NEVER What is your definition of hell?: NEVER
By Endless on Tuesday, February 10, 1998 - 04:09 pm:
    not as in "Never-never land"

    as in "quoth the raven"

    just knowing, it will never, never, never, never, never be o.k. ever again.

    you will never, never, never, never get....

    out of there?

    to heaven?

    any peace?

By Venatrix Mirjen on Thursday, March 19, 1998 - 06:56 pm:
    realizing that you've gone past somewhere and you can NEVER GO BACK to it. Especially when it wasn't your choice to leave...

    perhaps it's just a place where you're doomed to relive that one night. In everyone's life there is that one night. Maybe it was a day, or an afternoon. But it's still that one moment, or hour, or fifteen minutes, where you yourself had no power whatsoever and something miserable was occuring. Maybe not to you. Maybe directly to you. But I know, that if there is a god, he/she/it will be able to recreate one night for me, over and over again.

    But, I'm an atheist, and I know that only myself can make me relive that night.

By Endless on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 07:50 am:
    V.M., that hit something on the head. Thank you.

By Pointless on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 02:38 pm:
    Something hit me on the head. OUCH.

By The Venatrix Mirjen on Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 06:26 pm:
    You'll know the truest hells when you get your one night. Trust me.
    (unless of course you're the person who created my hell, in which case...go to therapy. before you hurt someone else.)

By Pointless on Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 07:46 pm:
    Yow! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the coven...

By Sabrina the Teenage Witch on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - 12:17 am:
    That's not nice!

By Randy Flint on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - 07:16 pm:
    I had anight once where Im with two of my friends and were drinking when a cop puls us over for drinking. He let us off but we had to pour the beer in the street. So when we get to Leonard's house later that night Leonard (friend) gets real upset about breaking up with his girlfriend the month before and he's crying and he PUNCHES HIS MAILBOX! He had to get 8 stitches in his HAND! So even though I havent had one of "those nights" I figure Lepnard probably did. Ill ask him and then let you know,Venatrix! Good luck to you!

By Pope J.P. the Nth on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - 07:24 pm:
    Boy, Venatrix Mirjen, I sure feel sorry for you -- being an ATHEIST and all. For you, hell is a place where only "never" exists -- while for me, hell is simply a place where people burn eternally. Peace be with you...

By Hannah on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - 07:35 pm:
    "The Raven" is the best poem ever. Edgar Allen Poe was a genious, nad it's too bad that he's dead. Although if he was still alive, He would be HELLA old!

    I have it on my binder for school, and this one girl (very ignorant) asked if I wrote it (cuz I typed the whole thing on to a piece of paper) and I'm like, no, are you kidding? E.A. Poe wrote it! Possibly the best writer ever, At least the best in his time. Or after.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 - 07:44 pm:
    Did you ever hear the story about the terrible time that missionaries originally had trying to explain a burning hell being a bad place to Inuits? And not really a never but a perpetual. And I said IF. IF. Oh, and last I checked, war created more jobs than peace.

    Pointless: Coven?! I'm not a frigging wicca-chick. Church of Satan (and we're Atheists, not Setians or devil-worshippers.) 'Wrong side of the Grotto' is more appropriate.

    Flint: not quite the same. More mind-scars than physical. Although a tecnical felony in the State of New York is involved...

By Devils Haircut on Thursday, April 2, 1998 - 01:55 pm:
    Those Setians are more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I especially enjoy M. Aquino's ongoing public dispute with curio. My only question is "Who's a bigger weenie?"
    Any way you cut it, religion is religion, even if you make it wear black and give it a really bad hair cut.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Saturday, April 4, 1998 - 08:55 pm:
    Speaking of 'never'...I spelt something incorrectly. I'm as shocked as the rest of you.

