when he came back out, he told me he had never seen anything like that in seattle and that he had always imagined san francisco would have been like in the 1970s. I just got done reading armistad (?) maupin's "tales of the city," which is about '70s san francisco, and while no disco dark rooms are mentioned, there's a similar setup in the bath houses. I was wondering if there are any dark rooms in gay american clubs anymore. are there still bath houses where men can have sex, or has that all been gone since aids? |
whenever i'd walk by the place with a woman, there would always be a bunch of guys shaking their hips and telling me i was "looking for love in all the wrong places." that shit was downright freaky. |
and wasn't there an old porno theater called something like the red apple on that section of pine street near the eagle? it recently closed. |
i lived in "the town house" from '95 to '96. crazy old building is right. the halls were always dark and eerie, and my neighbors were all tweakers. a week after i moved in the office guy warned me not to be surprised if i ran into a dead body in the elevator, because that happens sometimes. "too many smackheads in seattle." they renovated that place back in '97. now it's an upscale yuppie crib with a pool and fitness center. my $550/mth two bedroom apartment (#607) probably goes for about $1000 now. and the lights in the halls probably work now, too. i applied to be the night manager for the red apple after i ditched ATTWS, but they never called me back. so much for all my plans of throwing late-night parties in the place after the bars closed down. i bet the red apple would still be open if they hired me. i woulda had the ducats rolling in like mad. i can't wait to say the same about the catholic church when it crumbles. i sent the vatican my resume and a cover letter detailing all the reasons why i should be appointed Pope. they haven't called me back either. |
my acting boyfriend was one of your "tweaker" neighbors in that building in 1995 and 1996. crazy tall guy with long blond hair, physics ph.d. student at the time. if you lived next door, you would have heard nurse with wound through the walls a lot. I've asked him which floor he lived on. |
i don't remember any crazy tall blonde haired guys. there was a crazy short dirty blonde guy who used to hook me up with herbs and other dubious substances, but he was hardly a rocket scientist. he was married to the building's assistant manager. they had a little bulldog named "haggis". and the more i think about it, it might not even be the same building. all the apartment buildings down there were sketchy. the town house was on hubbell street, the cambridge right next door, and then there was another crazy old place whose top floors popped up over 8th avenue on the other side of the convention center. my dates are wrong, too. it would of had to have been december '94 to late summer '95. |
there is a movement in SF to reopen the bathhouses. they are currently against the law. oakland, berkeley, however. |
Sorry, the reason you never got a call back is that I got the Vatican gig. Just waiting for the current guy to get promoted. Got some great plans for the Sistine, coincidentally involving some mad afterhours parties. I'll let you know; we'll be looking for a DJ. |
My guess is, sex goes on in all except the bars, and one can never be too sure. |
either that, our you're a misogynist's dream. there used to be this great gay 'club' in SF called the Inferno. Maybe it's still there. lots of glory holes. i mean. so i've heard. |
Don't make my meatmobile dentata rend you and leave you staring at the bleeding stump. |
you could have quickly instilled: 1) a fear of christmas, malls, consumerism. 2) a fear of toilets (a great practical joke to play on your brother.) 3) a fear of faith, belief, religion. 4) interest for future therapists. ps. do you really have teeth there? |
I also told him that my parents got him from the dog pound and if he didn't start behaving himself they were going to take him back and trade him in for a nice golden retriever. I grew up thinking that I had been very mean to my brother until I found out that a friend had ganged up with another brother on the youngest brother and held him down and stuck a carrot up his ass. I think sibling abuse must be one of the most underreported problems in america. |
Golden retriever. Oh my god. Woohoo. I love stories of younger sibling punishment and I'm going to hie my ass over and start a thread. Oh, Cyst, you have made an otherwise dreary Sunday. |
it's all fun and games until your kid brother goes bezerk. |
My relationship with my older brother was changed forever the first time I kicked hell out of him. We were both shocked, sitting there feeling like the natural order of the universe had been violated. And then he ran off. |
