but the complicated part is that i was on the rag at the time, tho i didn't tell him, and it was very very dark of a night and i was undenyably drunk, i don't really know if he was. i left the next morning before he got up, i had to go to work. i don't know if there was any evidence. and iif there was i can only imagine his reaction, but my question is, do i feel guilty? how should i explain this to him. should it be left unsaid? |
i'm never gonna be able to finish this pasta w/ marinara sauce now. |
That is I hope he figures it out |
like i saw him the next day and he didn't seem to be freaking out about it. but i haven't seen him since. he left for a journey and i will see him again like in a month or so. i guess i just wondered if i should feel bad. i mean i feel a little bad, but as one of my girlfriends put it "if he wants to stick it in he, he deserves what he gets." kind of like a finders keepers philosophy i suppose. i mean i was realy drunk and i was reluctant to do it, but i figured it wouldn't be like all that bad. afterwards i did (while he was sleeping0 use like a wet warm wipe on him as best i could drunk in the dark. luckily the sheets were mine and they were navy blue. |
Why is drunknesss an excuse for any-&-everything? If the guy had woken up before you/seen the blood/slapped the shit out of you the said "Oh sorry -- I was drunk!" wd that have been okay by you? Hello! - Blood & bodily fluids can transmit diseases! And I assume you didn't use condoms/or there wd be nothing for this guy to have to worry abt. If you bled on the sheets/BELIEVE ME, HE NOTICED the next morning. But he apparently had the good manners not to mention it to you when he saw you. At least they were your sheets you ruined. FYI: A decent woman warns a guy that she's got her period beforehand/so he can decide if he wants to wade thru the red river or not. Think abt how you wd feel if a guy was abt to come in you & ended up taking a piss instead. (Which is anatomically impossible/but still.)Some guys really like the red river -- but most prefer to avoid it. I'm a woman too/but I sure as hell wdn't want to end up sleeping in some other bitch's blood. |
and i did use protection. one thing hat never changes is having safe sex. i understand the times i live in and i know what can happen. the queston is not, did i give him a disease, or was it okay for me to do that. these are things under the list of cancled check for me. i did it, he didn't seem too miffed about it. but i think that it is best said that if he is mature enough to be having sex, he should understand and accept a period. hmmm, i guess from the perspective presented here, i am not ashamed of what i did. i do not think that i am hiding behind my drunkeness on this issue either. sleeping with him was no accident, i wanted it. so i guess therefore i am okay ith it all. not to the point of being proud, but okay with it. i added the detail of me being drunk as to why i didn't really find it all that urgent to tell him. drunkeness brings out the selfish girl in me. i wanted sex and i got it. tah dah. in conclusion, i thank you all fr your helpful opinions. |
All I meant to say was that/even though man who is mature enough to get laid "understands & accepts a period"/he deserves to be given the choice beforehand whether or not he wants to get up-close-&-personal w/menstrual blood. FYI: Drinking just prior to or right after the onset yr period will usually increase yr flow. Something to consider -- I've been caught off-guard like that/& didn't realize 'til afterwards that those rounds at the bar were ultimately what ruined my chances for some real fun later that nite. If you catch my drift... |
I suppose a guy should be advised, but if it's overlooked, fuck it! pun intended |
I met this woman through a friend and she was telling us a story (which i guess she thought was funny) that she was due for her period but hadn't started yet had she sex with her husband and the action got her blood flowing. The story ends with her husband being freaked out and disturbed there is blood on his wee-wee and running out of the bed because he is so upset. She thought this was lightheartedly amusing/sweet. I thought 'What the fuck is wrong with him? He's fucking married and he can't deal with menstrual blood? Grow up already!'. To me it seemed really childish and pathetic, esp. in a married man. But this woman's taste in men is a whole other story - ick. On another topic - RC who are these people you know who aren't using condoms? What is their excuse in the modern world? They just love russian roulette? |
The men (mainly Brothers/but some White guys too)are just plain careless becuz in the back of their minds/they really do believe that AIDS is a Gay disease. If they've never had sex w/the girl before/they migh use one if she supplies it. But if they're hitting it regular & she says she's on The Pill or whatever/they figure why bother w/a rubber if they don't have to? Sad -- but true. |
so I've never enjoyed it. And I've never known a man who enjoyed it either. |
I dunno if I can explain it to the male gender... But menstruating makes my insides so slick that there's no traction/or friction. Y'know? |
Depo-Provera! most women spot for the first six months and then after a year there's no period whatsoever. I spotted heavily for three months and now there's no period whatsoever. I'm happy. I'm Darn happy! |
it's almost always a give and take |
