Friday,I will get huge amounts of sex. Sex: Friday,I will get huge amounts of sex.
By V on Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 07:27 pm:

    ...or not,but I will post,no matter what happens with the Greek girl...

By Dougie on Thursday, June 22, 2006 - 11:25 pm:

    I'm saying a huge prayer right now for that Greek girl:

    "Lord in Heaven, in Thy infinite wisdom and mercy, please let V forget in which subway station he is supposed to pick up this Greek girl, and at what time he is supposed to pick her up. And if Thou seest fit, please stop him from posting on this website forevermore. Thanks ever so much."

By Dougie on Friday, June 23, 2006 - 04:24 pm:

    Uh oh, it's Friday night in London. Either the Lord heard and answered my supplication and V is now standing in some tube station with his thumb up his ass (whilst at his flat, a lightning strike fried his PC, preventing him from posting here for the near future) or I'm overextended on my prayers, and V's now in some bar with poor Greek girl plying her with vodka and trying to pick her locks.

By V on Friday, June 23, 2006 - 10:24 pm:

    ...It 3 a.m. London time,and v just got back home from my Greek date,she turned out to be VERY good looking,and,yes we did,in the back seat of the Lex,twice in half an hour,cuz I need a coffee break now and then,tonight,I will get 3 hours sleep,1 hour less than normal,but it was worth it. :)