could have been embarrasing, but I'm laughing now. Sex: could have been embarrasing, but I'm laughing now.
By Rusty on Saturday, November 7, 1998 - 03:45 pm:

    About 3 months ago, I bumped into an ex-girlfreind. We had both been drinking, and one thing lead to another and before you know it, we are back at my pad. Now you must understand that the turn-of-the-century heritage building (read "dump") that I was living in at the time kind of had a mouse problem. I was taking care of the problems myself as I couldn't tell the landlord due to the fact that I have a small petting zoo in an animal free building. So, anyways were kinda "gettin it on" on the couch, but in the back of my mind I'm a bit worried that one of my new mouse freinds may come wandering out into plain veiw of the nude young lady I'm with. I figure this would be a bad thing. So bla bla bla you don't need all the details, however no mice appeared and eventually the ex went home.
    The next day ,I'm cleaning up the place and I moved some of the couch cusions and apparantly a little mouse dude was caught between the cushion and the couch frame and needless to say I guess he kinda got squashed with all the motion occurring on top of him!!
    I suppose you could say we fucked him to death!

    What would you ladies think if you got laid on some guys couch and then moved a cushion only to learn you were screwing on top of a dead mouse? Kinda gross but a good story anyways, I figure.

    I never did tell her about our little voyeur. Should I?

By Skachick on Saturday, November 7, 1998 - 04:59 pm:

    I wouldn't suggest it.

By Carrie Ann on Saturday, November 7, 1998 - 08:36 pm:

    Do you ever want to have sex with her again in
    this lifetime? Ask yourself that first. :)

By R.C. on Saturday, November 7, 1998 - 11:18 pm:

    Yet another reason why cats make a welcome addition to any household. Get yrselfa couple, Rusty. Pronto!

    In the meantime/keep yr vermin problem to yrself.

By Rusty on Thursday, November 12, 1998 - 01:04 pm:

    I've moved since then, and frankly, i don't want to have sex with her's all part of the ex issues....