thanksgiving The Stalking Post: thanksgiving
By Nate on Friday, November 23, 2007 - 05:55 pm:

    the four kids, age 2 through 9, are putting on a vaudevillian show for the adults. they go through their prepared material and then keep the show going by improv.

    my niece tells the joke: "what do you call a dinosaur with a lot of money? a dimeosaurus"

    my nephew, drawing on her success, makes up a joke on the fly:

    what do you call a chicken with a lot of money?
    a.. DICK!

    (maybe dime+chick?)

    the adults lose it. he continues:


    go kids!

    i hope all you americans spent time with the people you love. i hope you other people did too, even if it isn't thanksgiving.

By J on Saturday, April 5, 2008 - 01:36 am:

    You would be such a good dad Nate,I love you:) Stay gold.