Circumcised Is The Only Way To Fly!!! Sex: Circumcised Is The Only Way To Fly!!!
By Chosen One on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 11:47 pm:

    Remember, over 60% of American newborns (regardless of ethnicity) are circumcised. Circumcision is still the safest and most common medical procedure in all of medicine. You are hundred times more likely to incur death or complication from breast augmentation and liposuction. Once again, why is it HIDEOUS to want to distance yourself from rotten flesh that ultimately acts as a detriment!? Humans are not meant to carry pouches! We are not marsupials, people!! e.g. If you were born with an extra finger, would you miss it if it had to be removed!? Of course not! Apply the same rationale to Foreskin!! It serves no useful purpose (i.e. appendix, wisdom teeth) other than to cause a lifetime of unwanted infections and hassles. Forget science and medicine, my eyes alone tell me that FORESKIN is grotesque!!ehe To put it simply: GOD GOOFED!ehehe Therefore, we must correct his mistake!! If you want to cling to filth and foreskin, go live in a cave with the rest of the GOYIM!!


    1) Phimosis in older males can cause urine blockage with acute hypertensive kidney damage.
    2) Balanitis or balanoposthitis - an acute pus-producing infection of the foreskin - is unheard of in circumcised males.
    3) Painful zipper injuries are fairly common in uncircumcised males.
    4) Of the 60,000 cases of penile cancer reported since the 1930's, fewer than 10
    occurred in circumcised men. The risk of penile cancer in uncircumcised men is 1 case per 380-600 men; in circumcised men it is 1 case per 75,000 to 8 million men.
    5) Prostate cancer may be increased for uncircumcised men.
    6) Cervical cancer is increased in the partners of uncircumcised men.
    7) Every study ever done has shown increased incidence of urinary tract infection in uncircumcised males. One in 25-100 uncircumcised males will get at least one urinary tract infection. These infections can cause scarring of the kidney and ultimately hypertension or kidney failure.
    8) Sexually transmitted diseases are more common in uncircumcised men. Penile hygeine is said to protect against the complications of the uncircumcised state. While this may be true, there is actually no study to show any benefit to penile hygeine, nor any practical way to do such a study if you consider the problem of actually documenting scrupulous hygeine over very long periods of time.
    9) Significant bleeding from circumcision is rare. 1-2 per 1,000 performed may need pressure to stop bleeding. 1 in 4,000 will need a stitch to stop the bleeding. In the forty years between 1953 and 1993, three boys died of hemorrhage due to circumcision; two of these were boys circumcised at home by non-medical persons (Jewish mohels). During the same time period, 9,000-12,000 men died of penile cancer.
    10) Serious infections develop in about 1 in 4,000 cases. About one in 15,000 boys undergoing circucism suffers trauma necessitating plastic surgery. Perhaps one boy in a million suffers loss of the penis due to surgical mistake. Anesthesia of the penis is readily accomplished with a dorsal penile nerve block. Topical creams can be used but are less effective. These statistics from Thomas E. Wiswell, Jefferson Medical Center, Philadelphia.

By The OTHER chosen one on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 06:09 am:

    "To put it simply: GOD GOOFED."

    Duly noted. It's big of you to admit it, at least. I wonder who he MEANT to pick. Maybe the Aryans? or those crazy Irishmen.

By Nate on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 01:08 pm:

    woo hoo! genitial mutilation is good!

    we should crop our children's ears, too!

    and the litte toe! that serves no purpose! let's remove them!

    a removed little toe will never break!

By Chordata on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 04:40 pm:

    though i don't have a penis myself, circumcision revolts me. i won't put my kids through it.

    my current partner is uncircumcised. when i realized how much more sensitive the head of his penis is from being protected instead of calloused from exposure, i felt sorry for any man who's ever had it lopped off.

    and no, he has no medical problems, because he keeps it clean.

    by the way, your reasons 9 and 10 are not in support of circumcision. they are information on what can go wrong with circumcision.

    damn, it's weird to be back in these sorabjiite boards after all this time. it's nice to see that the weirdos still come out and beat god over our heads.

By crimson on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 05:42 pm:

    my own father (in addition to a very close male friend of mine) suffered from completely botched circumcisions. it so damaged my father that he never could have children (he adopted me).

    wouldn't wish it on an enemy.

    i think it's cruel, or at the very least, unnecessary. both of my husbands, present & ex, are uncut. never saw a problem in either case. why fuck w/ nature?

    i know a number of jewish parents who've opted out of the whole circumcision schtick. i talked to a mother who'd just come back from her kid's bris & she said emphatically, "never again." sure enough, the second son was not subjected to a circumcision. if you actually have to stand there personally & watch one of your kids suffer through an act of genital mutilation, there probably won't be a repeat performance.