yeah, that apartment next to the cambridge used to be a real dive. worse than mine was, i think. the apt across the hall from me was a big drug center. the guy who rented it said he only drank (which may have been true since he was constantly drunk) but every now and then the medics would show up cause some friend of his would o.d. on heroin. XXXX burned out her apt (and that was what got her tossed out of the apt building) after having flooded it once after plugging up the overflow drain on the tub and then passing out on the bed. and once leaving her aluminum coffee pot on the stove and leaving the apt only to have it melt all over the stove. there was a crazy woman that lived next to me for a while and they tossed her out cause her apt was a 'fire hazard' - aparently there was loose paper covering the entire floor a foot high or so and junk everywhere. and lots and lots of roaches that would work their way to my place. that same woman wouldn't open the door of her apt if anyone else was in the hallway. she would stand by the door and tap her foot on the door from the inside until you left. i also knew a guy who was in an 'industrial' band who did 'sculptures' with spray paint and melted/burned plastic. his apt looked liked a furnance. the corner apt on my floor was temporarily a huge crystal den. no one ever slept there. however, it was a cheap place (seattle housing resource group building). |
The worst thing my brother ever did to me (other than blackmailing me into doing his housework whenever he caught me sneaking out of the hse.) was hit me in the face w/a doll & cut my eye. For which he was soundly thrashed by my Moms. hehehe... |
if only i hadn't blocked out all those memories, i'm sure i'd have a story to share, as well.. my brother now takes credit for the fact that i can stand up to people because of all those years he tormented me....hmmm...he thinks he's the one that made me a 'stronger' person?? |
my brother also claims he made me me the man I am by pitting me against my good friends in boxing matches he also stole my skateboard for 6 months when i left it in the yard to "teach me a lesson" ............ |
That's not buddies. |
I have no personal experience in this area (thank goddess). But I really do think that if most women were able to confront their abusers & let 'em have it/there wd be a lot fewer screwed up women in this world. He was old enuf to know that what he was doing was wrong. He doesn't deserve any slack. |
you should just have him arrested. there is no statute of limitations on sex crimes. |
I cd be wrong/but I imagine most states don't treat sex crimes that same way they do murders -- i.e. no time limit for bringing charges. |
Which has more rapes per capita than any state in America. |
But Nevada -- home of the Mustang Ranch brothel? And w/all those hookers in Vegas? Sounds spurious. |
she wanted to play doctor. I was the patient. this only happened once that I recall. her father used to beat her with the buckle side of a belt. her mother used to sit around and smoke and watch soap operas all day. much later her older brother was convicted of child molestation. and a couple years ago she made front-page headlines in the silicon valley. she checked into the san jose hospital maternity ward under a false name. after she delivered, she and her boyfriend said they were going outside for a smoke, then they never came back. they found her, don't know what happened to her after that. a whole lot of no good, i'm sure. |
I'm worried about you now. can you promise me you'll be good for the rest of your life? keep yourself safe and don't let people fuck you around? promise? |
But Cyst/I'm not sure what happened w/you & that girl was molestation. I remember playing doctor w/other little girls as a kid. It was mainly a 'you-show-me-yours-&-I'll- show-you-mine' deal. I never felt violated. But if you felt violated/then I guess it was molestation. |
Crazy Lezbo, Crazy Lezbo Thinks shes unique but sounds just the same...... In one post we know you are a dyke, a slut, a cheat, a would-be murderer, and a nut... But you're okay...< har-har > Either you're 16 years old or Houston we have a problem here. |
somebody needs to work on cyber-bitchslap v.1 |
Yeah. I'm sure Mark will donate server space so people can download it. Uh-huh. |
"RC I know you be able to bust yer science on this one so I am especially lookin for your response." I have a close friend who is thinking of proposing to his girl of two years. She has said to him on a couple of occasions "why buy the milk when the cow is free?" and in the same conversation "if we don't get married I can't say I will be around for long.." He has never bought the institution of marriage but is madly in love with this girl and doesn't want to loose her over this formality and he is willing to do the steps necessary to keep her.......is he a fool? I think she is pressuring him, but he doesn't see it that way. I think he is confused and I am hoping to help him out here, enlighten me folks, thanks!!!! I promise if I meet any of you, its waffles and coffee at.....no where else but the WAFFLEHOUSE!!! |
oh, (sad), I don't think they serve beer, but they have the meanest hasbrowns in the world... I guess I just don't buy the whole give her a big ass diamond and she is yours forever crap. Does the magnitude of his love translate to the how many karats the ring has? I just don't see what the rush or imminent need to marry, what kind of "valuable time" is she loosing? Can't he praise AND be committed to her without the hoopla of marriage? Can he buy her a car and show the same amount of love? I would love more discussion of this.... |
