America bombs Lebanon,via Scotland The Stalking Post: America bombs Lebanon,via Scotland
By V on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 07:11 pm:

    America sent hugh amounts of bombs to Isreal via Scotland today,they ("sort of got waved through customs some how,seeing as it was from the U.S.A.")...I just find it amusing,and allthough v is not Jewish,I am allways pro-Jew.

By Nate on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 08:30 pm:

    1. israel invades lebanon. hezbollah is formed to fight the aggressor. the war lasts 18 years.

    2. israel captures and detains three lebanese soldiers.

    3. lebanon captures to israeli soliders and offers to trade them for the three lebanese.

    4. israel sends a rescue mission into lebanon to retrieve the soliders. hezbollah hands israel their ass, killing eight soldiers. one hezbollah and two lebanese civilians are also killed. the soldiers are not recovered.

    5. israel starts bombing campaigns in lebanon. they strike numerous civilian targets, in blatant violation of international law.

    6. hezbollah responds by launching rockets into israel. the world is surprised by how far hezbollah rockets can go.

    7. israel escalates the war, captures a lebanese city, destroys infrastructure, kills mostly civilians.

    Q: why are arabs so antisemitical?
    Q: doesn't israel have the right to defend itself?
    Q: don't the jews deserve a homeland?

By V on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 - 10:16 pm:

    Nate,a Q for you,if you were born Jewish,would you die for Israel and your own people?...understand you are covered in all directions by Muslims that wish you to be exterminated for ever from this planet,its the present situation,is it not? your opinion? v states I am pro Jew,yet not Jewish....Nate,it goes back 85 years,the only people that gave my Grandparents a job were Jews,as we were "forign bastards",and could not speak English.

By droopy on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 01:10 am:

    there was almost a fight as i rode home on the bus this evening. some guy (who looked in his mid-sixties) said "Albertson's" (the grocery chain) in conversation and another guy (also in his sixties, wearing a bandana and carrying a satchel) thought the other guy had said "Albert" (apparently his name) and started saying "I'm not your man! I'm not your man!" to the other guy. the other guy took offense this misunderstanding and, after a couple of half-assed attempts to explain, told bandana guy, repeatedly, to shut the fuck up. eventually the bus driver - 72 year old mr pruitt - stopped the bus, walked into the aisle, and told them both so shut up or he'd call the police. bandana guy left at the next stop. later on the other guy loudly declared that the next time he sees that other guy he'd beat him up, the hippy bastard.

By Nate on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 01:22 am:

    V, if you were born an arab and you saw israel trying to exterminate the palestinians, would you not fight for your people?

    what if i came into your house and told you my grandma used to live there and now my cousins were going to take over your bedroom and make you sleep in the tub?

    the only argument left for pro-israelis is to just call anyone who disagrees an antisemite.

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 03:12 pm:

    [1]I would have thought the Jews would have behaved in a more civilized manner.I am highly surprised in their behavior.

    The warring behavior is expected from the Lebonese and the Palestianians. It seems most mid-east factions stay with the warring mentality.[sadly]

    I reiterate: I am highly disappointed in the Jews uncivilized behavior. I guess this is a prime example of "monkey-see-monkey-do". "When in Rome", etc. I guess it just goes to show, what an important factor peer pressure is. The Jews are more highly educated,and have access to news media,[unlike many of the mid-east countries],so should not have propaganda instilled into their minds.THEY have the option of free-thinking.

    We have all heard from our parents, at one time or another, "If so and so jumped off a bridge, would you jump, too?!?!" Well, apparently, the Jews decided to jump. Insead of using their educated minds.

    [2]Who would have ever thought that Hezoballah would have been voted in.[I guess they just finally had enough]

    [3]This is an example of another poorly thought out plan. Obviously, there was minimal fore thought given, when Israel was created. Apparently, no one had enough sense to realize that the Jews would propagate, and then require more space, to accomodate their growing numbers.
    Just consider, if the Jews had originally been given the next town over from you, and then, one day, were trying to take YOUR property. You'd fight to maintain your land. It's human nature.

    [4]This is a no win situation.

    But I maintain, that I am highly dissapointed in the Jews warring attitude.

By patrick on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 03:36 pm:

    "The warring behavior is expected from the Lebonese and the Palestianians."

    totally take offense to that. Yu must distinquish from Lebanese and Hezbollah. The people of Palestine has been occupied, abused, tortured and victims for decades.

    As Israel continues to bomb Lebanon, occupy Palestine, they must accect their culpability in breeding entire generations that see them as the enemy. Its not because Lebanese or Palestinians are born more 'warring'. Im not even sure wtf that means.

    We should also realize, that when this kind of shit happens, its not unplanned. The US knew what Israel was going to do before it did it. It was calculated. Moreover, Hezbollah, when they made incursions into Israel to capture a few soldiers, they knew what they were doing, adn were aware of the response. There are people in this world that make war their life, their business. Smart, scary people like Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice and so on.