By Hootelf on Saturday, May 2, 1998 - 12:40 pm:
    Every athiest I've known has had a fucked up childhood and/or rigidly conservative parents whose warped concept of God caused unhealthy rerouting of energies into domains perverted under the extra strain--or who also had a fucked up childhood and just didn't want their children to get it any easier. Or they were just nuts and shouldn't have been allowed to have children. They shouldn't let idiots have children. They make more idiots. All the greatest bad things are caused by idiots. All the wars that needn't have been fought, had the combatants been sensitive and sensible enough to tell necessity from rationalization, wouldn't have been.
    No the world needs idiots--billions of them--and just one good sensible person to lead them well.
    yeah. Directly. It just all comes apart when a god starts trusting idiots or smart ones who are communally retarded to translate intention.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Monday, May 4, 1998 - 05:17 pm:
    I never had a, as you put it, 'messed up childhood'. It wasn't my parents or anyone who originally made me set foot off the path of xianity. True, a self-proclaimed enlightened xian is the cause of my hell, but i was off the religion before that.
    I like how you seem to denounce atheism on one hand and then say that we oughn't let the idiots breed. Dr. LaVey said things like that. The xian influence is what's responsible for the population explosion, esp. in Latin America. Go fig.

By Blindswine. on Monday, May 4, 1998 - 07:00 pm:
    personally, i think we should lock the athiests and the christian fundamentalists in a cold, dark dungeon together and let them fight it out amongst themselves. after all, athiests and fundamentalists are pretty much the same kind of asshole. i believe most athiests are people on a quest for a universal design or belief-system that adheres to their sense of logic, and i commend anyone who refuses to eat fruit they find distasteful just because it has been forced down their throats. it is the arrogance involved in denying spiritual existence that i take exception to. this arrogance is the same fuel fundamentalists use to try to force their brand of religious belief into the lives of those around them.
    assuming that you *know* the answers to the ineffable is nothing short of pompous posturing. blind faith won't give you the answers. neither will blind logic.

By Wisper on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 - 11:16 pm:
    Whoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)

By Dave on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 03:55 am:
    Here's a broad generalization:
    Religion is for children.
    Spirituality is for adults.

    At one point in my life, I was way into finding a means to express myself spiritually. I "studied" theosophy, shamanism in many of it's flavors, I tried Gurdjieff, Crowley, the Golden Dawn, the O.T.O. (just read some of the materials, mind you. never actually joined.) To me, it's all just fairy tales. And yet, the most irritating thing I noticed throughout, was the belief held by all the various people I encountered who adhered to one particular belief system or another that they were the shit because they were a "fill-in-the-blank" and everyone else was at best pitiful, at worst despicable. So I said "fuck it". Who needs to hang with a bunch of pricks tripping on their fairy tales? Who needs to learn some forgotten language to get "closer to god"? It's all a big mindfuck, pyramid-scheme scam.

    Or maybe I'm just depressed. Maybe I oughta get some Prozac-type medication to chase away my why bother attitude about everything. What do you think? Am I a pessimist or a realist?

By PetRock on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 06:16 am:
    I'd say you're a pessimistic realist.

    Or a realistic pessimist.

By Blindswine on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 11:04 am:
    i think your stance on the matter would be traditionally categorized as agnosticism rather than atheism...

    but feel free to call yourself whatever you want.

    and dave, you're right about the fairy-tales.

    zealots are such a pain in the ass.

By Blindswine on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 11:17 am:

    i before e except after...

    ah, fuck it.

    "godless pagan bastard"

    now that's *much* easier to spell...

By Dave on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 01:10 pm:
    You were right the first time, Blindswine. A-t-h-e-i-s-m

By Blindswine on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 01:37 pm:
    yeah i know...

    i'm still liking "godless pagan bastards" much better, though...

    makes me wanna take a jug of wine and go dance naked in the woods...

