Spider Phobia

sorabji.com: The Stalking Post: Spider Phobia
By V on Tuesday, October 25, 2005 - 10:22 pm:

    Jeez do I hate them 8 legged freaks, I have an idea they are not fom this world,when I was 4 years old I woke up to find a big fat one on my face,when I was 7 years old,another fat one ran up my arm into my hair,them creeps even live in my car...even The Queen of England has spiders in her Scottish castle,big fat and unique in the world,they live in the dungeons,the very last Royal spiders,...but,v was given a cat,"Tia"...and her best meal is spiders....perhaps I should not tell you this,but the other phobia is Doctors,and v will tell you why,years back,69 perhaps,my Father had a heart attack,the Doctors tell me he "is back home in 24 hours",so,they took the heart monitor off him,and he died 4 hours later......v will not EVER forgive then fuck heads for that,not fucking ever...what the hell went wrong?...Are British Hospitals trying to save money?...o.k.,v is doing a rant,but who else can I rant at at 3 a.m. G.M.T.?...like the rest of you,I have ghosts to lay.

By Spider on Sunday, February 3, 2008 - 08:40 pm:

    Five things.

    Five favorite Simpsons episodes:
    1. El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer
    2. King-sized Homer
    3. Lemon of Troy
    4. The Joy of Sect
    5. Treehouse of Horror IV

    Five fruits:
    1. Blueberries
    2. Pears
    3. Plums
    4. Blackberries
    5. Cherries

    Five books within eyeshot:
    1. Northanger Abbey
    2. Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
    3. In Watermelon Sugar
    4. The Quiet Gentlemen
    5. The Idiot

    Five songs I have listened to in the last hour:
    1. "Some of Them Were Superstitious," Midlake
    2. "Debaser," The Pixies
    3. "Little One," Elliott Smith
    4. "I Heard Love Is Blind," Amy Winehouse
    5. "Poor Doggie," Eagles of Death Metal

    Five places to hide:
    1. The lean-to in the woods
    2. The storage hole in the basement
    3. The closet in the spare bedroom
    4. Behind the couch
    5. The reservation

By droopy on Sunday, February 3, 2008 - 09:59 pm:

    5 things happening right now:
    1. watching superbowl with sound muted (7-3 new england)
    2. listening to lounge lizards CD
    3. drinking wine
    4. digesting pasta dinner (coincidental with another spider thread)
    5. posting on sorabji.

    5 CDs i've been listening to since i opened my 1st bottle of wine - from the current one backwards:
    1. lounge lizards: voice of chunk
    2. john lee hooker: guitar lovin' man
    3. thelonious monk: greatest
    4. charles mingus: mingus ah um
    5. charles mingus w/ eric dophy: live at cornell '64

    5 things i want from daedalus books/music:
    1. complete novels: flann o'brien
    2. glenn gould: the radio artist [cbc radio recordings including documentaries]
    3. vanguard visionaries - junior wells
    4. oh boy classics presents merle haggard...again
    5. genius deck: 75 more word games

By platypus on Monday, February 4, 2008 - 12:56 am:

    5 things I worry about
    1. fires
    2. paying taxes
    3. whether or not the bulbs in the garden have rotted
    4. what I will be doing in 10 minutes. 10 weeks. 10 years.
    5. that weird look I keep getting from my neighbor

    5 things I have eaten this week
    1. an entire tirimisu cake
    2. coconut lemongrass soup from a recipe I wanted to try out
    3. blueberries
    4. pumpkin ravioli with cream sauce
    5. macaroni and cheese, baked, from scratch

    5 books not in eyeshot, but in my house
    1. Birds Without Wings
    2. On Food and Cooking
    3. Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman
    4. Beauty's Punishment
    5. My Family and Other Animals

    5 things in my fridge right now
    1. kitty kibble (damn ants)
    2. chocolate chips (damn ants)
    3. 2 organic lemons
    4. pumpkin puree
    5. chicken soup (for people and for cats)

    5 things I want to do tomorrow
    1. go to the post office and get candycandycandycandy
    2. put in a grocery order so I don't starve this week
    3. weed the back of the garden, under the peach tree, before the wretched clover-like things take over and spawn something horrible
    4. wake up
    5. clean the toilet

By Spider on Monday, February 4, 2008 - 04:56 pm:

    Five Spider phobias:
    1. Enclosed spaces
    2. Bugs
    3. Rats
    4. Being poked in the stomach
    5. Airports

    Five Spider euphorias:
    1. Windy days
    2. Stephen Colbert
    3. Driving in Montana
    4. Seeing old friends
    5. Aaron Copeland's Concerto for Clarinet and Strings

By sarah on Monday, February 4, 2008 - 06:52 pm:

    i have a friend here in austin who has quite a serious phobia of spiders.

    she hates halloween because people put scary decorations on their front porches that sometimes include giant fake spiders. even toy spiders really scare her. or anything that looks even remotely like a spider.