i'd have to be in a relationship for at least 5 years before i even considered marrying anyone. jesus. just thinking about marriage makes my skin crawl. |
marriage is a declaration of love, not the love itself. anyone who tries to force you into marriage by threatening to be out of your life if you don't is either 1) bluffing or 2) not worth the time. then the question comes down to dig the hole first, or wait? digging the hole first will reduce the chances of you getting caught, however it will also blow away your chances of using a "crime of passion" defense. this is one of my biggest unanswered quandries. |
what exactly are you referring to here? "at least a one karat ring" does it really matter the size of the ring? If so thats really sad. A cracker jack ring should suffice. You must live in Arizona, I heard about that on like 20/20 or something, with all the circumstances involved its hard to say. Have you ever talked in your sleep and had no recollection or even walked in your sleep? I have it's the most bizarre thing. My wife is so mena in her sleep at times, but the next morning when I tell her she is usually shocked, |
what exactly are you referring to here? "at least a one karat ring" does it really matter the size of the ring? If so thats really sad. A cracker jack ring should suffice. You must live in Arizona, I heard about that on like 20/20 or something, with all the circumstances involved its hard to say. Have you ever talked in your sleep and had no recollection or even walked in your sleep? I have it's the most bizarre thing. My wife is so mean in her sleep at times, but the next morning when I tell her she is usually shocked, |
As for the proposal issue: I believe strongly in big high-quality rocks (providing he can afford one). Becuuz an engagement ring is a piece of jewelry a woman will wear every day for the rest of her life. (And becuz if times get hard /I'd rather hock my ring that lose our house.) But I am a feind for diamonds. Back when I was breifly engaged/I had a killer rock & pr. of diamond studs & they made me feel incredibly beautiful & sexy. And other women (even the occasional man) were always complimenting me on them. Which was nice. However (& this will be very out-of-character advice coming from yours truly) I do NOT believe women shd be the ones to bring up the issue of marriage. Or pop the question. Fuck "The Rules" & those other 1950's throwback manuals on how to 'catch' a man. Most men are irrationally resistant to the mere thought of marriage. Until they suddenly decide (usually in their mid-30's) that they're 'ready'. In which case/they will marry practically the next chick they see. Becuz it's suddenly a priority to them. You can't force/cajole/wheedle/or connive a man into marrying you. Well, sometimes you can -- but you'll spend the rest of yr life regretting it/becuz he'll resent the hell out of you. If a man really wants to marry a woman/he'll propose. Period. On the flip side: You're only young for a short time. If this woman has invested 2 yrs. in a relationship that isn't going to lead to the altar/& getting married is important to her/then she has to tell the guy she's moving on. NOT give him an ultimatum -- just explain that they want different things & she needs to find herself someone who's abt getting married. To her. While she's still young enough to have children (if she wants them) & enjoy being a wife. (Don't ask me why /but marriage has always seemed more enjoyable to me for younger folks. Becuz you're building a history & a life together during the most 'interesting' portion of yr life. I can't imagine getting married after 40. I'll be way too cynical & set in my ways by then.) But the WORST thing she can do is send mixed signals -- i.e. act like she doesn't care abt getting hitched one wk./then start making noises abt leaving the next. It's tough to walk away from someone you genuinely love. But if marriage is that important to her/she needs to find someone who shares the same values & fellings on the issue. Rather than wasting her time w/a man who has no interest in marrying her. Statistically/the years from 20-30 offer a woman the best chance of finding a husband. And that decade passes oh-so fast. |
ok you got it, Ya wanna git tanked, NO PROB, I carry an ass pocket full a wisky 24-7..... I find every woman's desire to have the biggest and best ring really disturbing and I noticed that both you and J mentioned hocking the ring. I fidnt hat disturbing. Tradition has always placed such importance on diamonds and rings and all that shit, it makes me sick. The fact that you made mention of the compliments others gave you on your ring exemplifies the nature of women, to be the best, the be the most beautiful , the have the best pumpkin carriage in town, to have the best prom dress, to have the best hair do, it's the instinctive competitive nature of women. I am not saying its bad, it's merely an observation. I just think my friend will end up doing it just so he can keep her, it's a shame that he has to do that song and dance to make her happy, isn't his love enough? I dunno, thanks for response anyway, I will keep ya posted on what happens if you care |
