Strike 1: Ten years or more ago, Greaseman is quoted as saying, (in reference to Martin Luther King Day), something to the effect of "Let's shoot 4 more and get the week off". Strike 2: The day after the Grammy's, Greaseman plays a selection from the new Lauryn Hill record and then says, (this time referring to the James Byrd murder in Texas), "No wonder people drag them behind trucks." No matter what other people say, or what he himself says, he is a racist. He is a bigot. This is something that I would not be surprised to hear coming from the likes of OB. |
he's a bigot, and he's also one stupid motherfucker. i hope he's got a good security system installed at home. |
Gotta fucking love it. |
you may need to take "reading comprehension 101" one more time. read the statement, think about social reality, then respond again. be sure i'll offer extra credit if you need to pass. |
Where's my apology? He's offended everyone with his initial statement. And then he did it again with his apology. He doesn't have a clue.... |
Hasn't made the news over here, but Monica is on the front cover of every "Woman's" magazine this week. |
sorry for the bad-tequila knee-jerk reaction. i wrote a lengthy rant about the whole greaseman thing, but i don't think i'll bother to post it. basically, the gist is that i'd like to hit the guy in the head with a baseball bat. |
Is he just a Howard Stern-type asshole who'll say anything just to be a rise out of people/or is he part of some redneck racist organization -- what's the deal w/this guy? Inquiring minds wanna know! |
But yeah, I guess you could compare him to Stern - if you really wanted to - only he's less successful. |
That some people have never heard of the Greaseman is a real shame! Some people have an undeveloped sense of humor and wouldn't recognize "funny" if it hit them in the ass! So many individuals take every little item as if it is the whole world. Lighten up! People feel because they were born into certain ethnic, religous, geographical, etc. situations, they should be exempt from the jabs and digs of comedy or just every day speech. I'm from Georgia(hillbilly?), fat, poor and I dress funny. I am a 5'9", 375# accomplished powerlifter with martial art training(big deal!) I take a lot of crap from people in general. I don't have to do so, but I let it roll off. "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff." I have met The Greaseman. He is a REALLY cooool sumbitch. Doug is a handsome dude(not as handsome as me, but then who is?). In my humble opinion, if you don't like his product or delivery of such, you are dim of wit. Tune him off. As far as "Swine"(what an appropriate moniker!) and his opinion goes, he is obviously a loud mouthed, chicken shit, empty headed sack-o-shit. Stick your baseball up your ass you moron(my apologies to the morons of the world)...nothing personal. Howard Stern blows, and to make ANY comparison between him and the Greaseman tells me that you are a bag of assholes. I am obviously not an accomplished writer, and I apologize for the disjointedness of the above, Time has been a factor. Grease is "THE BEST", Grease rules, long live the Grease! |
Your point is taken. I tend to get wound up. I certainly mean no harm, I'm just passionate about some things. Thanks, Snuf P.S. ~ The Grease is still da bestest what is! |