the past 150 years or so is the span where we saw a sudden upswing in warming. scientists say there is overwhelming evidence that man is causing global warming by emitting certain gases into the atmosphere. but it seems to me there are other potential explanations. mainly, earth's magnetic field, which has decreased 10% in the same time period. decreasing the magnetic field should increase temperatures on earth, shouldn't it? i have to assume there is a culture of fear on both sides of this issue. government scientists can't side with the global warming people, non-government scientists probably have trouble being taken seriously if they try to publish non-human caused global warming research. i dunno. clearly. |
fuck all. plus, someone dumped some eyeshadow on one of my throw pillows, and i can't get the fucking shit out. not to mention, i hurt my ass playing wii bowling. |
maybe some economics minded person can explain the benefit of kyoto. it seems like it is all about shuffling the energy-consuming production of things, stuff, etc., to third-world countries and less energy-efficient, more highly polluting methods. it's not like kyoto does anything to combat the demand for products. |
we are only trying to protect ourselves anyway i am not sure we are worth protecting the world doesn't care the world is fine with change it rolls like that |
The whole Climate Change issue is so politicized. Everyone's got some reason to want to believe what they believe. I'll admit that the right-wing oil-company insistence that everything is fine makes believing in human-caused climate change more attractive. |
i was just reading that the canadians (under pm stephen harper) are about to pull out (or have already, i can't remember) of their kyoto protocol commitment. |
The power division in this system is both the strength and the weakness :( But they're making a new plan! a "Made In Canada" plan! Harper and all his conservatives suck Alberta's cock, their priorities are with the money and the oil. |
i don't know where the flying dreams thread is but this is one of the coolest things i've ever seen. click play then pause it to let it buffer for about 20 minutes. this is pilot porn. end tangent. |
40oz of apple juice and a pot of tea have made for local emissions causing environmental havoc. end tangent |
tangent tom yum pleasure end tangent |
i've only recently begun to consider that the effects of industrialization might be a real contributor to the speeding up of a pre-existing, cyclical global warming trend. for the record i must state that this consideration has absolutely nothing to do with watching An Inconvenient Truth, which i thought was mostly a pile of regurgitated horseshit. heretofore i could barely contain my rage whenever someone would rant about global warming and emissions and fossil fuels and CO2 and overpopulation recycling alternative energies save the earth BLAH BLAH FUCKING BLAH. even if global warming is happening faster than it was going to happen anyway, we may be able to slow it down a bit, but it's just a matter of time either way. like heather said: the world doesn't care the world is fine with change it rolls like that it's not Save the Earth, it's Save The Human Species. other species have gone extinct due to natural causes. what makes human-expedited global warming, real or imagined, unnatural? on the other hand, is there anything left about human existence that is natural? the only people on this planet who know what it really means to be human are the few remaining indigenous tribes untouched by "westernization". like the Jarawa tribe on the island in the Indian Ocean who survived the 2004 tsunami, while the rest of the "modern" world surrounding that area was completely demolished. the Jarawa ancient knowledge of the movement of wind, sea, and birds saved the indigenous tribe from the tsunami. they used cues from nature combined with handed-down lore to deduce that something wasn't right, that "the gods were angry", so they moved up the mountain on their island. they didn't need a warning system with horns and emergency broadcast systems. they didn't need SUVs, computers, scientific research, or processed cheese food to survive. all they have are loin cloths and arrows for hunting and fishing and huts and boats made from local natural resources. that is what it means to be human. to use your body to live and survive in nature, not overriding nature. to die of disease or natural causes. there's just birth, life, and death. i suspect that if the world does come to an end as we know it because of global warming, and anyone can survive, it will be these kinds of people. those who still live like humans. that said, i'm totally in favor of developing and implementing a new sustainable paradigm for living - even if this means giving up cars and boats and planes or spending money on alternative energy resources. whatever it takes. and i try my best to live responsibly now, to conserve, recycle. but even if everyone on the planet lived responsibly and sustainably, i suspect it wouldn't make enough of a difference in the long run. happy new year. |
it ain't a hospitable place. |
And sarah, I hope you see the paradox of spouting luddite horse shit on an internet message board. Maybe ya'll are OK with the possibility of human society being destroyed. Personally I'm not. Look, global warming deniers first started yelling, "It's not getting warmer! It's not getting warmer!" Now you grudgingly admit that it is. So you're on to, "It's not our fault! It's not our fault!" One of these days you'll say, "OK, maybe it's our fault." That's why I'm tired of arguing this. The climate will eventually win the argument for me. |
i think i was. i also remember making the comment that humanity was god's gift to maggots. anyway-- happy new year, maggotfood. the good lord loves the flies. keep flying. |
fall in love. make children. feed them well-- nurture what's good. let's fight. let's fight to save ourselves. |
When the climate collapses, I don't think loin cloths will be the answer to survival. The humans you mentioned aren't known for their adaptability. |
it's not defeatist. it's just science. or nature. what i'm saying is - with or without our help, the planet will continue to get warmer and warmer, and our species may go extinct because of it. the only argument to have is whether or not we can do anything to slow it down. it is my opinion that humans have the ability to slow it down, but slow it down enough to discover new ways to adapt? but at whatever rate, it's going to continue to get warmer. hot. cold. hot. cold. hot. cold. for billions of years, long before humans were part of the equation. the end. |
I'm all for it. We're running out of options. And the indigenous tribes with all the mad survival skills also happen to be the ones in the areas likeliest to be most effected by climate change (pacific islanders, artic specialists, rain forest tribes, african savannah dwellers). |