    This shit just didnt happen, it was planned, to a degree by both sides.

    Destabilization in fact equals control as backwardss as it sounds. Under the guise of defense, Israel takes control. The US is a part of that equation and in fact, the US is fighting this quasi battle under the guise of the war against terror.

    Israel is out of fucking control, a creator of total and large scale terror and should be fucking stopped.

    Go watch Kevin Sites In The Hot Zone daily video from Lebanon. Watch the video yesterday just moments after Israel clusterfucked an entire city block in Tyre and talk to me about 'warring Lebanese'.

    fuck that. im anger and outraged and I live in comfortable los angeles. If i lived anywhere near where israel is perpetuating these crimes against humanity, i cant safe for sure I wouldnt take up arms against them.

    if the young and uncoordinated factions in Iraq give the might US army fits, imagine what a well organized, well armed and well funded Hezbollah can do to Israel?

By patrick on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 03:46 pm:

By Nate on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 04:26 pm:

    the arabs invented math as we know it. they are well educated. they aren't barbarians.

    let's differentiate jews from israelis. the problem here is the israelis. they treat palestinians inhumanely. they are the squirmy little bully that only acts that way because he has huge brothers.

    i think our media is just as fucked up as the arab media. certainly as the israeli media. media has become fucked up.

    it isn't about a homeland for the jews. not anymore. it is about a rogue nation increasing instability in the region, in violation of international law.

    which it has been in violation of for over forty years.

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 05:41 pm:

    We're on the same page here.But, I do disagree, on the education and media views. En masse, the majority do not have access to educational tools, as we do here. Nor, does the average Joe have a home computer, nor do they have the opportunity, when lacking a home computer, to trot on down to the local library, and get online, and do some research and see for themselves what the hell is going on in the world.

    Which is something we have here.Aggreably, our media is tainted, BUT, we have the ability to do our own research, and form our own opinions about world matters.And of course, sadly, most don't take advantage of this right, and tend swallow hook line and sinker, whatever our government decides we should "think". But the point is, we have the ability to check for ourselves.

    And yes, and I realize that this is a broad generalization, but mid eastern counties do tend to have a warring mentality. This is and has been their way of life. For example, you don't see North Carolina taking up arms against South Caolina, nor Holland bombing the fuck out of Norway.This is an educational/cultural difference.Oh, and by the way,THEY have access to educational tools.Where you accuse me of thinking of Arabs as "barbaric", I defer to a completely different mindset, where warring is accepted .This is and has been part of their culture.[and yes it sucks]

    I think we all know who the "huge brothers" you refer to are.It is despicable, and it has been going on for a VERY long time.I don't know what the answer is,and I am as appalled and as ashamed as you.We ALWAYS have ulterior motives.And its shameful that most Americans don't realize this, but I think they are too busy living their fat American lives to take time to understand our part in this.AND, as we don't have bombs bursting all around us and our friends and loved ones being tortured and subjugated,to bring this reality home to us.

    As I said earlier, I am very disheartend about Israels behavior. They know better. THATS was disturbs me the most.When you have KNOWLEDGE and willing choose to ignore it, there is no greater crime.

    Now, I'll get off my soap box.

By patrick on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 05:48 pm:

    there is absolutely no basis to this concept that individuals in the middle east are more prone to war than any other culture.

    seriously, thats just insane and totally fuckin biased.

    Couldn't you say sub-Saharan African nations are "more warring" or what about the Balkans? There's been unrest in those regions of the world for years.

    Man, regardless of where they are born want the same things.....peace, liberty, freedom, family, education.

    And if you are still stuck with this insane idea, consider Israel's role in the instability in the middle east for the last 60 years.

By kazu on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 05:52 pm:

    The literacy rates in Lebanon are pretty high.

By Nate on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 06:52 pm:

    arabs under the ottoman empire were stable and very tolerant of jews for three times as long as the US has been in business.

    israel has been a warlike nation ever since it was started (and armed).

    islam is a religion that preaches peace and holds war as acceptible only when oppressed. israel has been holding the palestinians in brutal oppression for fifty years.

    i don't get it. arabs and jews coexist in peace for hundreds of years under arab rule. arabs and jews are in near constant battle in 50 years of israeli rule.

By Nate on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 07:30 pm:

    bullshit article, but it is amusing how they refer to dr. rice as "miss rice".

By V on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 08:01 pm:

    ...Look,I cant give an answer,but in 1948 the Jews were given a strip of desert no one else wanted,no oil,nothing,about 6 million Jews now live in Israel,about the same amount that were gassed by the Germans.My place,Lithuania, was home to hundreds of thousands of Jews,now we have a few hundred left that moved back in after the war,all I state is a Jew must allways have a place to call his home.,they have been treated badly for the last 2000 years.I do,though,agree with you all,that Israel has gone just a tad too far,but I do know that Israel wants a huge buffer zone,like,too far for an I.C.B.M. nuke missile to reach.,that may be the bottom line.

