Torchwood,Children of the Earth The Stalking Post: Torchwood,Children of the Earth
By J on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 12:35 pm:

    Did anyone see this on the BBC America tv?
    I guess it's a spinoff of Dr. Who,which I've never really watched and now wish I had.
    Anyway I really got into it and the hero Captain Jack who was gay in a very real and touching way and he was VERY manly.
    I just thought that was so refreshing to see on tv thse days.

    Turns out the hot,hot,man who played Captain Jack's name is John Barrowman a very openly gay man and I find that refreshing too.
    Anyway if you get a chance to see it,it was enjoyable.

    Oh I keep forgetting to mention,did you know Elvis Costello has his very own show on the Sundance channel called Spectacle?

By droopy on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 02:19 pm:

    every so often i'll catch an episode of dr. who on pbs. i remember seeing the episode where they introduced the captain jack character and a couple of the subsequent ones. he kissed dr. who on the mouth once, but that was about it.

    i haven't been impressed with dr. who since the halcyon days of tom baker. i read an article from some british magazine about the poor state of british sci-fi. i notice that when people mention captain jack, it's always about the openly gay thing and not whether the show itself is any good.

    i think i'd rather watch gay porn.

By J on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 02:43 pm:

    I actually thought the show was really good,I just couldn't get over the fact that Captain Jack was gay and very believable as the hero and not the unfortunately typical gay stereotype.
    I also liked the none too subtle message that you can't trust the goverment.

By Mulder dssss on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 - 06:45 pm:

    Just the British government or....

    I missed the special but like watching Dr Who when it rolls around on direct tv. Even they raised their rates and include bogus fees (like the phone company does).

    Can no one be trusted?

By Antigone on Thursday, July 30, 2009 - 01:50 am:

    I watched most of it. I haven't watched Torchwood much, so I wasn't aware of how much they were pushing the boundaries with the Captain Jack character. The ending of the Children of Earth arc was particularly good. It drove home the "I've been alive forever and you just don't understand my morality" point in a way I've never seen on television.