By Chordata on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 06:22 pm:

    wow, crimson.

    you just reminded me of my college boyfriend, who also had a circumcision and was cut far too close. if the skin on his penis was pulled on at all, he would have excruciating pain. he couldn't even masturbate normally.

    by the way, chosen one, the doctor whose statistics you quote is widely regarded as a total crackpot. i searched for his name on google and the first entry i found says:

    Recently, some controversy has arisen over whether circumcision constitutes "surgery." In a recent deposition, Thomas E. Wiswell, M.D. testified that circumcision is not surgery. This is odd considering that Wiswell has referred to circumcision as "the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the United States" in the opening of most of his articles on the subject.

    then there's:

    In spite of overwhelming evidence, Thomas E. Wiswell maintains that "Furthermore, these physicians have incorrectly included meatal stenosis among complications of neonatal circumcision."

    you might find:
    informative. it explains studies which show there is NO LINK between not being circumcised and an increased risk of penile cancer. as for your crazy statistics, chosen one, i can't find them.

    check out
    for no-nonsense statistics. even with dr. wiswell's conservative estimate of a 2% complication rate from circumcision, that's 12.9 MILLION MEN worldwide who have had some sort of major problem after their foreskin was ripped off.

    in summary: chosen one, cut your penis off for all we care. we're glad you are happy with your hardened cock head. just don't push your child genital mutilation on other people and claim it's the "right" way. science and medicine (and the american society of pediatrics) clearly are not on your side.

By Chordata on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 06:28 pm:

    augh, i can't stop. this is just too easy.

    look here:

    for information on urinary tract infections and circumcision. chosen one's claim that "every study ever done" has shown an increased risk in uncircumcised men is a lie.

By Chosen One on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 09:32 pm:

    People, in 100 years, there have been 3 deaths associated with CIRCUMCISION! In that same time period, thousands of UNCIRCUMCISED MEN have died from PENILE CANCER. Once again, you are 100 x more likely to incur death or complication from LIPOSCUTION or BREAST AUGMENTATION. CIRCUMCISION is still THE MOST COMMON AND SAFEST CUT OF ALL! Remember, there is no surgery or medication that is without risk!! e.g. ANDY WARHOL died from ROUTINE GALL BLADDER SURGERY!! Hundreds of patients die each day in hospitals, from complications or malpractice. As for the above cited instances of botched circumcision!? I can guarantee you that A)They had it done later in life B)They are SKIN FREAKS that have TOO MUCH TIME ON THEIR HANDS. Remember, it is imperative that CIRCUMCISION be performed during infancy! The longer you wait, the greater risk you have for post and pre-op complications. As for MUTILATION!? THE FORESKIN is not the penis!! It is excess rotten flesh that dangles over the penis! Here's a few good analogies: If BILL GATES had a million dollars more, would he even realize it existed!?eheh If a benign cyst grew on your face, would you not have it removed!? Or would you leave it there until it became MALIGNANT!? PREVENTION is the best medicine!! To reiterate: FORESKIN serves no useful purpose for being! That is if you include SKIN GRAFTS for BURN VICTIMS! LOL!! Remember, FORESKIN (aka AARDVARK SNOOT!heh I wonder if it eats ANTS?ehe) is excess SEBACEOUS SMEGMA RIDDEN skin that acts a harborer for UTIs, STDS, HIV, PHIMOSIS, PENILE CANCER, BALINITIS, and every other lovely ill that is ASSOCIATED with FORESKIN!! Sorry, but there is no reason why any person has to bear the brunt of that ungodly looking piece of SNAGLE TOOTH SKIN!! Unfortunately, those of you who commented on the above, do not know any better! You were reared in a unhealthy GOYIM ENVIRONMENT that clings to FILTH, PORK and FORESKIN!!eh e.g. Would you ever revert back to the non self-cleaning oven!? Of course not! Well, CIRCUMCISION affords men a "SELF-CLEANING PENIS" that is FREE OF HASSLE! Remember, SOAP is never a deterrent to SMEGMA!! You can wash your putz like an incessant marsupial in the wild, and it will still not guarantee the non-producing of SMEGMA!! The same SMEGMA that is unheared of him CIRCUMCISED MEN! For the sake of the women online, I only pray that you are involved in a monogamous or celibate relationship!eheheh Because if I had a SNATCH, I would never want to allow FORESKIN entrance!heh Just as I, being a HETERO CIRCUMCISED MALE, would never want to sleep with a woman who has a YEAST INFECTION!!ehe NO BRAINER, PEOPLE!! Let's wake up and get off the MUTILATION BANDWAGON!! Your IDEOLOGY is very reminiscent of the PRO-LIFE WACKOS!!! Not once have I ever questioned my cut status!? Remember, cut or uncut, NORMAL PEOPLE do not obsess over SKIN or lack thereof. However, I do admire my CHISELED WORK OF ART!eheh A work of art that proudly displays his soldier's helmet at all times!heheeheh

