perhaps sex is the root of all evil. i hate myself (i was going to write that i hate men, but i realized that's not the whole truth). fuck fuck fuck fuck. they just want to fuck you and that's it. and what do I want? maybe that's my problem, i'm just floating along waiting for something, anything to make me happy. men and sex don't seem to do it, so why do i keep trying. i think i'm going to go slit my wrists. |
girl, you need to get over the attitude that men are using you for sex. that's the kicker about society today. it's like we, because we're female, aren't supposed to enjoy sex the same way men do. fuck that. use them. sooner or later one will pop up and scare the shit out of you because you'll realize neither one of you can let go of eachother. it happens when you don't expect it to. so don't put expectations on everyone you screw. sometimes sex, is just that, sex. enjoy it. fish can't do it. hey patrick, did i tell you im in love *again*??? this world is my go-cart. |
Anyway, I felt bad having this dream about someone I used to love while I had someone else sleeping beside me. Silly thing to feel bad about, but still. I'm reading a book called "Animal Dreams" by Barbara Kingsolver. In it, the main character says "It takes your sleeping self years to catch up to where you really are. Pay attention to your dreams: when you go on a trip, in your dreams you will still be home. Then after you've come home you'll dream of where you were. It's kind of a jet lag of the consciousness." I thought it made sense. |
sex normally frightens the hell out of me. this guy was only the second guy that i've ever been with. freaking frack i have to be to work in two minutes. |
bell-- everyone needs to experience meaningless sex once in awhile. thing is, don't do it too often, cuz then you just end up lonelier than you were before. gotta mix the emotion with the cheap thrills. i think thats the best thing. |
I like it already. |
I'm re-reading it too. I wanna know what you think when you're done with it. My favorite parts are the parts when it's from the fathers perspective. It reminds me of Latin American authors...when you translate into English, it's like prose. There's some strange sort of surrealism that comes out in the words... Anyway, I'm ranting. |
she's got a knack for descriptive imagery, sort of ala Truman Capote, but not quite. Truman the man. |