was lost in the ozone, but now, i'm back

sorabji.com: What is your definition of hell?: was lost in the ozone, but now, i'm back
Me..... on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 - 05:29 pm:

    Hi ! Well, my definition of hell is where i've been for the past seven months........a great, big, huge relapse..........i've been gone from the message boards a long time.........but i see that PJ,NZAngel,Nate,etc......are still here.......what happened to Petrock and Liam ?? PJ, buddy, i've missed you.........how's it going with your life and family ?? I did notice that someone else has been using my very individualistic name of 'me..' hope you guys weren't fooled.......well, il've missed everybody........especially you, Pajama Boy!!!....................

By Agatha on Wednesday, November 3, 1999 - 10:18 pm:

    glad to hear that you're doing better now. welcome back.

By Me......... on Thursday, November 4, 1999 - 05:09 pm:

    Thank you, Agatha........I remember you........
    i think we talked about music...maybe Leonard Cohen???.............

By Valerie on Thursday, November 4, 1999 - 06:32 pm:

    Hell is making the wrong decisions in your younger years and then just trying to survive as an adult.

By MapleLeaf on Thursday, November 4, 1999 - 07:14 pm:


By Agatha on Friday, November 5, 1999 - 02:14 am:

    yes, we talked about leonard cohen.

By Me.... on Friday, November 5, 1999 - 12:07 pm:

    and we LIKED leonard cohen, huh, agatha ?????

By Gee on Saturday, November 6, 1999 - 04:49 am:

    Hello. I like Leonard Cohen. Thank you.

By Me.... on Saturday, November 6, 1999 - 05:28 pm:

    Gee whiz, Gee....glad to hear from ya !! I've liked leonard cohen since i was fifteen...and that was two hundred and fifty three years ago.........

By Gee on Sunday, November 7, 1999 - 01:21 pm:

    I have a hard time believing Leonard Cohen is that old!

By Rhiannon on Sunday, November 7, 1999 - 02:07 pm:

    He's in his fifties, isn't he?

    A friend of mine got me hooked on him last year when she gave me his "book of mercy," which are fifty psalms he wrote, one for every year of his life, and the book wasn't published that long ago...maybe 1993?

By Me..... on Tuesday, November 9, 1999 - 06:49 pm:

    okay,okay-so i exaggerate a bit......all i know is leonard is older than me.....i was 16 in 1968 and i got a hold of 'spice box of the earth'....it was beautiful......then i started checking out the fact that he wrote songs recorded by judy collins and joni mitchell......next i bought one of his albums......i wanted to emulate him........to be like him.................but i went overboard.......now, look at me.......soaking wet and communicating on sorabji.....

By Gee on Wednesday, November 10, 1999 - 10:09 am:

    I don't want to know why you're wet.

    I watched "For Those Who Hunt the Wounded Down" on TV last night and they had some chick singing "Everybody Knows". I know Leonard sang that song, but did he write it? I'm not that UP on my LC knowledge.

    It was't a very good version of the song. I wanted to sing along with it, but the woman kept going too fast.

By J on Wednesday, November 10, 1999 - 10:49 am:

    I always loved Suzanne and Hey,thats no way to say goodbye.

By Agatha on Wednesday, November 10, 1999 - 12:19 pm:

    i love both of those songs, too. i think i've mentioned this before, but nina simone puts leonard cohen's version of "suzanne" to bed. it's the perfect interpretation of a perfect song.

By J on Wednesday, November 10, 1999 - 12:29 pm:

    You must be pretty close to my age Agatha,I remember that and your right.Plus you still are open to new things,so many of my friends are stuck in the past and thats not the way to go.

By Rhiannon on Wednesday, November 10, 1999 - 12:44 pm:

    I like "Sisters of Mercy"....it's so gentle and beautiful. I only have one of his albums...the one with "Suzanne" and "Master Song" (which I also like) and "Marianne" (i think?).

    My friend who abandoned me earlier this year got me really interested in his poetry (i think she may have posted here before on this topic...i seem to remember her talking about it ???). I love his love poems...he has one that goes something like "i don't want to have a purpose in your life. I just want to be lost among your thoughts, the way you listen to New York City as you fall asleep." *sigh*

By Me..... on Wednesday, November 10, 1999 - 06:57 pm:

    i was wet because i said i went overboard......just reading all these different quotes by leonard cohen gives me goose bumps......he seems to be my ideal man.......of course, people in the public eye (celebrities) ususally aren't really the way that we imagine them to be.....as if you all didn't know that....."i loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm.......your hair upon the pillow, like a sleepy golden storm........Many've loved before us....i know that we are not new.......in city and in forest, they smile at me and you,.......but now it's come to distances, and both of us must try......your eyes are soft with sorrow......hey, that's no way to say goodbye....

By Craig on Wednesday, November 10, 1999 - 10:07 pm:

    I haven't met many celebrities.. but I have to agree the ones I did meet weren't like my visions. I guess its always like that. If I was a celebrity, I would put on a phoney act.. like a genuine angel.. at least at first I would be, but then I would be a mess.. a public mess. I probably get worse and worse until my death covered more tabloids than my other atrocities.

By Lieing bastard. on Friday, August 11, 2000 - 03:44 am:

    I feel complete now knowing that you are back in my life! God bless you!

By Me...... on Tuesday, August 22, 2000 - 10:25 pm:

    And I love you, too, lying bastard !!
    You may feel complete, but you're not...You're head came off when it got stuck too far up your butt...God bless me !!!