By R.C. on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 07:43 pm:
    I'll bring the wine. You bring yr birthday suit... :)

By Hootelf on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 08:50 pm:
    Pagans have many gods.
    Functional religion is elaboration on spiritual enlightenment designed to help lead the less spiritually sensitive out of the Platonian (or whoever that dead greek is) cave through disciplined ritual and symbology supposed to build sensitivity and coordination in that department. Discipline for focus--symbols for a deeper less tainted communication. Some point government realized it could influence people through religion and religion realized it could influence government through the people. And it all went to pot. Not that it was perfect. An olive branch for some group heralds peace but if an individual carries bitter memories of the olive branch uncle bubba kept by the door for an occasional game of fanny golf it might be hard to reconcile the two--then maybe not without on some level associating an underlying harshness with peace [ that makes for interesting if not dysfunctional angles on things (dysfunctional meaning here not able to want or do what one would want or do if they for any reason were disposed to and are otherwise endowed with the proper potential).]
    That also says a lot about the use of words, many of which must often be used to convey one idea and give many more opportunities for an idea to be miscommunicated. You basically have to know a listener to get across. But you have to speak to and be spoken to by a person to be allowed to know them (in most societies.) And then ya' only get so far unless you both know words or one party takes it upon them to relearn or retrain the other. And that's all I'll say because this is already way too long for anyone to give more than a cursory glance over and these french literary critics have already beat the word thing to death and I'm a hokey pokey off the point anyway. And somebody else just said half of this.

By Stef on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 09:43 pm:
    what is this xian? sound is some like zion. like lion. what is xian? cumberbun?

By GOTNONAMEITSFAKE on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 10:02 pm:
    alone alone and who are these ghosts from their grottos echo echo-o-e-e-
    so many bulky craps into disinentdisunantdisonentdentsonit polyphoniephonypoluie-e-e-e
    then was the pre-bach and now is the brebach turtle smock yard cock ten thousand yardcock and which is my bestest friend cant find that fryer &&frier?! someone said wine
    wine makes the outtheres to come but not never no close enough always the next tree when chasing them they never let me win end.

By Wisper on Wednesday, May 6, 1998 - 11:19 pm:
    xian how lots of people refer to christians. You know, like X-mas. Maybe because x looks like a cross, I don't know, that's how I always assumed it began, although I'm guessing it could be deeper than that. I think Anton LaVey might have started it, that's how he refers to them in all of his writings anyway. But who can ever really understand brilliance.

By Christopher on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 01:32 am:
    Anton LaVey, brilliant, eh? The X thing started centuries ago, because it was considered sinful to even write the name of Christ in anything less than the bible (new testament). Anton Lavey was a carnival act. He was as much a satanist as my cat. "Doctor" LaVey. Heeheehee. OK, TV evangelists sometimes reach for the baroque in the appaearance department, but why do the "Big-Hitters" in the Satanic league look like B movie badguys? Look at Mikey Aquino from the Temple Of Set...Nice eyebrows, Mikey. And that devils haircut toupee. Got to love that.

    I won't sit here and make blanket statements about the worthiness of either side in the theological debate. People are either good or they are not. Worship whatever the hell you want. Worship Baphomets head or worship a PEZ dispenser.But calling me "Xian" because I'm Catholic is fairly insulting. So, call me "Xian" if you want. I'll call you "Goatfucker". You won't convince anyone to see the "light" by calling them nifty names.

By Blindswine on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 11:23 am:
    "Godless Pagan Goat-Fucking Bastard!"

    now i think i'm on to something...

By Wisper on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 05:52 pm:
    Thanks for clearing that up Christopher, and a big LOL! :) to the big-hitter thing
    it's true!

    (p.s. I think my cat's a Satanist too, I haven't seen her fuck any goats lately.....she just sits and stares.....perhaps our kitties should get together and start some sort of group.)

By Stef theolof on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 06:04 pm:
    so the xians is liars believing but most then vivening in sudoamerica where no can belie when no I believe but creo so the most cannot lie but the liars we lying say they lie?

By Stefs twin Jef on Thursday, May 7, 1998 - 08:41 pm:
    Yeah, right.

