So easy to make money The Stalking Post: So easy to make money
By V on Sunday, September 17, 2006 - 08:14 pm:

    I do bets,my idea is for "Goliath to beat David",the big guy beats the small guy 9 out of 10 times and you can do that on most sporting bets,v has no reason to bullshit.I am up 1000% in 2 weeks,and you recall that stock market tip v I gave y,all 2 years back,well thats up 400%,I like to think all you fine Sorabjis now have more money than you shake a stick at.Just an observation,if you take more than 50,000$ from a web betting site,you WILL get shut down by ALL the net bet sites,in fact we have a guy in London,made 800,000$ in one year,the way I see it,he now has to change his name and web address,or join a Chinese betting sindicate.,them guys bet in millions.