Now, Sem, I know this probably happens all of the time in whackmeoff, WI, but this is the first time in 40 years we've had snow that stuck to the ground. i live at about 550-600 feet above sea level. we had 4 inches of snow. i built a snowman with A. i took pictures. a tree fell into the creek. there are three roads out of where i live. one to santa cruz, one to saratoga and one to los gatos. they were all blocked. power was out. power is still out. my water heater is electric. it was very cold in the shower this morning. i kept the fire going all day yesterday. we read books until the light was too dim. we lit candles and ate vicodin and played gin and smoked weed and went to bed just before 9pm. we talked for hours before drifting off into vicodin dreams. dreams of vast spaces lined with brilliant green redwoods. snow traveling sideways through the air. microscopic bits and beasties traveling sideways through the ether. three dimensions folding and shifting, interplanar origami. floating above chasms, dream induced vertigo body spasms. |
Now that I am moving out of the snow belt, I am afraid I will turn into a snow-wussy. I stayed overnight Firday in a woodstove heated house. That was cold, except for the room with the woodstove, which was nice and toasty. There is nothing like a wood fire when the snow is flying. Before I could pull into the driveway, though, We had to shovel it out. It was only the fluffy snow, however, so it didn't take more than a half-hour. When the plow came by in the moring, we had to shovel it again, but this time it was all compacted and hard to move. Luckily, we had the snow scoop. I may have to scan a photo for you of how yoopers move snow. |
Our power's been out for a week or so now, I wouldn't really have noticed if the snow affected it or not. |
The other day it snowed a little tiny bit...made the street a bit wet, but not icy, no accumulation...and schools in the county were delayed two hours. I made it to work early because no one was on the road, like, they all stayed home or something. Snow-wussies is right! |
the nice part is that the wind stopped blowing. i no longer need to wear three shirts to school. |
Hey I got a question, did they close down schools for the 4 inches of snow you got? Please say yes and proove my theory. |
They had the jeeps with plows on the front today pushing snow all over campus. I'm amazed they don't kill more students. I swear one was chasing me. There are these funny narrow little trails in the snow where everyone walks on the un-paved (and thus, unplowed) areas. Next time we get a good foot or more overnight, App and I are going to get up early and make little windy trails all over and watch people follow them. |
i couldn't get to work because i have to go up before i can go down again. up higher it snowed more. and the trees. 4" at 550' above sea level less than 5 miles from the sea is pretty odd in CA. |
Can't say the same about GLOATING, though. Enjoy it while it lasts. I fucking love snow. Even when I hate it, I love it. It can be such a reminder to us in our safe little modern world that it wasn't too long ago that the weather was a major casue of death, and that weather still remains a challenge to us as individuals - can I make it through this storm? DO I have enough firewood? Where did I put the batteries? What will we do if the beer store is closed? |
beautiful. absolutely enchanting, nate. it's stories and events like these that remind me of all the good and right reasons to want to be in a relationship, of why i keep bothering, caring, pursuing, yearning. that, and vicodin. i have some leftover from surgery... |
And, you should see how they drive in it. Or, don't as the case maybe. We don't do very well with snow. However, I must admit we usually get the wet, slippery, heavy, icey kind when it comes. |
i don't like snow. it's cold and wet. i didn't mind yesterday, though. |
I was not impressed with the snow. The real problem here is black ice, which there was a lot of this morning--my car almost went off the road. The snow is no big deal, although the headline on the local newspaper was all about the "devastating" "snowstorm." What a bunch of shit. Snow isn't snow until there's at least three feet of it. I care a lot more about the black ice, because it's a real risk that a lot of people don't pay attention to. We lose a lot of tourists that way because people have either never heard of it or they dismiss it. |
Still, I actually haven't seen as many fools in ditches as I usually do this year, even with all the freezing rain we've been getting. |
it's been cold and rainy and very windy here for days and days now. it's our only season and it only lasts a few weeks, but after a few days everyone gets really cranky. except me. even my cats won't go outside anymore and they're flipping out. |
clean crest where are you Platypus ? |
as I said before we got 4ft+ up at big bear. it was absolutely gorgeous. It pretty much snowed nonstop. I got chains, or rather cables that worked well. We didn't spin out once! Unfotunately, due to the heavy precipitation, our hiking plans were shat on, so we spent a lot of time at Murrays's tavern, made local friends over $1 drafts, played darts and passed out in the jacuzzi. |
Which sounds a little like Wermacht. I don't know where that came from. Anyway, got your package, Isolde. The polish holy kid was beheaded en route, but I like the manatee. |
i ate vicodin last night. i started with a half and 45 minutes later ate the other half. and oh my, i'd forgotten how wonderful that stuff is. i remember why i chose to hide it on myself, at the bottom of my underwear drawer of all places. that stuff really takes you to a special place. i slept last night like i haven't slept in weeks. i woke up not panicking and not at 4:30 in the morning, either. |
isolde said a while back she found a house in NoCal . Who knows what up with her. i suspect weirdness based on some of the cryptic messages she posted last |
"The polish holy kid was beheaded en route, but I like the manatee." now there's a sentence you don't hear every day. jeezis, only in sorabjiiland. hilarious. |
I had forgotten about the NoCal land deal. |
Did you know "adz" is actually a word? I did. |
do you know what a froe is? |
lets go beat some conservative energy execs in denial! |
we've had at least two ice ages. you can't tell me that earth's temp isn't naturally cyclical |
i saw some funny shit recently......the recently abrupted talks in the Hague about global warming, where the US rep had a pie put in his face. |
i need to change my attitude about soCal. we'd be a much stronger state if we got over the rift between the north and south. i read/heard something recently (who knows where) in which someone was hypothisizing that the NY run media is maintaining the north/south friction in california. which makes some sense. next to a united california cultural front NY city would look like buttfuck, nebraska. |
But I hope you're not part of the "global warming doesn't exist" crowd. There's overwhelming evidence that there's been a STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT upward spike in global temperature over the past 50 years. :-) Roll that up and smoke it, bubba. |
i agree that global warming exists. i've seen the data on the <randolf?> shelf in antartica. i kind of doubt we've had a huge effect on it. maybe. we've only been recording temperatures for what, 100 years? 150? global temperature is obviously cyclical. there is evidence that at least one of the ice ages was brought on rapidly. how can 50 years of data be signifgant when you're dealing with 1000+ year cycles? especially when your 50 years of data is 33-50% of your total data? |
NoCal always has to bitch about something. |
and, you know, win. |
what would be our main weapon of assualt? guac? |
This is the link to buy the video. |
i think global warming and global cooling are natural and cyclical environmental phenomena. human impact on global warming = evolutionary process. so the world is heating up? fig buckin' deal. life goes on, in some form or another. but please people, recycle. |
also: reduce, and reuse. |
I am back home in da UP right now. We've had over 15 feet of snow so far in my hometown, but just a little further north on the Keweenaw, ther's been 21 feet. You should see the drifts here, it's crazy and cool. You'd thikn it would never melt, but it always manages to by May. |