today i wrote an email to a field manager. the field manager wrote an email to my boss's boss, in which he explained that he had never been so insulted in his life. my boss's boss forwarded it to my boss, who wrote an apology to the field manager. 1. it felt like the morale equivelant of a kick in the nuts. 2. i failed to ask my boss if i should never write an email like that again, or if the email was ok and his apology was just a part of the process. 3. i think i am climbing up into the corporate strata beyond where i am comfortable. again. |
regarding #3, i know for a fact that i do not want to climb the chain in my company. i'm now a "yellow belt" (grasshopper) in lean six sigma because the corp decided all employees would be. 2 b 1 ask 1. hey, brother. have you heard the good news? dividends is lord! pass it on. |
bottom rum myths ? |
i'm annoyed on your behalf just reading about shit like that. if you really did fuck up with that email and it's your first offense, a good boss will publicly take your side, then privately speak to you about the matter. but it's really all bullshit anyway. boss is one of those words that if you say a bunch of times in a row sounds like gibberish. |
Yeah, the pay is nice, but the stress? gah. I have to wonder if I would work better in a more developed corporate system, rather than in the make it up as you go along one I am in now. I just don't know. |
no, i don't think i fucked up. the field manager just thinks he is better than me. he wrote me a patronizing email and i responded in a similar tone, retaining the unnecessary cc: list that he created. he said things like: "Your point is well taken and if we were going to stand on principle, I would agree with you 100%" "There are larger issues to consider as well" "So, while I appreciate your point of view, Nate, I'm going to respectfully ask that you reconsider your position." ok, dad, so you know better and you're going to educate me. except, all his larger issues were things i'd taken into consideration. so, i responded with: "The only principle I’m standing on is pragmatism." and went on to explain why all his larger issues weren't actually larger issues, and that the cost v. return of what he was requesting didn't really make sense. fucker. i don't know why i'm babbling about this. i wanted my boss to tell him to go fuck himself. or at least, tell him that if he has a problem with me he should take it up with me. i like my boss. he's generally very good at managing people like me. but he doesn't stand up for our department. we're supposed to be expert in what we do, and yet anyone else has more say. i have a pain in my side, inside. it started off dull and is slowly getting worse. i'm going to the doctor this afternoon to get it checked out. last night i went to sleep with hopes that it would require surgery. just to justify some time away from the world. sick. |
christ. now i'm going to worry about you having apendicitis and being rushed to the hospital and crap like that. if you're worry about jackasses like that, it's time to start looking for a new job. |
must. cut. down. on. caffeine. |
i'm sorry you have to put up with bullshit, nate, but threads like this make me happy that i'm an underachiever. when i went to work yesterday, my boss was training a new employee for the business we're opening next door: a young college girl in a black mini-skirt and a black top with the words "juicy splendor" written in shiny gold lettering over her chest. |
I'm glad you're getting your ouchie looked at. |
Being in management doesn't look or sound very pleasant at all. I'm sorry the field manager is an ass, Nate. Good luck with your doctor adventures. |
juicy splendor. juicy splendor. juicy splendor. |
i asked the doc for a prescription of juicy splendor, but he couldn't do that for me. gas. probably just gas. |
the bs that everyone shares in this job-getting process gives me a stomach-ache. |
droop, maybe i'll move to the metroplex. is juicy splendor guaranteed? |
I had a job interview Friday. Management, of a sort. It'd be at the University. 3-4 student programmers to wrangle. I didn't get much of a feel for my chances of actually getting the job, though. I hate interviews by comittee. I could really go for working somewhere with an indoor temperature of less than 80 degrees, and with an ambient noise level that didn't make me want to throw myself through the window. I wore my suit for the second time. Halloween doesn't count. |
There are actually multitudes of jobs out there.Don't misunderstand me, They may not be jobs I'd prefer, but there ARE jobs that would keep me from starving to death.[alas, they wouldn't keep me in my current lifestyle, but regardless, they are there] I think this has helped me in my work-force.No one fucks with me, they know I simply won't be bothered with hospital BS. I know where the door is, and I won't hesitate to use it.They know this,too. I am definately alot happier since I adopted this attitude. Maybe I just act like I am better than the other workplace morons, and they are intimidated.[I'm not really better,of course] But if they are tricked into thinking so, I become a valuable commodity. So far this strategy has worked. Nobody messes with me, and when I walk out the door from work, I don't think about it, untill I walk back in. He he, that positive attitude fools them every time. |
on a similar note, after nearly 6 years, i gave notice today. 2-2.5 months' notice, but notice regardless. it feels good. |
that would be a bad day at work. |
or something. i'm a pop culture retard. though in my convelescence i've become addicted to joan of arcadia. today is day 11 of fever. i'm beginning to doubt the doctor's prognosis on my side pain. i'll see him again today for a different set of HMO lies. still looking for juicy splendor. |
i'm not a doctor, which makes me hesitate to assert myself with the man. but i figure that if you don't know the cause of a 11 day fever (now 12 day), you should probably narrow it down before prescribing a fix. |