The only side effect is intended. |
I'm 39 & I smoke: Can someone like me use Depo or no? I'll ask my gyn abt it/but I don't have health ins. yet/so I won't be seeing her for a while |
looking back, i don't think it was all that bad. i will say one thing it is like the most phenomenal sex i have had with this guy. it was all sensitive for me. i am not really aroused by friction, more by pressure. so i think in that sense it is not for everyone. and some (possibly many) don't really like the idea at all. it is one of those things that makes everyone different. i don't think that i will do it again. i don't realy like the testing the waters on the whole matter, that with the feeling of wanting to apologize for something totally natural. i think that is why i am okay with it. everything was natural. it wasn't that out of the ordinary really. makes me think how way back when women on their period (the ones who were found out to be.) were shunned from towns and sent to the hills to fend for themselves. supposedly people belived it was somee manifestation of evil. i think tho th rich could hide it better than the poor and it was all about thinning out the herd. |
I dunno if they had taboos abt sex during menstruation/but I imagine they did. |
headaches weight gain nausea vomiting nervousness stomach cramps backache bloating in the stomach breast discharge and breast tenderness spotty darkening of the skin skin rashes depressed feeling tiredness dizziness loss of hair from your head increase in growth of body hair vaginal dryness during sexual intercourse increase or decrease in sex drive increase or decrease in blood pressure I get bacaches normally anyway, and I've been nervous lately but I think that has more to do with school than with the depo. also, for the first three months or so, I did notice that my sex drive was a little low, but I feel better now. The only major drawback that I could see with depo is that once it's in your system you're stuck with it for three months, so if you Do experinence a side effect, you just have to tough it out. those are just Possible side effects, though. I don't think they're too likely. I've only been on it for aproximatly four months, though, so maybe later I'll grow extra hair. You should talk to your doctor about it, RC. The spotting months were a pain in the butt (constant bleeding for three months!), but it was worth it. I love not having a period. |
Wigwam".A place where no one would fuck with you, there would be no annoying people in front of you at the checkout, requiring a price check on some mundane sundrie, no jerks in the parking lot stealing your parking place, no civil servants to annoy you with their bureaucracy. A place where you could be totally irrational, and no one would even notice. I would love to go on a monthly basis, with the option that I could leave at any time if I felt like I needed to go and castigate someone, then return to the wigwam. |
no amount of happy depo stories will remove the pain caused to themselves and every single soul they touched. |
Also I'd recommend catching Dr, Christine Northrup when her specials run on TV (PBS) she talks about the weekly menstrual phases and how they affect your psychology and it's really interesting. She would contend that PMS is a time when we deal with the crap of the month so if there is something on your mind - bad relationship, etc. it comes to the forefront then to be dealt with. By the end of her show you feel really empowered about your period and feel bad that men can't have them. It's great! As for sex during your period, hay, it is everyone's personal choice. I've never had any men who found it such a turn off they didn't want to have sex. Some even found it sexy! I think that the woman's attitude about having sex during her period will often transmit to her partner. And of course women are taught to hate their bodies so well... |
Waking up in a bloody bed reminds me of that scene from "Barton Fink." |
the promised land. |
I'm all for women feeling good abt our bodies/but what's the celebrate abt that? I certainly can't sit around "refelcting on my life". And I can't "take it easy & pamper myself" during my period/as she recommends. I sill have to go to work & t.c.b. as tho' it were any other day of the month/same as every other woman. Altho I do love the way I feel the week after my period ends. I post-menopausaul women really do feel like that all the time/I can't wait! |
the more i talk to people, the more i think it was just a coincidence that the first two people i knew who went on were hit by an apparently very rare side effect. but still, psycho is psycho. |
something like getting your gall bladder removed..."you don't need it"...but i guess i do feel better now |
My Mom is awesome since starting menopause, she swears! She's more irritated and less prone to put up with people's crap the way she used to. Of course that could be dangerous behavior for me. |
I'd love to get the Depo shot. But I am leery of anything that A)claims to remain effective for a year w/out repeated injections B)causes 3-6 mos. of "spotting' (If you're spotting/then you're ovulating -- which means you cd get preggers) C)has no antidote & can't be reversed. If I get the shot & don't like what it does to me/then I'm stuck til it wears off? Me dohn't tink so! |