By agatha on Monday, February 4, 2008 - 07:22 pm:

    Five books I've read from lately:
    1. Spook Country by William Gibson
    2. Grace After Midnight: a Memoir by Felicia "Snoop" Pearson
    3. Rant: an Oral Biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk
    4. From A to Zine: Building a Winning Zine Collection in your Library by Julie Bartel
    5. The Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary, Fourth Edition

    Five things I've been thinking about lately:
    1. I'm going deaf. Hearing test today confirmed it.
    2. The zine collection I'm starting at my library.
    3. Buying a new laptop. I think I'm going to get a Macbook Pro. My current laptop has been randomly closing me out of programs and doing other strange things.
    4. Moving to Portland (eventually).
    5. My health, and how to better it.

    Five things I've eaten lately, in order from most to least recent:
    1. Panda licorice (right now)
    2. Thai curry with tofu and tofu fresh spring rolls (lunch)
    3. Mango fresh juice (after hearing test)
    4. Coffee (morning)
    5. Fake meat (ham) and provolone cheese sandwich on Poulsbo bread with sweet hot mustard and mayonnaise (last night)

By platypus on Monday, February 4, 2008 - 08:48 pm:

    Yikes, Agatha. Going deaf is scary. How bad is it?

By sarah on Monday, February 4, 2008 - 10:46 pm:

    Last 5 Scrabble words I've played:

    1. ideate
    2. hay
    3. irritate
    4. croon
    5. loaded

    Last 5 things I regret:

    1. unprotected hot monkey sex (with my husband)
    2. having to spending $384 at the Mother's Milk Bank
    3. have one or two drinks every night for the last couple weeks
    4. buying cheap curtains
    5. agreeing to invite my dad's girlfriend to come with him to visit in march

    My Top Five Reasons to Have a Baby:

    1. they smile with their whole body.
    2. for better or for worse, they live completely in the moment, which is a great reminder.
    3. they smell like a cross between cotton candy and donuts (well, at least mine does).
    4. watching them sleep
    5. huge amounts of love

    My Top Five Reasons Not To Have A Baby:

    1. it wrecks your body
    2. it leaves you emotionally raw and drained
    3. it's very, very hard work taking care of one
    4. everything takes 3x longer to do or get done
    5. life in general seems more serious and more complicated

By droopy on Monday, February 4, 2008 - 11:20 pm:

    now i only have one thing:

    what the hell do you mean by "going deaf", agatha?

By agatha on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 - 12:56 pm:

    I have moderate hearing loss in both ears. They're sending me to an Ear Nose & Throat specialist to see if it's something that can be corrected, but they did mention the dreaded hearing aids as a secondary resort. Ugh.

By droopy on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 - 01:48 pm:

    i'm sorry to hear that, agatha. i hope it's treatable.

    if not, would you consider and ear trumpet? if i went deaf, i'd carry around an old victrola horn with pictures of louis armstrong on it.

By Spider on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 - 02:09 pm:

    Crap, Agatha. I hope everything works out for you.

By sarah on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 - 02:58 pm:

    too many rock concerts?

By wisper on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 - 03:52 am:

    xoxox agatha
    be strong, baby :(

    i know this might be an awkward time to mention it, but for people who go to a lot of shows (or a few shows even), i highly recommend these:

    they're fucking awesome. The first time i used them at a concert i thought they were defective, that's how clear the sound is. I just send some to my sister for her birthday so they were on my mind anyway...

By agatha on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 - 11:47 am:

    Yeah, well, you know. That's life. They are sending me to an ear nose and throat specialist to make sure that it's not connected to something else. My ear nerves behind my ear are in great shape, vibrating away, apparently, which is not totally consistent with someone who's got your normal average hearing loss.

    Speaking of which (not), did you send candy, Tiggy?

By agatha on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 - 11:48 am:

    Oh, and wisper, thanks for the plug. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

By wisper on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 - 01:11 pm:


By Spider on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 - 08:50 pm:

    Five herbs/spices I eschew:
    1. Cilantro
    2. Cumin
    3. Dill
    4. Curry
    5. Cilantro

    Five vegetables I eschew:
    1. Raw tomatoes
    2. Green peppers
    3. Okra
    4. Onions by themselves
    5. Beets

    Five recurring features of my dreams:
    1. Teeth falling out
    2. Sentient animals
    3. Invisible creatures choking me
    4. Hiding in a maze
    5. Zombies

    Five Italian words that start with S:
    1. Sanguinario (blood-thirsty)
    2. Sprezzare (to despise)
    3. Scavezzacollo (daredevil)
    4. Sbrigliare (to unbridle, to let loose)
    5. Sogghignare (to sneer)

    Five numbers:
    1. 3
    2. 9
    3. 1
    4. 10
    5. 5

By Dr Pepper on Wednesday, February 6, 2008 - 09:29 pm:

    agatha, how old are you? I am curious. I don't think your going deaf, but probably hearing loss might mean hard of hearing. I know alot of people losing hearing , because of the old age.

