Hubal What is your definition of hell?: Hubal
By Ayman Al-Zawahiri on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 03:43 pm:

    ...Perhaps the Islamic nation is waiting for one Al-Qa'ida man to come out and clear up the many questions that accompany any communiqué, message, or picture from September 11, to know the truth, the motives, and the goals behind the conflict with the Hubal of our generation...
    Why is the world surprised?! Why were millions of people astounded by what happened to America on September 11? Did the world think that anything else would happen? That something less than this would happen?!
    What happened to America is something natural, an expected event for a country that uses terror, arrogant policy, and suppression against the nations and the peoples, and imposes a single method, thought, and way of life, as if the people of the entire world are clerks in its government offices and employed by its commercial companies and institutions.

    Anyone who was surprised, and did not expect the events of September 11 did not understand the nature of man, and the effects of oppression and tyranny on man's emotions and feelings. They thought that oppression begets surrender, that repression begets silence, that tyranny only leaves humiliation. Perhaps they also thought that this oppressive atmosphere is sufficient to kill man's virility, shatter his will, and uproot his honor. These people erred twice: once when they ignored the consequences of treating man with contempt, and again when they were unaware of man's ability to triumph.

    This goes for every man - let alone when the man in question is of those who believe in Allah, in Islam as a religion, and in Muhammad as Prophet and Messenger, and anyone who knows that his religion is unwilling to allow him to be inferior and refuses to allow him to be humiliated.

By Ayman Al-Zawahiri on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 03:45 pm:

    How can he possibly accept humiliation and inferiority when he knows that his nation was created to stand at the center of leadership, at the center of hegemony and rule, at the center of ability and sacrifice? How can he possibly accept humiliation and inferiority when he knows that the divine rule is that the entire earth must be subject to the religion of Allah – not to the East, not to the West - to no ideology and to no path except for the path of Allah?...

    As long as this Muslim knows and believes in these facts, he will not - even for a single moment - stop striving to achieve it, even if it costs him his soul... his time, his property, and his son, as it is said, 'Say to the believers: If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your wives and your kinsfolk and the worth you have acquired and the trade, the dullness of which you apprehend, and the dwellings that you fancy are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger, and striving in His cause, then wait until Allah issues His judgment. Allah guides not the disobedient people...

By Ayman Al-Zawahiri on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 03:50 pm:

    The premises on which we base ourselves as an organization, and on which we base our operations and our method of action, are practical and realistic... They are also scientific and in accordance with Islamic religious law, and they give us confidence and certainty... In writing them and in publicly revealing them, I do not intend to be apologetic for what was done; I lay these arguments before you so as to emphasize that we are continuing with our blows against the Americans and the Jews, and with attacking them, both people and installations so as to stress that what awaits the Americans will not, Allah willing, be less than what has already happened to them. America must prepare itself; it must go on maximum alert; ... because, Allah willing, the blow will come from where they least expect it...

    America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways... and punishes any country that rebels against these laws by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing, America (Hubal) seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not Allah's...

    America, with the collaboration of the Jew, is the leader of corruption and the breakdown of values, whether moral, ideological, political, or economic corruption. It disseminates abomination and licentiousness among the people via the cheap media and the vile curricula.

    America is the reason for all oppression, injustice, licentiousness, or suppression that is the Muslims' lot. It stands behind all the disasters that were caused and are still being caused to the Muslims; it is immersed in the blood of Muslims and cannot hide this.

    For 50 years in Palestine, the Jews - with the blessing and support of the Americans - carried out abominations of murder, suppression, abuse, and exile... The Jews exiled nearly 5 million Palestinians and killed nearly 260,000. They wounded nearly 180,000, and crippled nearly 160,000.

    Due to the American bombings and siege of Iraq, more than 1,200,000 Muslims were killed in the past decade. Due to the siege, over a million children are killed annually - that is 83,333 children on average per month, 2,777 children on average per day. 5,000 Iraqis were killed in one day in the Al-'Amiriya shelter alone. Are these statistics of military installations???!!!!

    In its war against the Taliban and Al-Qa'ida in Afghanistan, America has killed 12,000 Afghan civilians and 350 Arab Jihad fighters, among them women and children. It annihilated entire families from among the Arab Jihad fighters while they were in their cars, when the American Air Force bombed them with helicopters and anti-tank missiles, until nothing remained of some of them except scattered body parts.

    In Somalia, America killed 13,000 Somalis and its soldiers carried out acts of abomination on Somali boys and women.

By Ayman Al-Zawahiri on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 03:53 pm:

    America's standing with the Christians of the world against the Muslims has stripped the camouflage from its face. Much can be said about this regarding the Sudan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Kashmir, Macedonia, Bosnia, and other tragedies. America's siege on the Islamic countries as punishment for their rebellion against its laws has transgressed all limits, and Muslims have suffered economic losses that outstrip the imagination.