However/I stopped buying or wearing gold or diamonds my Freshman year of college/in protest of Apartheid. I swore off them until Mandela was freed. I didn't last that long/but until I got engaged back when I was/what, 25?/I didn't sport anything but silver. Gemstones have great allure. They're a wearable investment that holds it's value over time. And if I were married & suddenly my husband lost his job/or got sick & cdn't work/I'd be happy to hock my ring to cover our mortgage pymts/or whatever/so he wdn't have to sweat those things. It's easier to sell jewelry than to sell a car. If a guy can go out & buy himself a Corvette or a BMW just becuz he wants one/then he can spring for a gorgeous ring for the woman he wants to marry/IMO. [BTW/this isn't a socially-ingrained thing. My aunt used to work for Lu Williard/who was the 1st Black woman to get a seat on the gold exchange. Lu had a jewelry store on 5th Ave. & & my aunt always had lots of 1st-rate baubles at her hse. I got hip to Elsa Peretti & Paloma Picasso & black Tahatian pearls & whatnot thru her. So I got into gems at an early age/the way other people get into art or antiques or whatever.] |
A lot of people still believe strongly in marriage vs. shacking. It's a personal choice. I know I wdn't be trying to make any man a father who didn't think enuf of me to make me his wife 1st. But that's just my opinion. I don't care what strangers do/so long as they raise their kids well. I've always admired Susan Sarandon & Tim Robbins/& they never got married. The best explaination I ever heard in support of marriage was from a rabbi in NY. He said that people marry in order to honor God & their families. Becuz if you believe in God & that all good things come from God/then you know that finding someone worthy of spending the rest of yr life w/is a tremendous blessing. So you honor God by publicly affirming yr relationship in God's eyes thru marriage. And you honor yr respective families by making a public & legally binding committment to this person in front of them/vs. just living together/becuz yr parents' opinions matter to you. Makes sense to me. I shacked up w/a guy once. My father actually stood in our driveway & cried when I drove away w/all my shit in the car to move into his apt. I've never seen him cry before or since. (It lasted a year.) And I will NEVER do that shit again. If I'm good enuf to live w/then I shd be good enuf to marry. |
Waffleboy (if I may be so bold): Ring or no ring/why did you choose to marry yr woman/ instead of just living together? |
God damn, I can be a real stinkbomb, sometimes. You must admit there's truth in what I say. |
Girlfriends & live-ins are as common as alley cats. But a wife has legal status. And since women are the ones who usually end up taking care of the kids/for all the divorced women out there raising kids all alone/the fact that they were legally married makes it easier to get the courts to enfore child support arrangements /etc. Esp. in the case of older women who devoted their lives to husband & family/then got tossed aside for a trophy wife. Men can afford to be a lot more cavlaier abt marriage being 'meaningless'. But I also feel that if you weren't legally married /then you shdn't have the right to go to court & demand child support/maintenance pymts./etc. Society & the legal system allow protection for those who choose to marry legally. If the piece of paper wasn't that important to you/fine -- just don't bitch abt it later if you get left. And I'll never understand women who have the nerve to sue for palimony! A wife has more status than a live-in -- kids or no. If that legal & social staus isn't important to you/I can dig that. But don't expect the rest of us to support yr kids via Welfare/or the courts to track down yr ex when he doesn't take care of yr kids. He might have 6 other women out there he shacked-up & made babies with. For me/intellectual indendence & rejecting social convention mean you shd be willing to take yr chances & face the consequences -- for you & yr kids. That shd apply to anyone who didn't want the gov't involved in their personal biz when they were shacking up becuz they considered marriage meaningless. Let their kids eat their parents' 'independence' once the realtionship falls apart. |
