This Bloody Cold *wheeze* What is your definition of hell?: This Bloody Cold *wheeze*
By CarrieAnn on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 08:48 am:
    Yes, I have a cold. (For those of you who haven't figured it out yet from previous posts, lately. *grin*) Heh, I normally don't complain about stuff, but dammit this is getting annoying. *snarl* I'm taking every medicine I can think of (not all at once, hrmm.. there's an idea), -trying- to get sleep but to no avail. I can't stop coughing long enough or unplug my head enough to breathe to lay down & catch any Zzzzzz's. (Try to hide your envy, the feeling will pass.) I've had the cold for about a week 1/2 to 2 wks now and I think it's going away, but it sure is taking its sweet time. I'm in one of my favorite stages - the hacking, wheezing, spasmatic coughing... you know, where you hack so hard it makes you gag and your back eventually starts to hurt. My nose can't seem to make up its mind either, so I have to keep a constant supply of kleenex on hand. Nothing worse than a big juicy sneeze sneaking up on you, while you're talking to someone. My voice keeps coming and going as well. I'll be having conversation with someone and it will lower about 2 octaves mid-sentance. Makes me sound like an 80 year old crack whore. Almost sexy in a frighteningly twisted sorta way.

    So right now, this is -my- hell. Guess it's time to break out the nurses costume from the closet and call up whipping boy (aka my boyfriend) again. If anyone has any sure-fire cures for a cold as such, please please pleeeeeeeease show some compassion and post them. Thanks.

    *staggers off to the medicine cabinet in a daze....*

By Nate on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 02:18 pm:
    Jeez that sounds shitty. I wish I could relate... but I can't... I just don't seem to get sick.

    Drink a bottle of robotussin. All at once. I hear that cures anything.

By Dave on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 06:00 pm:
    I'll take a head cold over that nasty stomach flu I had a couple weeks ago. I had the butt gravy, horrible cramps, the chills, my fucking fingers went numb, and I felt like I'd been kicked in the stomach for two days after the other symptoms went away. That was wretched.

By Pete on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 06:04 pm:
    Long, hot showers with the door closed to keep the steam in might help with the breathing problem, if you're feeling congested that is.

By Chez ass on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 06:32 pm:
    butt gravy?

By Christopher on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 07:37 pm:
    Wait a second. Take some echinacea, take a deep breath, and tell us again about the nurses costume and your boyfriend.

By Markus on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 08:07 pm:
    I don't think there ARE any 80 year old crack whores, just by the nature of the thing.....

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 09:11 pm:
    Hot Showers... Door kept closed... OOoooooh (homer simpson drool)

By Habercroix on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 12:33 am:
    Have you tried Coldeez? I don't know if they actually work but the zinc leaves such a nasty, unfamiliar taste in your mouth that it takes your mind off of your symptoms. The orange flavored lozenges are especially horrible.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 07:53 am:
    Coldeez does work wonders. Surprisingly. I had forgotten about that stuff. I hear cherry is the best "flavor" (or flavour, for our Non-American friends).

By R.C. on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 08:58 pm:
    Coldeeze doesn't do squat when you're 2 wks. into a bad head cold. Sorry for you CarrieAnn (Blindswine rented the caddy & was leaving tomorrow to pick you up, but...). You're on the road to recovery/so all I can recommend at this stage is lots of spicy food & drink (cayenne pepper has lots of Vit. C & acts an a natural demuclent) & hot tea with cognac & lemon to cut the phlegm. If you got any high-grade hash or pot you've been saving for a special event/ break it out & smoke it now. The head will help you sleep. Your exhaustion is probably what made the cold hang on for so long. Poor ba-by!

By Paul Harvey on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 11:15 pm:
    Got a cold...Get SNOT-B-GONE by frythegall. Just a few drops of the nitric acid fluid in each nasal passage will rid you of any unwanted flem, mucus, or boogers. You can feel it start working immediatly as your brain seems to melt in your skull. Then when the burning sensation subsides just blow your nose for the last time!