    After all this, is it forbidden for a victim to escape when he is tied and brought to the slaughterhouse?!! Is he not entitled, while he is being slaughtered, to stamp his feet?!!...

    After all this, some Arab regimes shed crocodile tears for what happened to the country of heresy, and tried to exonerate Islam from what happened to America and asked the country of heresy to treat the Muslims sensitively and gently, and sent messengers and broadcasters to the Jihad fighters with a request to stop fighting Hubal. Do they really think we would do this?!

    No, by Allah. They have turned their back on us and we have turned our back on them ... We would have no honor if we did not avenge the blood of our brothers in Palestine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and everywhere.

    The banner is being waved openly, and now there is 'only a trench of belief' and 'a trench of heresy.'

By Ayman Al-Zawahiri on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 03:56 pm:

    The religious arguments on which we base ourselves in our Jihad against the Americans - the explanations that inspire us with confidence in the triumph of our religion, our belief, and our faith - are many, and this is not the place to enumerate them, as they are included in the books of the sages.

    No one disagrees with these explanations, except he who lives in fear ... he who asks for shelter, thinking that he has distanced himself from evil ... or he who kneels as a doorman before the doors of the tyrants to gain a position, advancement, or a gift!!

    These people have not, Allah be praised, dissuaded us, not even for a single day, from continuing in our path, from our Jihad, and from our mission. Allah willing, they will not prevent us in the future.

    In this article I will present one explanation that suffices to Jihad against the Americans, the Jews, and anyone who has gone in their path.

    Allah said, 'He who attacked you, attack him as he attacked you,' and also, 'The reward of evil is a similar evil,' and also, 'When you are punished, punish as you have been punished.'

    The words of the sages on these verses are clear: Ibn Taimiyya Al Ikhtiyarat Wa-Al-Fatawi; Ibn Al-Qayim in I'lam Al-Muqi'in and in Al-Hashiya; Al-Qurtubi in his Tafsir, Al-Nawawi in Al-Muhazab; Al-Shukani in Nayl Al-Awtar; and others, may Allah's mercy be upon them.

    Anyone who peruses these sources reaches a single conclusion: The sages have agreed that the reciprocal punishment to which the verses referred is not limited to a specific instance. It is a valid rule for punishments for infidels, for the licentious Muslims, and for the oppressors.

By Ayman Al-Zawahiri on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 03:59 pm:

    If by religious law it is permitted to punish a Muslim for the crime he committed - it is all the more permitted to punish a Harbi infidel in the same way he treated the Muslim."

    According to the numbers I noted in the previous section of the lives lost from among the Muslims because of the Americans, directly or indirectly, we still are at the beginning of the way. The Americans have still not tasted from our hands what we have tasted from theirs. The number of killed in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were no more than fair exchange for the ones killed in the Al-'Amiriya shelter in Iraq, and are but a tiny part of the exchange for those killed in Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, the Philippines, Bosnia, Kashmir, Chechnya, and Afghanistan.

By Ayman Al-Zawahiri on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 04:01 pm:

    In closing:
    We have not reached parity with them. We have the right to kill 4 million Americans - 2 million of them children - and to exile twice as many and wound and cripple hundreds of thousands. Furthermore, it is our right to fight them with chemical and biological weapons, so as to afflict them with the fatal maladies that have afflicted the Muslims because of the Americans' chemical and biological weapons.

    America knows only the language of force. This is the only way to stop it and make it take its hands off the Muslims and their affairs. America does not know the language of dialogue!! Or the language of peaceful coexistence!! America is kept at bay by blood alone...

By semillama on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 04:18 pm:

    Fuck you, you ass.

By heather on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 05:00 pm:

    'The reward of evil is a similar evil,'

    the implied interpretation of this statement is not the only one

    something out of context means anything you want it to

    if there is no one left to live in peace [and religious justification,] what's the point?

By patrick on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 07:20 pm:

    the facade presented here and the real mcoys out there are no men of any god despite what they think. no man of any god advocates such attrocities.

    insane fundamentalists of any kind are such a fucking bore.

By Cat on Friday, June 14, 2002 - 08:08 pm:

    Insane fundamental ass pornographers can be fun.

By The Watcher on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 12:22 am:

    We get these diatribes from the over zelous followers of a perverted pedofile.

    I understand one of Mohamads 12 wives was only six years old when he married her. And, only nine when he consamated the marrage.

    This is a great religious leader???

    If you doubt me read the koran. These facts are in there.

By Czarina on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 03:28 am:

    You're just a big'ol nut.

    Show me some physical proof that your god is the "real" god. Not some metaphysical crap you've been brainwashed with,but actual "physical" proof.

    It can't be done,because there is NO tangible proof,merely "believers",and they occur in all faiths.

    No one is guiltless in this insanity.

    Wishing harm on anyone is where the evil starts.