I haven't met either or you/but I'm certain that you do right by yr child & will continue to do so/come hell or high water. Neither yr kid nor yr ex will ever end up on Welfare/becuz you've both taken care to get the skills & education necessary to ensure that you can cover yr asses & take care of yr child. My point is that for any choice to be meaningful /it has to have consequences attached. And if a person chooses to thumb their nose at convention & to go against social norms/that's everybody's right once they turn 18. But they have to be willing to face the consequences of those choices. When some chickenhead decides to shack up w/a guy w/no skills & no prospects/doesn't behave responsibly abt her sex life by using b.c. /gets knocked up/then watches her man split on her & the kid/why shd I or you or anybody else be responsible for her lousy choice in men? Why shd even a penny of our tax dollars to go support other people's kids/when they had no business having kids/becuz they were barely able to take care of themselves? Parenthood is a responsiblity/not an inalienable right. And not to dis you or Agatha/but why shd yr employer be responsible for putting her on yr health ins. when you're not married? You didn't think marriage was important for you 2. Well/ that's just one of the consequences of making that choice. Why is it unfair for you to live w/that consequence? You can't compare that to Blacks being regarded as 2/3 of a person -- we never had any alternative in that situation. And the anti- suffrage laws were abt not giving women their basic respect as human beings/becuz they were regarded as the property of their husbands or fathers/just as slaves were regarded as property of their masters. It wasn't as though a Black or a woman had an alternative option they cd excercise in order to get their proper recognition/until the laws were changed. So you can't compare the two. But if it really mattered to you that much/you & Agatha cd get married in order to provide her w/that coverage. Gays don't get coverage either -- & they don't have the option of marrying. Nor shd they/IMO. But I think they shd be entitled to put their live-ins on their insurance. Precisely becuz they are legally prevented from marrying. People who have the right to marry but choose not have no right to expect the same privileges & legal protection as married couples. The same way that people w/a driver's license have different right's from those who drive w/out a license. They can both get where they want to go/but if they both wreck their cars/why shd the person w/no license be entitled to sue? Or if they get stopped for speeding/why shdn't the person w/no license be arrested? They chose to drive w/out one/so they forfeited the legal protection that comes w/being a licensed & insured driver. That's part of the point in marriage -- you get certain perks from letting the state certify yr committment to each other. So how can you bitch when you reject marriage & don't get the same privileges? |
I know it's not on the same level as civil rights and women's rights, I just threw that in for effect. I don't know what else to say and I don't want to keep repeating myself. |
For me/gay marriage is a religious issue. I think marriage is a unique relationship created by God for a man & a woman to enter into/not just a union humans invented -- like limited liability partnerships or whatever. I've thought & prayed abt it a lot/becuz of the gay people I've known. And every time I keep coming away w/the same feeling: God wd kick my ass if I supported gay marriage/becuz that's not what marriage is for in God's eyes. And since He created it/I can't really tell God "Well/you need to make some changes here, Dude." As much as I might like to/I just can't. Becuz I can't find anything in the Bible that wd support that. Sounds dumb/I know. But that's the catch w/being a Christian: You can't condemn yrself in the things that you approve. At some point/you have to draw that proverbial line & say I'll go this far/but no further. But the flip side is that becuz I wdn't want to legalize gay marriages/or nationalize my religious beliefs into laws/I think gay couples have to be offered at least some of the same legal protections as straight married couples. Becuz the state is refusing them the right to marry. But if they're going to be able to live together & raise kids & do all the stuff married people do/then the state has to offer them at least some of the same perks. Since the state's only real objections to gay marriage are/in fact/based on Judeo- Christian morality. And the state has a legal obligation to keep it's interests & practices seperate from religion. Dave: I don't mean to make you keep repeating yrself either. But I have yet to hear you offer one serious objection or downside to being married. And there are obvious upsides. If it's 'meaningless'/then it shdn't mean anything bad to get married. Unless it's just a 'fuck social mores' thing. Which becomes kinda silly after a certain age. The fact that 'society' promotes marriage doesn't make marriage in & of itself bad. Yr marriage will be what you make it. You & Agatha have done everything else married folks do. And I'll bet you feel 'married' to each other/however that feels. I'm not saying anyone has the right to coerce you into getting married. But look at it this way: Suppose you completed 4 yrs. of study at univeristy. You paid yr own way/took all the required courses/ passed all the exams/finished all yr papers/aced yr orals -- but were never matriculated. You were auditing all those classes for 4 yrs./right alongside everyone else who was enrolled. Technhically/you've got B.A. & shd be able to claims all the perks that go along w/that. But becuz you didn't sign up & pay yr b.s. fees/you don't get that sheepskin/or the right to claim you're a Bachelor of Arts. Wdn't it make sense to sign-up/pay yr fees/& get yr proper B.A.? Even if you