By Chosen on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 09:36 pm:


    Your analogies are from hunger!! EARLOBES will never result in your death or downfall!! But FORESKIN can and will!! DOH!! Once again, UNCIRCUMCISED MEN have a greater incidence of STDS, HIV, PENILE CANCER, BALINITIS, PHIMOSIS, UTIs, etc, etc, etc. Nate, you're a GOYIM to the bitter end, eh!?eheeee

By Chosen One on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 09:53 pm:


    Very foolish of you to cite that ANTI-CIRC NEO NAZI WEBSITE!! If anything, it works against you!!! What's next!? Will you also be directing us to THE HOLOCAUST DENIERS WEBSITE!? LOL! I sincerely believe that if the online SHIKSAS (female gentiles/non-Jews) knew what a CIRCUMCISED PUTZ looked like, they would fly their lovers to the HOSPITAL!ehe Once again, all of those anti-circ nazi sites use PROPAGANDA as a scare tactic!! What counts is what occurs after the healing process! Do the math: 10 minutes of the most common surgery in all of medicine (with 1 week of healing), or a lifetime of upkeep!? No brainer!! Have you ever seen post-op pictures of FACE LIFT patients!? They appear as if they have gone through a brick wall!! Swelling is common in every surgery!! As is THE SQUEAMISH FACTOR! But alas, we cannot use that as a basis to oppose CIRCUMCISION! Unfortunately, since the anti-circ ilk is incapable of impugning the overwhelming evidence of health benefits of CIRCUMCISION, they must then rely on GESTAPO TACTICS!!! BTW, you actually had the CHUTZPAH to site a 2% statistic of CIRCUMCISION COMPLICATIONS!? LOL! That number is lower than people who have LIFE THREATENING REACTIONS to ASPIRIN! DOH!! Compare that 2% with thousands of people who die from malpractice, each and every year! What will you find!? A greater % than 2% in every COSMETIC SURGERY ARENA!! Should we cease medical intervention, because there are no guarantees in life!? Once again, the anti-circ choir continues to dwell in HEBEE JEEBEE IDEOLOGY!! To reiterate: CIRCUMCISION is still THE SAFEST & MOST COMMON FORM OF SURGERY IN ALL OF MEDICINE!! Why are you incapable of acknowledging this undeniable fact?

By crimson on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 10:21 pm:

    the two botched circumcision cases i mentioned above both happened during infancy (there was a suggestion that they might've been done later in life). i know a man who had it done in his 40s, though, and he came out all right, except for some rather hellish pain.

    my stepmother had a lot of kids, all male. they were all circumcised. but after working in the medical community for many years & reading up on the subject, she had a major change of mind about the whole thing. she didn't want the procedure being performed upon her grandchildren, begging my brothers not to allow it to be done. they complied.

    my jewish relatives aren't doing the circumcision thing anymore. the gentile side of the family never did see any sense in it, anyway. it's nothing i'd force a child to undergo, personally. optional surgery for someone too young to voice an opinion just doesn't strike me as a good thing.

    i've also noticed that there's a growing trend among adult males to actually have foreskin reattachment surgery. while i'm not completely sure of their motives, i found it interesting that they'd go through the trouble of having it reattached.

    my husband never got circumcised, although he's of partial jewish descent. his family just never saw it as important, i suppose.

    like so many other issues, you'll find compelling arguments on either side. cut dick, uncut dick, who cares? the primary reason i'd take exception to it is that the individual whose schlong is in question is almost always a minor incapable of expressing his own will in the matter.

By Ringo on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 01:35 am:

    I dont have a lot of forskin. It covers only half my head when limp, and nine times out of ten goes back when erect but still has the ability to be stretched ever my cock head. All the girls I've been with love it. They use it to stroke me, the suck it, they tug on it, and they even clip things on it.

By J on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 02:37 am:

    Do they also bang it,wang it,throw it against the wall?I think you have a hostile penis,and it must be destroyed.

