did anyone else know that the morning after pill now is available over the counter? called my nurse this morning, told me i could just go ask the pharmacist for it. i was like, what? i can just walk in and get it? when did THIS happen? she said, while you were pregnant. hard to believe this kind of thing happened during the bush administration. guess i haven't been keeping up on birth control options. i mean, i remember like it was yesterday when all the pro-lifers were rioting agains it. then i remember it being sort of like a medical underground secret... like you could get the morning after pill, but only if you talked to your doctor about it, she could get some for you, and it was like, discreet or something. |
Hahaha Since then, pharmacies sell 41,000 units of Plan B a MONTH country wide. That's 41,000 life-ruining mistakes corrected per month for only $26. That's fuckin awesome. It's awesome everywhere, in every country, truly something to be proud of :) |
women need to stop living a lie and stop giving all their money to the pharmaceutical companies. |
i don't know what the law is in canada, but one very fucked up thing about Plan B here in the US is that -- it even says this on the box -- it is not to be sold to anyone 17 years or younger. i'm assuming this is why you have to ask the pharmacist for it, even though you don't need a prescription. and i'm thinking, they should be handing this shit out for free to anyone 17 and under who needs it. also, it cost $47. fairly prohibitive, if you ask me. |
also, according to the literature included in the box, Plan B is 75% effective. |
i know a girl who used it twice during her last 'month'. i wish we could get education up to par. |