thought that matricualtion & fees were dumb/after you'd done all the work/why wd you NOT want to get yr deserved recognition becuz of a couple of forms & fees you didn't agree with? The B.A. is a good thing. The forms & fees are not. But isn't it kind of silly to reject the system at that point/when you clearly have more to benefit than to lose? All of my adult life/I've had these discussions. abt marriage. Always w/men. And I've never yet heard anyone give any valid & meaningful reason for living together vs. getting married. Marriage doesn't stop anyone from leaving if they want to. And if you both agree on the gnarly shit like division of property & child custody (& reasonable adults shd be able to agree on those things)/an uncontested divorce only costs a few hundred bucks. Less if you file all the paperwork yrself (& you can - you don't need a lawyer to file the papers). So it's not fear of the state complicating yr life if you want to divorce that stands an an argument against marriage. After a point/when you've done all the things married people do & created the kind of relationship married people have/I honestly can't see any legit reason not to get married. But I'm willing to be shown the error of my ways. |
i can tell you that since i have been married we have paid out the ass in taxes, those muthafuckas on capitol hill want to impose their american dream on us by encouraging us to have kids and buy a freakin house (tax breaks), though neither are in our near future so therefore we pay big bucks in taxes....something i am very bitter about i must be honest RC, "my friend and his girlfriend" in the proposed question are actually me and my wife, something we were discussing and debating recently, though its after the fact, there is a rubbing point between about this issue....... after she made those comments,. we took a trip to Paris, i had gone to my grandmother (my beloved grandmother!!) and told her what I was thinking of doing, she went to her chest of drawers and pulled out my moms first white gold engagement ring (my moms first husband came out of the closet after two years and died of aids 10 years ago, she took the stone and had it put into a necklace and my grammy had the empty ring)...she gave it to me and said use this, we went to Paris and I asked her in French under the Eiffel tower. Since the ring was empty we went together and had a stone put into it TOGETHER, she picked out the prettiest stone we could afford, and we paid it off together. My ring, a simple white gold band $150, her stone and the ring, which was customized for a marquie (spell?),= $3500....I knocked her socks off and we have been together since, i proposed because i didn't want to loose her for any reason and i was willing to go thru the steps to keep her, though i didn't necessarily agree with the conventions of marriage, i wanted to be with her, we had a non religious , roaring 20s themed wedding (we have always felt we were together in a past life in a Great Gatsby type setting...)....we had a blast. We didn't do it for anyone but ourselves, we did it our way and never accepted no for an answer. When her parents were dispointed because I don't have college degree and she wanted an off white dress, we said "fuck you, we will pay for it ourselves, and we will send you an invitiation,they came crawling back after two hours of the phone. Basically i have done whatever it takes to keep her, i love her and never want to give her up.....THATS WHY I AM MARRIED As far as i am concerned, there are no perks from the state to be married, In california, doestic partners (i.e. gays and live-ins) can get insured, but California is liberal that way. Some progressive companies do offer domestic partner benefits. I work for The Advocate magazine, the old war horse of the Gay/lesbian/bi/tran movement, I am up to par on these types of issues for that reason. RC i share the same opinion about materialistic women as I do about the mid-life crisis hair transplanted man drivin his hot wheels bmw or whatever. Just last night at the dodgers game this coiuple in front of us.....the man, in his 50's, growing old and certainly not in a diginified way, the rolex on his wrist indicated he probably had money, plus the seats we were given were in a high dollar area, the girl....in her 20's blonde and obviously not with this guy for his looks. She was gold diggin and it showed, he got the prettiest girl his wallet could afford and she was with the richest guy her pretty ass could get, I have no repsect for either type individual, come to LA and this is quite common...thats all i can think of right now, got to go to a gallery openeing in china town.....maybe i will see ya'll on monday..... |
