Made Me Think of Patrick Weeds: Made Me Think of Patrick
By Czarina on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 12:15 pm:

    My s/o told me this-----he works with a guy named Riley,who is more or less the town drunk,[but a pleasant one],well, these young guys showed up at his house,and were harrasing him,"Old man, you owe us $100.00", he apparently plays cards with them, and they take advavtage of him while he is drunk. He told them to go away, that he didn't owe them any money, plus, he didn't want to cause any trouble cause his kids were getting ready to graduate from high school,[they're gifted kids, graduating with all kinds of honors],so he didn't want any trouble.So Riley turns to go into his house, and he hears----K-PLUNK K-POW K-BANG, and he thinks "shit, they're shooting at me",so he hurries to find cover, and peeks out to see what they're doing------and they were pelting him with frozen waffles.

    I told my s/o to find out if they were round or square waffles,because,I suspect if they were round,that it was a premiditated assault maneuver.
    What an interesting MO.

By patrick on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 01:03 pm:


    looking for the connection here.......i have never lunged a waffle at anyone.

By semillama on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 01:07 pm:


    Wasn't obvious to you?

    It had to have been premeditated regardless of the shape of the waffles, because who carries frozen waffles around with them?

By patrick on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 01:14 pm:

    who is waffleboy?

By Czarina on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 02:13 pm:

    I guess I should find out approximately how many "rounds" of waffles were launched,that might be an indicator of whether or not it was premeditated. It did cross my mind,that maybe they had gone to the store for their mom,and just happened to have the waffles handy,and decided to use them as projectiles,also,maybe they don't like waffles,and thought this was a good way not to have to eat them for breakfast.

    I won't comment on the above association.

By Antigone on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 08:29 pm:

    who is patrick?

By Isolde on Wednesday, June 7, 2000 - 09:35 pm:

    Who am I?

By waffleboy on Thursday, June 8, 2000 - 11:48 am:

    you are all fuckin nuts

By Cat on Thursday, June 8, 2000 - 09:41 pm:

    What are waffles? I'm not from around here.

By N.b. on Thursday, June 8, 2000 - 11:35 pm:

By Ihop on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 08:58 am:

    that first picture of a waffle appears to be somewhat pre-digested

By waffleboy on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 12:23 pm:

    just stick to your pancakes and scrapple....leave the waffles to me

By Nate on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 02:57 pm:

    walking by the sausage section of the meat counter reminds me of patrick.

    ah shit. i just won't post this.

By Nate on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 02:57 pm:


By patrick on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 03:12 pm:


By Isolde on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 03:18 pm:

    I remember in Spain they have these huge sausages dangling from the roofs of pubs, on the inside, of course. The ceilings aren't that low--but the sausages still brushed my head, and I'm pretty short...ever since then, I've ceased to be impressed by most meat counters in the US.
    Since Ididn't know Patrick then, Ican't really draw any conclusions that I thought of him...

By Czarina on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 06:31 pm:

    were those dangling sausages like happy hour snacks,and you could just grab a nibble?

By Cat on Friday, June 9, 2000 - 10:47 pm:

    Thank you NB...especially for the waffle irony site.

    I love sausages, we call them snags here.

    I don't know Patrick, but he must be pretty tasty. Everyone relates him to food.

    (This is the second time I've posted this, so apologies if the first one shows up)

By Gee on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 01:21 am:

    nothing ever really reminds me of patrick, but occasionally I've been reminded of Rhiannon and Margret, and I've mentioned Nate to a couple of people.

By dave. on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 02:19 am:

    i don't tell anybody about anybody here. but i don't really talk much about my family at work. they know they exist but i have no interest in bringing work people into my personal life. is that weird?

By moontit on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 02:47 am:

    what the hell is snapple???

By Rhiannon on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 10:53 am:

    Do you mean scrapple?

    Snapple is a brand of bottled teas and fruit drinks.

    Scrapple is....this.

By Rhiannon on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 10:58 am:

    "An average scrapple loaf contains the rectums of 4 swine."

    It's a fact!

By semillama on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 01:09 pm:

    My theory of the internet is: If you haven't seen at least 4 things you never imagined could exist in one session, you aren't doing it right.

By Isolde on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 04:00 pm:

    No, usually these pubs would serve sausage dishes, and when one ordered sausage, the cook would come out of the kitchen and grab one. Sort of...smoke cured.

By Isolde on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 04:05 pm:

    No, usually these pubs would serve sausage dishes, and when one ordered sausage, the cook would come out of the kitchen and grab one. Sort of...smoke cured.

By Isolde on Saturday, June 10, 2000 - 04:05 pm:

    argh. sorry.

By Dougie on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 09:29 pm:

    I bought gallons of New York Grade A maple syrup this weekend upstate. I love to take big sips of it cold out of the fridge. I love it on Hogs 'n Dogs Vanilla ice cream. And on snowballs. And on pancakes. I love it on waffles and meatloaf and hotdogs, on oatmeal with oj and cereal. On chicken and corndogs and pickles, on lettuce and cheese with mayo. So I will eat it in a box, and I will eat it with a fox, and I will eat it in a house, and I will eat it with a mouse, and I will eat it here and there. Say! I will eat it anywhere!

By Isolde on Monday, June 12, 2000 - 10:03 pm:

    Woah. I mean, I think maple syrup has its place and all, but...woah.