today at work my boss came in with a box from an auction - one of those boxes of mystery items with some general title (wood items) that you see at auctions. She left it with me and told me to look through it to see if there's anything interesting in it. there was. two were two small (4'') wooden statues of two men - one looked kind of african, the other kind of asian - peeing standing up. except where the urine was supposed to come out, there was a corkscrew. The other was a bottle opener in the shape of this naked wild man wearing a barrel over the lower part of his body. when you pick it up, the barrel lifts up and and exposes a huge, spring loaded penis, testicles dangling from string, all in a patch of black hair. i told mickie i'd take them off her hands. i came across an interesting guy coming home today. i live downtown, and when i get to the downtown bus station i roll myself the rest of the way home, which is several blocks. Anyway, when i got to the jones & 6th intersection, there was a guy on the other side of the street (the side i would be crossing to) sitting on the corner with a huge boom box. he was black, had a pointy beard, sunglasses, no shirt. he was sitting with his back resting against a telephone pole facing the 6th st. traffic. marvin gaye's "what's goin' on?" was blasting full volume from his boom box; in fact, before i saw him, i though that there was a festival going on somewhere. when the light changed, i crossed over to where he was. i smiled and said "hello". he struck me as the kind of guy who'd give me a hearty greeting and call me "brother" or something. but he barely acknowledged me except to move some stuff out of my way and go back to watching the street. he didn't even ask me what was goin' on. |
He should loose his Marvin Gaye listening privileges. And,he should have to move to a less trafficked corner. |
If it is an incarcerated hernia, it is life threating. Please be insistent with him, or get another opinion.Maybe even a trip to an ER if necessary.Good luck. |
jeeezis H CHRIST nate. i'm not a doctor, but i can pretty much tell you that you probably have a spleen infection. fever. pain in your side... DUH. run back in there yelling MY SPLEEN! MY SPLEEN! fucking idiot doctors. |
Good times for all. |
i went back today and got a new doctor. he renewed my faith in this commune medicine system. he is really good, asked a lot of questions, took 5 phials of blood and two urine tests. i have lube drooling out of my ass right now. that wasn't my favorite part of the exam. though now i know what it feels like to have my prostate pointed at. "this is your prostate!" "no sir, that's your finger in my ass." he said he's worried about me and that the other doctor was wrong. the nurses were unusually nice to me. i almost fainted in line at the lab. i haven't eaten much in the past two days. i'm dehydrated. it's not a hernia. it might be other things. if symptoms are worse tomorrow i should come in and he would fit me in, or i should go to the ER. if i start vomiting i should go to the ER. i just ripped a lube fart into my calvin kleins. |
Don't know that he can rule out an strangulated/incarcerated hernia without un upper and lower GI test. Its when a small portion of intestine protrudes thru a weakness in the abdominal wall, and if the blood supply is cut off to that small area of intestine,that part dies,becomes gangrenous, and makes you very ill. But this new Dr. sounds like he is on top of the situation,so it sounds like you are in good hands. Sorry about your jeans, but on the upside,if you farted,things are passing thru your colon,and thats a good sign :) |
this worries me greatly. |
dear senor invincible, how are you feeling today? any health update? i still worry. |
tests returned a slightly inflamed liver, high white blood cell count, and blood in the urine. i'm returning tomorrow for another exam with the doctor. my super dose of unnecessary antibiotics has caused a nice case of thrush. i'm pretty pissed off about that. my fever is down. or it was, it usually picks up this time of day. but i was just about normal this morning when i had the strange hallucinations with all the kittens. |
how many kittens? what does a high white blood cell count mean? please report tomorrow after you see the doctor. what a pisser. |
lots of kittens. it was more like being on acid than my "normal" hallucinations. there were kitten baseball bats hanging in my closet. like a genetic cross between a kitten and a baseball bat. also, kittens blooming from the top of my bedside lamps. forming like fountains but then staying static like feather plumes. lots of patterns, like an acid trip. patterns made of kittens. the kitten plumes from my lamp had a clear and consistant geometry. every kitten was identical. so many kittens. |
One of the feral cats my landlords insist on feeding had kittens, and now there are two little black kittens downstairs. They are pretty cute, I must admit. Now if I only I can catch the third one which is still running around somewhere... |
Soon, my sweet. |
not that you have anything to worry about. i'll shut up now. |
actually, my biggest non-rational worry about this whole thing had something to do with you. given the oysters i ate the night before i came down with this, i was thinking parasite. in the nights of the worst ab pain, i had these thoughts of a whole snarled mess of mud shrimp gurgling in my gut. |
and a chance of hep! "when will i get better?" "who knows?! but all you can do is ride it out!" |
But I've heard inflammation of the liver is common with mono. Your liver enzymes might be elevated because you're sick. I like how doctors often leave things like that vague. It sounds like yours isn't a very good one. |
but he came out of it. i'm told the first thing he did after waking up was he tried to grab a nurse's ass. that's the spirit! while in the hospital, he missed a meeting with a parole officer. i went with my brother to talk with his doctor about getting some kind of release for his missing that meeting. the doctor told us the best thing for my dad was to get him back into prison, where his access to drugs would be limited and his access to medical care would be better than if he were free. he refused to sign any waiver for missing parole meeting. dad spent another year and a half in prison. hep c finally did him in about 4 months after his release. |
Sorry Dave. |
mono is so super sucky. sorry nate. i'm just glad it's not something worse. dave, that is so super sucky about your dad, too. |