By Nate on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 11:24 am:

    there is no real proof of anything, cat.

    it could even be claimed that proof of god is in closer reach than proof of the world. after all, when you've removed the input from your (corruptable) senses, you are left with god (Descartes).

    most all the patriarchs of the bible were pedophiles by modern standards. you can't be critical of one of the "big three" of monotheism without being critical of them all. Lot bore children by his children, what do you think of that?

    islam is not the enemy. ignorance is the enemy. ignorance on both sides.

    because it will be ignorant fucks on our side of the fence who turn islam into the enemy.

By trace on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 11:52 am:

    "America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways... and punishes any country that rebels against these laws by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing, America (Hubal) seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not Allah's... "

    This is why the militant ones hate us so. I especially found this line interesting: "it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws"

    I did a search on Google, and here is what I found:

By bongo on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 12:06 pm:

    oh, wow, what a mystery! wonder who posted using that name? such thrilling internet intrigue. maybe eri will give us a clue like she did with kermit the frog. i would try to figure it out but, well, i actually have a life and besides, WHO CARES?

By eri on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 12:56 pm:

    Sorry to dissapoint you bongo, but I have no clue as to who this person could be, that posted in this name. I mean, I don't know how to look up IP addresses and don't believe in it without a REALLY GOOD reason. No clue who this freak is.

By spunky on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 01:25 pm:

    Does it really matter? Maybe there is a point here that was trying to be made.
    The poster, I am sure, was not trying to make a joke or inflame anyone.
    These are, after all excerpts from a letter written and submited to Al-Jazeera. Maybe trying to understand the minds behind the "other side" is not such a bad idea.

By bongo on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 04:25 pm:

    who do you think you're fooling? you guys are so transparent that nobody has to look up your IP addresses. that's what my sarcastic post implied, you silly geese.

    of course trying to understand the minds behind the 'other side' isn't a bad idea, which is why many people have been discussing it for years. i certainly hope you aren't so dim, deluded, or naive as to think that you're introducing a new concept here. if it's new to you, then congratulations for entertaining a new idea.

    you might make your points more effectively if you actually articulated them instead of taking so much pleasure in playing cutesy "who am i?" games and arguing. but then, perhaps you're just trying to get your kicks and pass the time. nothing wrong with that. have fun.

By eri on Saturday, June 15, 2002 - 10:59 pm:

    "who do you think you're fooling? you guys are so transparent that nobody has to look up your IP addresses. that's what my sarcastic post implied, you silly geese."

    Give me a break and look up the fucking IP address. You will see that it has nothing to do with either one of us you moron.

    "you might make your points more effectively if you actually articulated them instead of taking so much pleasure in playing cutesy "who am i?" games and arguing."

    I didn't argue with anyone. I am not playing who am I games. I don't have a clue who it was as I said before you jackass. If you question it, look it up. Plain as day. Wasn't me. Wasn't Spunky. Get a fucking life and know what the hell you are talking about dipshit.

    I have never accused someone of doing something stupid and then lying about it. Accusations of this sort are ridiculous in a forum like this. I don't appreciate being called a liar, as I have never lied to anyone in here. You doubt me, prove me wrong, but don't call me a liar without some fucking proof.

By bongo on Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 03:03 am:

    12:56 pm: "I mean, I don't know how to look up IP addresses and don't believe in it without a REALLY GOOD reason."

    10:59 pm: "Give me a break and look up the fucking IP address."

    i don't have a REALLY GOOD reason to look it up, but i guess now you can tell me how if I ever do have a REALLY GOOD reason. also, i did not call you a liar, but it says something about you that you claim or think that i did and got extremely upset about my post, which mostly responded to spunky's posts rather than yours.

    the part of my post that you quoted about MAKING POINTS was obviously a response to spunky's post about "a POINT here that was trying to be MADE," not to mention his admitted enjoyment of using multiple identities on the boards, rather than to your post, which mentioned nothing about making points or multiple identities.

By Czarina on Sunday, June 16, 2002 - 04:50 am:

    The SpunkMeister is indeed a man of many identities.

    I'm trying to remember some of them.





By patrick on Monday, June 17, 2002 - 12:05 pm:

    hey pretty sure its not them. and Kermit was not eri, but spunk.

By Svr4 on Wednesday, November 5, 2003 - 11:54 pm:

    a moose limb once bit my sister

By Miss G on Sunday, November 9, 2003 - 09:47 pm:

    Is that really Aymn Al Zawahri posting here?

By Miss G on Sunday, November 9, 2003 - 11:18 pm:

    Is he going to post any excerpts of his book Faith and Islam Devotion In A Lost Reality?

By Miss G on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 01:13 pm:

    How did you hopscotch around the world so slickly without ever getting caught or encountering difficulty?

By semillama on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 01:33 pm:

    Is it possible that people post quotes from another person and use that person's name as the posters name to identify the source of the quote?