By Markus on Friday, May 8, 1998 - 12:45 am:
    Not that I have anything to say in this intelectual wankorama, but to clarify Xopher's point regarding the X in Xmas, et al: Chi (X) is the first letter of Khristos in Greek and was used to represent the full name, much as orthodox Jews write G-d to avoid writing the name of Jehovah.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Friday, May 8, 1998 - 07:48 am:
    Been thinking how it would be MOST entertaining to "do" twins. Or shall I Say, be "done" by twins. GROWL!!!!!!!!

By Nate on Friday, May 8, 1998 - 11:55 am:
    And... JHVH-1 is a space alien, and the Xists are coming and pull the wool over your own eyes and fuck'em if they can't take a joke...

    and hold on... it's 1998, ain't it? That means the Apocalypse is supposed to be this July?!?

    Woah there Howdy.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Friday, May 8, 1998 - 02:03 pm:
    Yeppers. On July 5th we can hope to get rid of those insane Subgenii...(just kidding, guys, I've trafficked with their kind before.)

    Well, I spent this morning sick and in bed and watching Discovery channel programs on the many worlds theory. just maybe...some people are right in one place and time and one universe, and others are right in another. All the problems seem to pop up when one universe thinks someone or something is inside it, when it is in its own universe.

    I'm not going to push anything on anyone. I like LaVey's philosophies and the point he was trying to make with the Church of Satan was to get attention originally. (oh, and on the 'looks like a B-movie badguy', Flash Gordon, and the Emperor Ming the Merciless look technically is from a serialized movie, not a B-movie.)

    Then again, I know that just because someone is a believer of any sort doesn't mean that they're bad people. I just don't like believing when I can have knowing because knowing is solid while beliefs can change and go away...

    oh, and Dave? you don't need meds. then again, I'm just saying that because I went through that phase long ago when I was figuring everything out for myself, didn't take meds, and look where I am today...I use one abbreviation and look what happens...

    Cats are undoubtedly Satanic. Sleep-eat-stare. Sleep. stare. Sleep sleep look-menacing.

By Christopher on Friday, May 8, 1998 - 02:39 pm:
    No. My point is that ALL the big satanic muckamucks look like B movie bad guys. Lavay now looks like an extra in "Dawn of the Dead". But since he's been dead these last several months, I guess thats appropriate.

By Satan on Saturday, September 5, 1998 - 02:34 pm:

    i came here looking for Baphomets and i got this shit... what a way to piss someone off!

By BMX on Saturday, September 5, 1998 - 04:03 pm:

    like, ohmigod, is that really satan?
    i am majorly frightened! oooh! ooh!

    intellectual wankorama! go!

By Lisa on Friday, September 11, 1998 - 05:47 pm:

    Well, how strange you all are, well not all, I suppose some of you actually have something intesresting to say..I am presuming that all you wankers are yanks? Thought as much, well will you ignorant, stupid over lawed children learn that all that your pathetic government and teachers, parents etc tell you is crap? You live in a society of brain washed twats!!! For instance at the beginning of this page some wanker who I dont remember the name of and dont care to describes peoples of the wicca or pagan religion as being satanists!!! Well you would believe that wouldnt you if you're american, you who are subject to the biggest propergander ever!! Is is evil and satanistic to believe that you should respect yourself , body and mind and the essences (now I dont mean soul, but any scientist will tell you stupid tits that everything has energy) of the other creatures and objects of this earth? is it evil to believe that the general force of the planet we live on is be 'praised' as well as a man who could walk on water and who returned from the dead? Which is more beliveable that plants have uses for medical and replenishing reasons than someone who exists in the same vein as a man who took over 300 years to build a boat? when years then were only 6 days shorter than now? Think about it!!!

By Wm. Strunk on Friday, September 11, 1998 - 05:57 pm:

    I gave your message a "propergander" and I wanna thank you.
    "Stupid tits"---Now THAT'S an insult!