I don't think marriage is a religious issue for everyone/altho' it is for me. But I dig the fact that you married yr woman becuz it was important to HER & you'd do anything to keep her. That's one of the BEST reason's anyone cd have for getting married. (You got any much older brothers?) And actually/the guy I was thinking of when I wrote abt buying the Vette was in his late 20's at the time -- the cousin of a guy I dated back in college. When he proposed to his girlfriend/he told her he cdn't afford a ring at the time. But she still said yes. A month later/he bought himself a brand new Corvette. Then the asshole tried to hide it from her by parking it in someone else's garage. She finally busted him in it a few wks. later. Man, was she pissed! And rightfully so. If he was willing to put out $25k for a car/or take on $25 g's worth of debt/shd've bought her a ring/since having one was important to her. Men of all ages like their toys. And women of all ages like our jewels. |
(1) I don't even like diamonds. But I was engaged once, and he put a beautiful antique platinum rings with a fiery diamond and baguettes on my finger and I was bedazzled. I want a ring if I ever get engaged again, but I will at least specify what I want if I don't design the fucking thing myself. I want an alexandrite: I don't care if it's real or fake, as long as it glimmers green-purple-azure-brown depending on how the light hits it. I like opals too, but it's not my birthstone and they're supposed to be unlucky if they're not your birthstone. I like all kinds of gems, I only wear one. It was my gandma's and it is beautiful. I will take it off for softball games, but I won't leave it off overnight unless I DO become engaged. (2) Just as a point of fact on something which will be academic to you all. BLACKS were not 2/3 of a person. SLAVES were, and not 2/3 either...they were 3/5. I only bring this up because free people of colour, and there was a substantial community of free people of colour in the north (especially around Philly from whence sprang William Edward Burghardt DuBois) didn't count at all. Because the point was that this was something the South lobbied for to balance the voting power of the more densely populated (by Citizens) industrial North. (3) My brother and his husband had a commitment ceremony. I honor it as I do any other marriage. It would be swell if the state kicked in a few perks, and probably more swell for my materialistic brother if the snobby episcopalian church in which he'd been raised up in faith would've condoned and sponsored his partnering in love (ok, I'm still a little pissed at his sneering at the star trek dinnerware I gave him when I KNEW his guy would LOVE it, because I didn't buy him crystal and silver and all that like his chichi friends). Most of all, though, I think my brother wants recognition from the people he interacts with daily, and from his family. It takes a nation of millions to hold him back, but they're doing a pretty good fucking job. (4) I do not want to be incendiary just now so I will leave off here. (5) R.C., did you get the link? |
i too agree that more blood has been shed in the name of religion but as I have grown older and less radical in thought as I was just 4-5 years ago I have come to accept one concept as applicable to all, and that is live and let be. RC, i do have a 32 year old brother, but he is a mess.....you wouldn't want him, not to sound arrogant,, but we basically come from different planets. He gots da muscle, I gots da brains. |
Agatha: I understand how you feel. Lots of folks feel the same way abt religious thought. So I'm not offended. (How was yr trip? And did you get any cool grad gifts?) |
i got this bar shampoo that is predominantly lentils and cocoa butter, it smells heavenly and makes my hair look shiny and thick. i also got a deodorant that is scented with sandalwood, two chocolate massage bars, and some bath bombs that fizz up when you put them in your bath. i am addicted to lush. |
I would get married to get on a trustworthy person's health insurance (someone who would not use the contract to screw me over). but the offers I've had have all been traditional (they want the supposed-lifelong love, sex, cohabitation, etc.), so I have not yet been able to accept. so I keep making the monthly payments. lame. |
and chicks such as ourselves, who are geeky enough to bbs, we can really do well in the late '90s urban northwest environment. if you come out and have difficulty getting started, I can give you a list of phone numbers, make introductions. I could easily set you up with a., who is overfond of whiskey but cute and writes great letters. and he and the writer of this e-mail message are both into girls with meat on their bones. here's an example of how overstocked the sw portland pond is: "Part of the reason for having a garage sale was so that A. could meet women, on the theory that lots of cute alterna-babes go to garage sales to buy kitschy '70s stuff and that kind of thing. There were indeed lots of cute alterna-babes in attendance, but I was the only one who talked to them. A. just sat and drank mint juleps and grumbled. Actually, there were cute alterna-boys as well, so you should have been there wearing your bikini. That probably would have helped sales. On the other hand, you might have scared off the cute, miniskirted Eastern European girls who were also much in attendance. I talked to two who had just emigrated from Minsk. They were wearing jean jackets and those translucent plastic sandals with high heels that strippers wear. I'm sure you're very familiar with the look." |
sometimes she(i) gets lucky, |