This happened several weeks ago (before the recall) and I hear that Menu Foods is still expanding the recall and tainted food may still be on the shelves. It pisses me off. I try to be careful about what I feed them, but I have to rely on the regulatory agencies to do their jobs. USDA has a pattern of failures: first it was the spinach and lettuce, then peanut butter (which I also had in my cupboard), now the pet food. They never seem to know there's a problem until after people and pets start dropping. And don't get me started on the corporate culpability. The retailer where I bought my pet food pulled it off the shelves, but didn't mention a thing about refunds or who to contact about compensation for vet bills. Jerks. |
i've also been eating peanut butter sandwiches and spincach salads (not necessarily at the same meal) and yet i live. i want to be able to go back to eating raw eggs. there have been periods of my life where my only breakfasts were prairie oysters. |
what about just feeding them dry food instead of canned? |
I eat raw eggs all the time. In egg nog, raw cookie dough...undercooked poached eggs on whole wheat toast...I like to live dangerously with my CSA box eggs. |
100 mile diet it's difficult to know where your (or your pets) food comes from. i started trying to buy more local produce.... which isn't much, but it's a start. |
We're all going to have to start growing our own food. |
We've been feeding it to the pregnant, stray mongrel that keeps lurking outside, but she seems just fine (and due to pop any time now). She appears to be in perfect health. |