By Tom on Friday, December 29, 2000 - 05:51 am:

    Next on MTV Celebrity deathmatch: J vs. Ringo's Penis!

    All this talk of penis is making me hungry. Hrm. Dunno how that works.

By Cat on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 02:04 am:

    Chosen, sounds like the knife slipped when they sliced your dick and you lost some vital grey matter. That's one of the hassles with being a jewish dickhead, I suppose.

By J on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 12:41 pm:

    I'm hostile to all penis at this point, my husband has been off for over a week.I like sex mind you,but he's really overdoing it now,and I'm sressed as it is.I have all too much thrown at me recently,and I can't just drop everything to service him any G.D time he wants it.

By J on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 12:43 pm:

    Mabe next time he wants some,I'll get the slice and dice and tell him it's a sex toy.

By semillama on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 02:54 pm:

    I'm suffering froma case of deja vu here. Wasn't there another thread a few years ago that had arguments against a claim met with accusations of anti-semitism, instead of valid logic?

    Give it a rest, Jeff.

    I for one would have liked some voice in the manner of keeping my foreskin.

By M on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 04:18 pm:

    Not that anyone cares, but I've had the big flap 'o skin for 36 years and have had none of the problems described in the pro-circ rant above.
    No STD's, urinary tract infections, nuthin but fun. I did find the zipper comment funny though. I also find it funny that docs charge anywhere from $400 to $600 for the circ. hmmm

By A mom on Saturday, December 30, 2000 - 05:14 pm:

    i have a son, and i didn't circumcise him because in my mind there was no reason to.
    he's born with a foreskin, and it's natural.
    if he decides later, when he is grown up that he doesn't like it, and wants circumcision, HE WILL HAVE THE CHOICE and i think he will appreciate having that choice.
    that's just my personal opinion.
    i don't feel very strongly one way or the other, but i made this decision for my son.

By Daniel ssss on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 12:52 am:

    Very Ugly Zipper incident in 1977 (very drunk) still very vivid in my mind.

By Ned Flanders on Sunday, December 31, 2000 - 02:19 am:

    Band name: The Zipper Incident. nevermind. It's just that there have been huge mobs of people lately, going every which way to see The String Cheese Incident.

By Fetidbeaver on Monday, January 1, 2001 - 11:54 pm:

    Please send all your unwanted foreskins to me. I want to make a jacket.

By Pug on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 - 02:44 am:

    I was circumcized....TWICE.
    It's not like I remember it, or anything....but I couldn't really reccommend it to anyone.....
    Guess I'll just crawl back to the cave with the rest of the GOYIM!!!!!
    Haw,haw, haw....

By semillama on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 - 03:23 pm:

    If being circumsized again was a condition to being "Born Again" then I think there would be less fundamentalists around.

By Chosen One on Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 07:49 pm:

    A mom,

    There is absolutely nothing natural about allowing a condition (foreskin) to persist, when it can just as easily be remedied!! FORESKIN is an abnormal growth of skin!! It's no different than a benign cyst that has to be removed. And what is the eventuality of a benign cyst!? If it is not removed, it becomes malignant!! You must be able to train your SHIKSA MIND to think with SENSIBLE EYES!ehe Once you are capable of saying, "circumcision is the trimming away of excess sebaceous ridden skin", then and only then will you be thought of as rational minded!!
    Remember, in JAPAN, over 70% of newborns suffer from PHIMOSIS and BALINITIS!! Why!? Because CIRCUMCISION is practically non existent in their country!! There comes a time when you must put away your MILK & MEAT and CONCEDE!! Jesus H. Christ, we are living in the 21st century, people!! There's absolutely no reason why anyone should have to shlep foreskin around. Doing so only places you back to the stoneage period!!

By Chosen One on Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 07:56 pm:

    Furthermore, "FREEDOM OF CHOICE" does not apply to circumcision! Since a child cannot comprehend the ills of foreskin, his parents must then choose for him. In essence, you are going to subject your son to 18 years of needless tumult, because you're enamored by dead useless flesh!? LOL!!

By Nate on Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 08:15 pm:

    you're a moron.

By Chordata on Thursday, January 4, 2001 - 09:59 pm:

    i think someone should remove the excess sebaceous rotten flesh from the top of your neck.

By semillama on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 12:43 am:

    Hey, at least it's a refreshing change from the usual iggerunt white-power bs, even though he makes the same arguments, only with "jew" instead of "white".

    If Jeff Jarrett there happens to be a golfer, I think my brand o' religious nuts would be happy to assist you.

    Was Arnold Palmer Jewish?

