There wasn't much to begin with, thankfully. But there is one thing that always sends me squealing back, from army boots right to dollhouses. her name is Hello Kitty. You fucking cat, you're going to ruin me. as soon as i get the slightest hint of that white oval face, the bow, the ears, (usually far in the distance in a mall, at one of those little carts in the hallways), and i'm running towards it, i just HAVE to see it. To see her. that goddamn pussy. I went to a garage sale the other day. I bought a vinyl bag (PINK!!!) with that THING on it, you know, those retro-looking bags....what are they called.... anyway, i bought the Hello Kitty purse. I DONT NEED A NEW BAG! much less a bright pink one with HER on it. *sob* i'm weak! weak for a cartoon cat made of simple shapes. i bought a pack of Hello Kitty valentines last year to send to friends, just because they had her on them. I'm sure everyone who got one in the mail thought i had lost it. weak!!! anyway, my point is this: it's a USB hub! |