What if I'm thinking about my love every three seconds, and not always about the sex? Anyway. The real reason for me to post is that I am madly in love with my girl. I have never ever felt this way about anyone before, ever. Not that there have been boatloads of other ones. I tend to go long term with my relationships, and that doesn't allow the numbers to stack up. It's not just thinking about her almost every moment, it's how I think about her when I look into her eyes, or watch her eat or comb her hair. Or when she tells me she loves me. It almost always gives me that shocking-warm feeling in my chest when she says that. I'm sure it will go away sometime, but I have never ever had that last this long before. We have only been together for two and a half months, which is a short amount of time, I know. But I have never felt this powerful about anyone before. She makes me intoxicated when I hold her. All I want to do is make her happy and see her smile. When I'm with her, she makes me feel special, just as I try and make her feel special. At the current rate, it doesn't look like the constant warm-fuzzy feelings will end soon, though I know it must sometime. The initial lovestruck phase gives way to the next, always. Not that the next phase is bad. It's just as good, if not better. So.... Just a little post. About nothing you all should/would care about. |
er. i mean, person we don't know the identity of. |