By Starchy on Tuesday, September 15, 1998 - 09:53 am:


    You're the one making generalisations about Americans.

    Of course, I make the same generalisations. Generally, though, I find that I make them somewhat more coherently.

By MoonUnit on Tuesday, September 15, 1998 - 09:39 pm:

    Believe in yourself. At least YOU know YOU'RE real.

By Lisa on Wednesday, September 16, 1998 - 08:59 am:

    Hi, wanted to appologise about putting my opinions in such a rude and abusive manner (not to mention the appalling spelling mistakes).

    When I wrote this I was drunk having had a row with my other half, who like to tell me that his views on my life are the important one. So I was doubley fuelled to be annoyed by someone making assumptions, even though that is what I did myself. Maybe the person I was refering too deserved it, but certainly the rest of you didnt. As starchey points out, its ok having view but it is better showed coherently and constructively.

By Starchy on Wednesday, September 16, 1998 - 10:10 am:

    Thank you, Lisa...

    I think that 9 out of 10 regulars would agree that outrageous, offensive assholes are far preferable to outrageous, offensive, moronic assholes. I know that's my preference, at any rate.

    So, who's up for a rousing round of "Die, Foreign Scum"?

By HappytheMan on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 - 06:15 pm:

    Here I am looking at this probably defunct web page forum. Hmmm... Why do I bother to leave a message? Because I felt I must let you know most of you are completely wrong. And that's that... Revel in your incorrectness...

By Ghost....... on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 - 07:21 pm:

    alas, no one is here to read your criticisms....... only i, the ghost of postings, past..............

By Gee on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 - 01:56 am:

    me? is that you?

By God on Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 02:12 pm:

    hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)fafhoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)afahoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)hoa, lay off the tirade, guys. Not all athiests are bad, and not all religious people are good. I'm an athiest too, but I doubt I'm "fucked up" and I'm certainly not an asshole. Nor arrogant. And I didn't become an athiest because I had wako religious parents either, I just thought about religion for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that it was all farytales.
    I think you're talking about the few athiests who are sure that we are right. I agree with you, that's just as bad as being a militant believer in god. That's how wars are started. I'm not saying I'm right. There might very well be a guy sitting up on a cloud who knows all of our names and looks after us when we die and then boy, won't I feel dumb. But until then, I'll think what I think, you'll think what you think and if you belive in god then that's really not my problem. Nobody will ever know the truth. I'll never know if I'm right. Reality is different for everyone, that's why you can't spell BELIEVE without LIE.
    I hope I've renewed your faith in us hethens! (heathens?) (whatever)


By Satan on Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 03:07 pm:

    hoa, lay off the tirade, God. Only an arrogant asshole like you would post the same two paragraphs 20 times (I didn't count, but that's what it feels like) on a thread that has been dead for 6 years.

By The truth on Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 04:45 pm:

    ps. you're agnostic, not atheistic.

By Nate on Sunday, October 8, 2006 - 04:49 pm:

    pps. atheism is as 'believing in fairytales' as any religion is. you are claiming to know the unknowable.

    which, quite frankly, is the essential goal of religion. striving to know the unknowable.

    so, ultimately, being an athiest is being completely and unfoundedly arrogant.

By dave. on Monday, October 9, 2006 - 03:00 am:

    the essential goal of religion is crowd control.

    the essential goal of spirituality is to take the fear out of dying.

    the essential goal of atheism it to be a contrary sonofabitch to the spiritual and religious.

    agnosticism makes the most sense.

By semillama on Monday, October 9, 2006 - 02:26 pm:

    The best way I've ever heard agnosticism described is as the least insulting belief system to the concept of God.

By droopy on Monday, October 9, 2006 - 02:44 pm:

    i think that if you need a belief system for non-belief, you are doing it wrong.

By patrick on Monday, October 9, 2006 - 03:17 pm:

    who has the time?

By sarah on Monday, October 9, 2006 - 03:53 pm:

    2:00 p.m. exactly.