for one- it must have some 'self-cleaning' thing going on and stopping it would have to do something funny to you hormonally....and along with that- even men are cyclical and it seems important to me to avoid doing anything that resembles messing with how your body is supposed to work i also heard that the release of iron (which is sometimes a bad thing) helps woman avoid heart attacks- that might not be true though i just doubt that it's all about making babies |
personally I felt it was worth going through the spotting to get to the no-period. I also felt it was worth risking a negative reaction to the drug (if your doctor knows you she can probably tell you how probably that it) because I know I'm unreliable when it comes to taking pills everyday. Did I mention that the shot is 99.7% effective? obviously I don't think the spotting is too much of a risk as far as getting knocked-up. really, you should go talk to your doctor. it won't hurt. Do you have to pay to talk to her? I don't know how that works in the states. Or you can look at their website, if you haven't already: http://www.depo-provera.com/index.htm I can't comment about whether or not missing my period is a bad thing, because I don't know much about that sort of stuff. I can only say that I trust my doctor, and if there were something "wrong" with it, I think she would tell me. |
heart attacks are a major killer of women. In the US twice as many women die from cardiovascular disease than die from all forms of cancer combined. |
but i do that that more women with heart trouble (as in a greater percentage of women with heart trouble) actually die from it than men |
44.4 percent of all female deaths in America and most developed countries occur from CVD, particularly coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. CVD is the #1 killer of women. and as a side note: As many as 30% of all coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths in the United States each year are attributable to cigarette smoking |
It's a bad scene. A lot of the reason that women die from them is that they are not diagnosed quickly enough, because they present WAY differently and because there's some sort of myth that's pervasive in our culture about them being alpha-male associated. And, my mom smokes like a chimney. |
what was i saying? i was saying that heart disease is more prevalent in men but when women are affected they die from it more often from men (so i think i was agreeing with you) |
Huh?? I'm all for any kind of b.c. that is #1.safe & #2.effective. And MY periods are really yucky/so b.c. that stops me from menstruating wd be a blessing. But Nate's remarks abt women he's known who had major problems w/Depo echo my own 2nd-hand experiences. As for the self-cleaning factors of menstruation: women still have a natural vaginal discharge that has nothing to do w/our periods. So we'd still have self-cleaning ovens even w/out the red river every month. |
come on, you see what i mean When I worked at Glaxo Wellcome, people there were very bizarre, they celebrated drug's birthdays (the day the were discovered) and talked very highly of the companies drugs becasue they all got unlimted supplies. My mom would swear me off just to get another fix of Flonaise the way she talks about it....my step dad is currently living in China working on a new plant for Glaxo Wellcome. We are a drug riddled world, with a pill for everything.....ah hell i am going home Have you ever seen the Kids in the Hall movie Brain Candy? |
ps. depo rocks! go depo, go depo! |
depo? is that the shot one? jeeezis. hormonal birth control is EVIL. it's EVIL and SICK and WRONG and EVIL and BAD. how many times do i have to tell you people!? |
I spent, let's see... from Frosh year of college til I was nearly 29... that's almost a dozen years on The Pill. With no ill effects. AND I smoked for at least 10 of those years. And did lots of drugs. There's nothing "EVIL" or "SICK" abt hormonal b.c. Sarah. S'not right for everybody. But if you're in a momogamous relationship & you don't wanna have to bother w/finding a rubber every time you wanna get yr groove on/the Pill is safe & effective for most women. Pls. is cools out PMS & makes yr periods lighter. And these shots are sounding better & better! But I know my doctor wdn't give me Depo unless I told her I had a steady boyfriend & I was sure he was faithful. She's a fanatic abt condoms & hates to give single women The Pill or Depo or IUD's or anything that won't protect against AIDS. Which is one of the things I dig abt her. |
Monty Python -- now, that shit was funny! Still is/in fact. |
my head hurts |
Lopez! Lopez! God, I LOVE that kind of humor! I hear they're touring again. I need to go. |
RC, why do you need to be in a steady relationship to use depo? I haven't been with anyone since I started on the stuff and I don't plan on being with anyone for quite a while. Can't you just plan ahead?? I think it's really weird that a doctor would refuse to prescribe birth control. Even if you're using a rubber, the dang thing could break and if you Don't get an std you might get pregnant. Is your doctor gonna take care of the kid if that happens? (not You personally, I know you're on the pill) I just think that's weird. I would be totally uncomfterble with going to a doctor who thought she could make those kind of decisions For Me. |
And frankly/I think that's a good thing. |
but what is there to say? use condoms? aids kills? don't share needles? I'm sure she realizes from the level of our discourse that I must be well aware of the risks. who isn't? |