By Antigone on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 02:31 am:

    Is a bear Catholic?
    Does the Pope shit in the woods?

By Sorabji on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 03:27 am:

    here are the first 15 verses of Genesis translated from English to Portuguese to English to Spanish to English to Chinese to English

    It created the sky and this track in beginning God.

    And this track is does not have the form, with is void; And the light passes on darkly is in the face cover depth one. And God's ethyl alcohol moves the water face the cover.

    There and that God said, is left is the light: And it have the light.

    And God considered the light, that one good: And the God division light passes on the dark light.

    And God clearly tells the day, calls with the night the light passes on darkly. And night of and this morning this is first day.

    The way and, God said, there firmament to is left is one they waters, with left delimits the water diversion it the water.

    And God's f4ez firmament, with the division is under water firmament is the above firmament water: And it are thus.

    And God calls it in likely daily to empty and night of and this morning firmament. And, God said, he will water left in together adopt the shelter until under the place sky, and will appear to the left dry track: And it are thus.

    And God tells this track dries this track; And gathers in ?? side is called the sea: And God considers, this is good.

    And, God said, brings this issue germ to left this track next the grass, the grass, with the issue fruit fruit tree after it, the germ is nse, in this track cover: And it are thus.

    And track next brought the issue germ's gram, with the grass after it issued the fruit, with the tree, the germ was nse, in it after: And God considers, this is good.

    And night of and this morning this is third days.

    There and that God said, left any light in sky firmament division day in evening; And it remain for nobody they are the sample, with in station, with several days, with several years before:

    And it let nobody give the light to them for the light in sky firmament in this track cover: And it are thus.

By Antigone on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 11:39 am:

    Ah, the babels of the joyfish...

By Trace on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 11:49 am:

By Chordata on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 02:22 pm:

    here are the first 15 verses of genesis, as translated by sorabji, translated by

    here are the blowing first 15 shags of Assfucks unclefucked from English to Portuguese to English to Spanish to English to Chinese to English

    It fucked the ejaculating sky and fistfucks track in screwing God.

    And asslicks track is gangbangs not have the sucking form, with is void; And the banging light fists on darkly is in the sodomiting face cover depth one. And "Anal" God's ethyl alcohol sodomits the gangbanging water face the licking cover.

    There and that God said, is left is the fucking light: And it have the ejaculating light.

    And "Superdick" God assfucked the blowing light, that one good: And the penetrating God division light cuntlicks on the motherfucking dark light.

    And "Butplug" God clearly ejaculats the fistfucking day, spanks with the titty fucking night the fingerfucking light gangbangs on darkly. And night of and bangs ranching licks is first day.

    The squirting way and, God said, there firmament to is left is one they fingerfucks, with left scats the masturbating water diversion it the sex fighting water.

    And "Butplug" God's f4ez firmament, with the motherfucking division is under water firmament is the screwing above firmament water: And it are blows.

    And "Mistress Shiva" God wanks it in likely daily to empty and night of and sex fights gangbanging firmament. And, God said, he will water left in together adopt the titty fucking shelter until under the motherfucking place sky, and will appear to the banging left dry track: And it are plows.

    And "Cock Sucker" God sucks cocksucks track shafts ranchs track; And blows in ?? side is gangbanged the unclefucking sea: And "Jar Jar" God shafts, asslicks is good.

    And, God said, wanks scats issue germ to left penetrats track next the felching ranchs, the fucking sucks, with the felching issue fruit fruit tree after it, the titty fucking germ is nse, in kisss track cover: And it are unclefucks.

    And track next brought the sex fighting issue germ's gram, with the wanking felchs after it titty fucked the ejaculating fruit, with the fisting tree, the blowing germ was nse, in it after: And "Suck my tits dry" God unclefucks, fucks is good.

    And night of and cuntlicks screwing bangs is third fistfucks.

    There and that God said, left any light in sky firmament division day in browning; And it remain for nobody they are the fucking sample, with in station, with several cuntlicks, with several masturbats before:

    And it let nobody give the assfucking light to them for the assfucking light in sky firmament in felchs track cover: And it are masturbats.

By semillama on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 02:59 pm:


By Trace on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 03:00 pm:


By Cat on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 03:34 pm:

    Chordata, you just gave me the best darn chortle I've had in weeks. My tummy hurts.

By Antigone on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 04:59 pm:

    I thought my ass was going to explode when I read it.

By patrick on Friday, January 5, 2001 - 06:31 pm:

    pet my monkey butternuts!!!!!

    sorry that was completely random and unwarranted.

    digital tick.....