    Here is what a few SNOT-B-GONE consumers have to say!

    "I use nothing but SNOT-B-GONE for my stuffy nose." -James Belushi

    "My kids love it, Plus they haven't said a word or moved, for that matter, since I gave it to them three weeks ago!" -Al Bundy

By CarrieAnn on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 12:04 am:
    Hey there. I'm not dead..... yet. :p Heh. Awww, you guys love me, you really really love me. *tears of joy*.... *pause for effect*

    Thanks for all the suggestions, I'll have to look into a couple if this thing isn't gone by early next week. I have a concert to go to tommorow (lollaPLUza - take off on lollapalooza, but held in Tacoma, WA at Pacific Lutheran University.. oh, an I made a web page for it... you can find it by going to and typing in 'lollapluza' or at , same thing... also linked from the May events calendar. The page addy is - Check it out and tell me what you think. I made it/all the graphics, a couple nights back in one of my all-nighter drugged states. K, 'nuff bout that. Won't plug it anymore. ;)

    So far what's worked best for me is this cough stuff called 'Delsyum' & some Excedrin PM. Course I'm not coherant or much good for anything, but hey, least I'm not coughing. (Cuz I'm passed out! :p)

    Butt gravy, eh Dave? Man, that's shitty. *grin*

    Yeah, been doing the steamy showers thing. We used to have a humidifier that my mom would put in our room at night, when we had a cold. She'd fill it with water, turn it on and close the doors tight and the steam would help clear our heads by morning. She lent it to someone awhile back, wish I had it now. Then there was that little suction bubble thing she would shove up our noses and squeeze and it would suck the snot right out of it's hiding place. I remember dreading that thing. Never really thought about it, but I bet the inside of it looked really pretty after all those years. I mean, you can only clean it out -so- much.

    Anyway, gonna go take some more meds and then go pick up the pizza my bf (you know him better as 'whipping boy' - and don't ask about the nurses costume, it's too steamy to go into here *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*) just ordered. Least I can eat solids again. Was sticking to popsicles, pudding, baby food (num) and applesauce for awhile there.

    Thanks again, guys! Take care.

By Christopher on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 05:09 pm:
    Hey Carrieann,

    Do you know what the difference is between an oral thermometer and an anal thermometer?

    The Taste!!!

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 08:22 pm:
    LOL.. um Christopher... will you marry me?

By Dave on Saturday, May 9, 1998 - 11:01 pm:
    Carrie Ann, shitty doesn't even come close to describing it. That stuff was utterly un-shitlike. Ass vomiting is more like it. It even smelled like vomit. Thank whatever that you have been blessed with a mere head and chest flu. Even whooping cough would be preferable.

    PLU, huh? I wasted 3 years at Keithley JH and 3 more at Washington HS which are right next door to PLU. Small world.

By CarrieAnn on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 06:41 am:
    Oh my. Sounds like lots of fun, Dave. ;p Sounds painfully familiar to something I had awhile back. *shudder* Yay, my cold is -almost- gone now. In its final stage. I cough maybe once every 5 or 10 minutes. Keep in mind, its one hardcore hack of lungbutter, but fading nonetheless. :c)

    Yeppers, PLU. Definitely a small world. Well, arent you the one who said you have an Aunt who lives here in University Place though? *tries to remember* Anyway... LollaPLUza was great! Least in my humble opinion. I know I had a fun time. :c) Skanked to some great SKA music (the dancing is called skanking, in case you're wondering, hehe), got kicked in the head by people crowd surfing, groped and rubbed against by drunken fools (and thats just the people I went with! *grin*), caught a concert T-shirt thrown by Engine 54 (great Ska band), got sprayed with pop by some little punk (who later got beat down by my boyfriend and another guy friend . wOo heh), and took lots of pics, which I'll scan soon and put up for everyone to see. So overall, despite how I just described it.. I had a blast! Heh. But I'm weird like that. ;)

By PetRock on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 01:37 pm:
    Should be called lollaFLUza....hehehe

    (Wonder how many people are now waking up with CarrieAnn's evil cold? Oh my....)

