you ,45 mins on line,and I got nothing at all,I am sorry to ask,Darling,can you repost,to effect as to what you said to me?...xxxx

By Antigone on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 05:53 pm:

    dodi, you really really really really need to run a firewall on your computer.


By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 06:09 pm:

    ANTI...until you speak real fine Russian,dont bother to post,tvarich,da?

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 06:18 pm:

    ...Spaceba balshoy,tvarich.

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 06:23 pm:

    ...most times I win.

By Antigone on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 06:35 pm:

    When I was in russia I learned three phrases:

    "Thank you"
    "Ice Cream"

    The ice cream bars venders sold was fucking awesome.

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 07:06 pm:

    o.k.second one down is "spaceba"...(thank you),but you need to remember the rest,da?...also,why did you not buy "Bill Clinton" nesting dolls? they are worth 275$ in the U.S.,how much in Russia?10 U.S.$? why did you not buy?

By Antigone on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 07:33 pm:

    I didn't buy the dolls because I went there in 1984...

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 07:47 pm:

    Turkish gold,I did a posting telling you a vast amount about how you can make a fortune from it,but then thought I could do 25 years for the information if picked up from the net,sorry,cant post on that,I did try,but had to cancel at the last min.

By Nate on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 07:55 pm:

    vv, huy morzschovy

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 07:56 pm:

    ...if you go again,get "bill clinton" nesting fact get a suitcase full...they go like hot cakes on "e.bay"...thousands of bucks if you do it right.

By V.v. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 08:02 pm:

    Nate,Russian?...will get back soon...right now too high on pills,(Legal)

By Dodi on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 09:44 pm:

    See ya V.v....I don't like someone telling me that I need to put a "firewall" on my computer. I enjoyed posting here, but time to move on. I feel like I have been threatened, and I don't want to be a part of that, or this.

    I wish you all the best in your life and stay well, be happy and enjoy all your riches...whether it be money or your spirit.


By dave. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 09:48 pm:


By wisper on Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - 10:26 pm:

    Dodi, vv, there is no need to stop talking to one another. there are infinite ways to keep in touch online, aside from Sorabji. There is email of course, or a messaging service of some kind like ICQ or MSN.
    If you really want to talk on a message board though, you can even start your own. It's easy and free. There are tons of board hosting sites out there, like EZboard or Boardnation, just to name a few....

By Antigone on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 03:12 am:

    Sigh. Way to shoot the messenger, Dodi.

    And another spam zombie is born.

By semillama on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 12:25 pm:

    Jeez, people! Can't you see that all Antigone is trying to do is help you, and you keep putting rocks in his trick or treat bag.


    Although I appreciate that V.V. started a new thread to talk to watcher on, since the old one got five tons of barfbag dropped on it and it functionally loads like a dead rhino.

By Antigone on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 03:37 pm:

    Dunno if they're trolls.

    Anyway, anyone who can't look up a word in the dictionary is beyond help.

By TBone on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 03:56 pm:

    I think she thought you were threatening to exploit her lack of firewall.

By Antigone on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 04:39 pm:

    Considering she put "firewall" in quotes, I "doubt" that.

By TBone on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 04:56 pm:

    A lot of people think putting "quotes" around a word is a good way to "emphasize" it. I see this a lot on signs in small businesses.

    Also, apostrophe's on pluralization's.

By V.v. on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 07:19 pm:


By V.v. on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 07:35 pm:

    Time for me to move on as well...

By Antigone on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 07:53 pm:

    What a "coincidence"

By dave. on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 07:58 pm:


By TBone on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 08:12 pm:

    I think that's a game winner.

By agatha on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 - 11:19 pm:

    Let's hope it sticks.