By droopy on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 12:21 am:

    five herb/spices i like to chew:
    1. cilantro
    2. mint (with cilantro in a bowl of pho)
    3. basil (with cilantro in a stir-fry)
    4. dill (how can you not like dill?)
    5. horseradish

By Spider on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 01:42 am:

    Dill, like raw tomatoes, tastes ill to me, like a sickness.

By heather on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 03:39 am:

    "probably hearing loss might mean hard of hearing"



    dear agatha, i don't know if that sucks but i imagine it does and i'm sorry. this part of getting old is dumb. i realize that i won't achieve anything that will make me feel better and the bits and pieces i would cling to while younger fall apart. well, saying that certainly won't help anything. i shut up now and listen to droopy and wisper.

By agatha on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 12:07 pm:

    Getting old is indeed dumb. Dr. P, I'm 40. Not too terribly old, but old enough. And not too terribly deaf, but definitely hard of hearing, aka hearing loss, aka deaf for the purposes of being dramatic.

By semillama on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 01:11 pm:

    Last five TV shows I have watched:

    1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 3 Episode 8 (on DVD)
    2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 3 Episode 7 (on DVD)
    3. House, tuesday
    4. Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles, monday
    5. House, after the Super bowl.

    Five most recent additions to the list of birds I've seen:

    1. Little Gull, Niagara Falls
    2. Boreal Chickadee, Upper Peninsula
    3. Gray Jay, Upper Peninsula
    4. Sharp-tailed Grouse, Upper Peninsula
    5. Pygmy Nuthatch, Albuquerque

    Five Mammals I live with:
    1. Kazu
    2. Henry the Pug
    3. Space Ghost the big fluffy gray cat
    4. Seke, the old lady cat
    5. Cleo, the tabby cat

By sarah on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 04:14 pm:

    Five Things I Got Done Today

    1. sorted all the medical bills since i got pregnant last year, because we're getting screwed by insurance (surprise surprise)

    2. called to check on the arrival date of our new couch (wishing now we had bought a cheap one from Rooms To Go or some shit like that).

    3. emailed my coworkers a notification of my return to work next week.

    4. vacuumed the hizouse.

    5. got dressed.

    Five Things I Did With My Daughter Today

    1. took a walk in the stroller.

    2. played "Stand Up! Sit Down!"

    3. played with her on the boogie board tummy mat.

    4. played her favorite Alison Krause CD and sang to her.

    5. rocked her to sleep and held her while she slept instead of trying to put her down for her nap.

By sarah on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 04:15 pm:

    Alison Krauss

By la on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 07:57 pm:

    agatha: moving to portland? yay!
    keep us updated on the ears. wear plugs. keep 'em safe.

    i had an opthamologist tell me about fifteen years ago that i could go blind in my left eye and it hasn't happened yet.... there's hope!

    five things i should be doing right now:
    (1) studying french
    (2) studying chemistry
    (3) sewing costumes
    (4) cleaning my room
    (5) the dishes

By Dr Pepper on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 10:04 pm:

    agatha, I don't meant to say "old" forgive me tho, i don't think your going deaf.

By Dr Pepper on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 10:11 pm:

    Five Mammals I live with:
    1. Kazu
    2. Henry the Pug
    3. Space Ghost the big fluffy gray cat
    4. Seke, the old lady cat
    5. Cleo, the tabby cat

    so, your saying that kazu is mammal? tee-hee
    Also, I know my old truant officer has a dog (pug), looks like as if his dog smashed his face aganist the concrete wall...

By jack 3000 on Thursday, February 7, 2008 - 10:33 pm:

    hahahaha! kazu is mammal!! haha warm blood!

By sarah on Friday, February 8, 2008 - 12:52 am:

    and titties!

By sarah on Friday, February 8, 2008 - 02:05 am:

    five reasons i can't sleep

    1. pissed that my dad is bringing his girlfriend with him to visit next month

    2. extremely anxious about putting my baby in day care

    3. overwhelmed by senor's never ending to do lists

    4. senor's best friend is coming to stay with us for a few days, and i'm embarrassed for senor that he's now got a fat wife (even if it's just temporary)

    5. pain in both my knees

By Spider on Friday, February 8, 2008 - 02:56 am:

    Man, other people's to-do lists that include things you "need" to do? Bite.

    One reason why I'm not in bed yet:
    1. I'm feeling too lazy to:
    a. change into pjs
    b. put water in humidifier
    c. take out contacts
    d. brush teeth
    e. wash face

By Spider on Friday, February 8, 2008 - 02:57 am:

    God, you know you're lazy when you're too lazy to go to bed.


    Goodnight, y'all.