By CarrieAnn on Monday, May 11, 1998 - 08:50 pm:
    Well, at least 3 or 4 people. I nicely shared my Lemonade with them during one of the breaks, while another band was setting up. ;) Little did they know... *muuahahahaha* And surprisingly enough my boyfriend has shown no signs of a cold yet. I told him I didn't want to give him my cold by kissing him, sharing drinks with him etc. but he didn't care & after about a week or two of blowing kisses, he couldn't take it anymore & I gave in and gave him some smewchies. *shrug*

    I can tell this cold will be gone by the end of the week! *does the happy dance*

Jay on Tuesday, January 15, 2002 - 12:16 pm:

    Delsyum works wonders for chest congestion and spazmic coughing.Its a 12 hour suspention fluid. A generic antihistime for you head with the active ingrediant- Chlorpheniramine Maleate (probably the only thing spelled correctaly in this message)4 mg yellow pills. I find them to not overdry my head or make me dizzy like some. There the only thing that works for me, especially the Delsyum.
    The pot might not be such a good idea though. You fall asleap faster but your brain never does so you can't reach REM sleep(thats why you can feel 'flown over' the next morning). Plus it dehidrates you and you don't want that if your all clogged up you'll go to blow your stoned noes and you could get some red boogers. (not good).

    So drink lots of water (a couple of liters a day). Take Vitamine C,Encanicia is good too, Zinc is about the best expecially if you can find some lozengens, not the candy kind the brown ugly ones(try Dollar General if you have one),they tast nasty and you can't chew them(won't work as well) but they get it into your system quicker and more effictiantly, put one one between you teeth and cheek for about five or ten minutes then switch sides- repeat till disolved, you'll feel notaciably better for 20 min or more.Regular pill form will work also. A one a day multivitimine is good also. But make sure you only take these things when your sick. A good rule of thumb is to start taking them when you feel rundown like a cold is comming on,and up to 3-5 days after you feel better, but not all the time cuz you body will get use to it and when you get sick again they won't work as well. Also if you flem is really green and/or yellow you might want to go see the doctor cuz you have and infection, and the back pain could be Plurisee- and inflamation of the outer linning of the lungs (not fun I've had that). Good back pain relief is Condroition and glucosomine complex, maybe MSN if you can afford all three in one ($$).
    Just a little note all of these thing work differentaly on different people and different colds so just try dropping some thing and increasing others. Be carful though you can overdose on the zinc, the Vitamine C will just keep you regular like bran flakes, start with 2000 mg and work you way back if you sittin' on the John more than you think you should be. Encinicia is best if you take 3 over the day but you can take three with breakfast too if you don't think you'll remember to take them. The Condroition and Glucosomine complex must build up in you system so take the recomonded dosage on the bottle for the whole bottle and your joints and back WILL feel better. Sorry I typed so much hope it helps- email me if you have any questions or you just can't understand my babbling(or spelling-lol)

By The Watcher on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 05:40 pm:

    I've heard Wild Oregano, not the kind in your spice jars, is supposed to be very good.

    But, you've got to know that it's true Wild Oregano.

    See the book "The Cure is in the Cupboard".

By Ophelia on Thursday, January 17, 2002 - 05:49 pm:

    I keep getting sick cause whenever i am almost better i go skiing and get sick again. Bah. But i like to ski so i will probably stay sick till the end of ski season.

By TannerSaurus on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 08:27 pm:

    This is the most disgusting board i have ever read. Does anyone know who makes Delsyum, im plannign on taking it but not because i'm sick because i want to lay in my bed an hallucinate.

By semillama on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 10:30 am:

    I've heard that it's much more cheaper and effective to lower your head and charge a brick wall.

By The shitter on Friday, March 11, 2005 - 01:17 pm:

    fist my asshole