By Nate on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 08:14 pm:

    there were palestinians living there, v. now israel controls the water. subjects the palestinians to hell.

By V on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 08:25 pm:

    Nate,yes,for the time being,but its not over yet,how do you see the out come?

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 08:49 pm:

    Regardless of our differing opinions concerning access to educational materials and tendency/
    tolerence of warring behavior, the sad truth is how horrid it is for all peoples living in these regions.It's hard to concieve of feeling that much hatred.

    I can't begin to imagine how terrifying it must be to have bombs going off all the time. Never knowing if your loved ones will make it home, never knowing if your child will be coming home from school or the market or even just outside playing.

    Virtually all religions preach peace. But never have such horrors been committed as in the name of God or whichever supreme being as one endorses.

    Its just so very sad, that people have to live under such cicumstances.And,it makes me ashamed, with America's support of Israel.And fearful, very very fearful.

    And Patrick, I've never denied that I'm insane, quite frankly,generally speaking, thats why I'm able to enjoy life, and be able to laugh at others,and appreciate their silliness.

    As for being biased, you damn straight I am. I want them to stop blowing each other up. I don't care who's right or wrong, I want them to stop. Stop hurting each other.Stop terrifying the children.

By Nate on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 08:58 pm:

    "But never have such horrors been committed as in the name of God or whichever supreme being as one endorses"


    even the people of moses had to kick someone out when they first claimed israel.

By Czarina on Thursday, July 27, 2006 - 09:17 pm:

    Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was referring to ALL atrocities performed in the name of a supreme being.
    No matter what people call their "god", he/she is invariably "all loving".So I think it is just dandy that people can commit such horrors in the name of this all loving being,

    You gotta love that mentality.

By Rowlfe on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 05:39 am:

    "the only argument left for pro-israelis is to just call anyone who disagrees an antisemite. "

    if you even suggest to some people that its a grey area and that both sides have done wrong, the 'antisemite' tag will come flying.

    I remember when Rachel Corrie was run over by a tank, and newspaper cartoonists were depicting her as some dumb terrorist defender, I was appalled, and expressed so. Out came the 'antisemite' tag. bah. but oh well - as far as this current conflict goes - i havent been following it very closely to tell you the truth, but i have nothing positive or supportive to say about Israel right now

By droopy on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 01:16 pm:

    arabs are semites. the problem they have with israel isn't really about jewishness, it's about westernization. and it doesn't go back to 1948, it goes back to 1917. and it's mostly britain's fault.

By semillama on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 01:59 pm:

    Pretty much the entire middle eastern conflagration is Britain's fault, with US intervention stirring the pot beginning in the 1950s.

    Hey, rowlfe, long time no see. What do you think of the new SYL?

By droopy on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 02:31 pm:

    in 1956 eisenhower actually stopped britain, france, and israel from invading egypt over the suez canal. this marks the official point when america took the front seat and europe to the back in all of this.

    they don't make republicans like they used to.

By Rowlfe on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 03:38 pm:

    "Hey, rowlfe, long time no see. What do you think of the new SYL?"

    listened to it twice, still coming to a decision. i dont know if i like it as much as "Alien", and definitely not as much as "City", but good. Strange that they finally caved and made a studio version of "far beyond metal" though.

    as for Eisenhower

    no, they really don't make Republicans like they used to.

By droopy on Friday, July 28, 2006 - 04:10 pm:

    true. the real reason eisenhower stopped the suez things because it was a trumped-up war that probably would've fucked things up regionally with what he felt were bigger problems: the soviet union. but that was the cold war era and the u.s. was obliged to be in the role of superpower for freedom. 1961 was eisenhower's last year as president. who carried out the ideas set forth in that speech? it had to have been kennedy and lbj.

    maybe they really make 'em all alike.

By Jim aka Pajama on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 08:25 am:

    I find it interesting that while W is "fighting the war on terror," that as always, regardless of the administration, this country continues to sponsor terrorism by supporting Israel.

    God wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't destroy the world with water again. He's leaving it up to us to fucking obliterate everyone with fire.

    All in the name of religion, whether it be god, allah, muhammed. Holy War. The most unexplainable oxymoron.

    And Rowlfe... I couldn't agree with you more on the antisemite accusations.

    Now let's see what happens when W sends Miss Rice back to the Middle East today. I wonder if she'll play a piano solo and make everything better.


By V on Saturday, July 29, 2006 - 11:21 pm:

    droopy,in 1917,my Granparents still had 2 huge farms on the Russian/Lithuanian border,untill the Russians gave our land to the people of Russia,at gunpoint.,so I trust you dont blame v,s people for what the English may have done.