That Fucking Dancing Baby Animation Weeds: That Fucking Dancing Baby Animation
By J.C. on Wednesday, March 18, 1998 - 01:51 am:
    The fact that thousands of people are so into
    that thing is evidence of...uh, something scary and depressing. What is the deal? Why are people so into this? There's no other entertainment fad? Shooting rubberbands at the office isn't funny? Dilbet's getting boring?

    Death to the Dancing Baby! I am sick that it is just now finally getting to commercials again (it's been around for years). If "Ally McBeal" wasn't already a despicable, insipid piece of hype-trash, the baby would be reason enough to hate it. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! Another weed! Make it stop!

By J.C. on Wednesday, March 18, 1998 - 01:55 am:
    Oops. "Dilbet" may be getting boring, but I meant to indicate that "hilarious, insightful" comic strip which is ALSO being transformed into an animated fad.....weed-in-the-making

By Pete on Wednesday, March 18, 1998 - 08:45 pm:
    I've seen the Dancing Baby animation, but I've never seen the Fucking Dancing Baby animation. Where is it? And who's fucking who?

By Hannah on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 02:15 am:
    I had no idea what you were talking about till today I saw a commercial for Blockbuster, and there was an animated dancing baby! That was some funny shit, let me tell you!

    I dont watch Alley McBeal, so I guess that's good on me.

    I'm sure after a while, i'll get sick of that commercial and eventually throw my TV out the window cuz that stupid baby is on.... AGAIN.

By Hannah on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 02:16 am:
    And JC, if you hate the show so much, quit watching it. That was easy.

By J.C. on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 12:52 pm:
    I don't watch it. I just know that it featured the baby and helped spark the madness.

By IW on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 09:09 pm:
    I just love that dancing baby, love the song too!
    Have you seen the smoking while peeing dancing baby yet. They are all there on the web.
    If you hate the first one, I know you will love the sick ones.

By Pete on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 10:47 pm:
    But where is the Fucking Dancing Baby? I WANT TO KNOW!

By The ever-vehement Venatrix Mirjen on Saturday, March 28, 1998 - 03:36 pm:
    um...I think we can all feel better knowing that as of now there is no 'fucking, dancing baby' but only a fucking 'dancing baby'.

    Oh, and you don't have to watch the show. It's in the Blockbuster ads, as someone else pointed out. I don't watch the show; my mind refuses to be insulted in that way.

    There's something disturbing about it, anyway. Not cool disturbing like 'The Crow' but almost it's something that's just NOT MEANT TO BE. You know, like Christian Rock.

By Pete on Saturday, March 28, 1998 - 09:41 pm:
    Are those CAPS I detect V.M.? And isn't "Christian Rock" an oxymoron? Or is it just a moron?

    BTW, if you go to the animator's dancing baby homepage, he has other dancing things in there now. (And I can't be bothered to find out where the site is located, so you'll have to do it yourself, if you're really all that interested. The whole d.b. phenonmenon is overplayed. Shame on Blockbuster for jumping on a bandwagon that has already had its 15 minutes)

By Venatrix Mirjen on Saturday, March 28, 1998 - 10:24 pm:
    I previously said 'All caps'; I'm not espousing complete elimination. The point is, it's for emphasis, which cannot be attained in a paragraph (or two, or three...) of that form of writing.

    Dear darkness, you people read all the posts, don't you?

By Pete on Monday, March 30, 1998 - 06:26 am:
    point TAKEN! *G*

By I W on Sunday, April 5, 1998 - 06:15 pm:
    I think a couple of you are either "constipated, and walking time bombs" or you have taken an awfully lot of those Prozak pills.
    By the way, do you work for the U S Post Office, that would explain a lot of this anger.

By Bill Clinton on Sunday, April 5, 1998 - 06:16 pm:
    I love that little dancing baby girl, it is a little girl isn't it. . . . . .

By Bobbie McCaughy on Sunday, April 5, 1998 - 06:23 pm:
    I am going to teach all my new babies how to boogie down, got to pay for those diapers somehow!

By Bobbie McCaughy on Sunday, April 5, 1998 - 06:25 pm:
    I am going to teach all my new babies how to boogie down, got to pay for those diapers somehow!

By Red on Monday, April 6, 1998 - 05:10 pm:
    TO IW I think we should name the baby don't you?? The poor thing. We know it so intimately and we don't even know its name. What do you think???? Let's name the thing!!!!

By Pete on Monday, April 6, 1998 - 08:27 pm:
    How about Dick?

    John Thomas?


By Venatrix Mirjen on Monday, April 6, 1998 - 09:04 pm:
    Prozac? How dare you.
    Post Office? that would mean working for the government. I personally move all the hotel bibles out of the room and leave them in the hallway in front of other doors so that they don't hear my conversations.
    constipated? I think not.
    Walking time bomb? Only time will tell, mortal.

By Venatrix Mirjen on Monday, May 4, 1998 - 05:20 pm:
    I'm angry.
    I watched Millenium last friday, and now look: they parodied it with a dancing stereotypical devil. I'm very upset and disturbed. Anyone else?

By IW on Tuesday, July 14, 1998 - 10:14 pm:
    Yes, Red, let's name it The Thing

By Brett Murtha on Friday, August 7, 1998 - 01:03 pm:
    Where can I find this damned Dancing Baby?! Everyone seems to have removed animations from their sites due to excessive bandwidth-munching, much like many ill-fated South Park RealMedia archives I used to frequent.

    Help out this baby-deprived Aussie,

GOD on Tuesday, August 18, 1998 - 08:23 pm:

    I will find the dancing baby & destroy him and i will be worshiped by all.I hate him much more than the Borrowers dont even get me started on them

By DEATH on Tuesday, August 18, 1998 - 08:24 pm:


By My fellow offspring. on Saturday, August 29, 1998 - 04:59 pm:

    Dancing baby is good,
    Dancing baby isn't made of wood,
    I like dancing baby dude.

By BABY on Thursday, September 17, 1998 - 11:53 am:


By Slacker on Friday, September 18, 1998 - 04:34 am:

    my wife says the fuckin thing gives her the creeps.
    and i can attest to her heterosexuality

    although that would be kinda cool

By Starchy on Monday, September 21, 1998 - 10:47 am:

    I have bigger qualms about the sexuality of those who ARE into dancing babies. Regardless of gender.

By Slacker on Monday, September 21, 1998 - 06:40 pm:

    tell us more, starchmeister

By Starchy on Tuesday, September 22, 1998 - 09:17 am:

    I don't like the way I'm being baited, here...

    You must be a government agent.

By Slacker on Tuesday, September 22, 1998 - 10:41 pm:

    ok the jig's up. i'm with the DEA.
    i've been enforcing the use of drugs for years.

By Karia on Wednesday, September 23, 1998 - 08:38 am:

    There is something spooky about the dancing baby, but having on seen it for the first time a couple if weeks ago while stoned, it was bloody hilarious!


By Starchy on Wednesday, September 23, 1998 - 10:10 am:

    I imagine it would be even more hilarious bloody.

By Karia on Thursday, September 24, 1998 - 07:07 am:

    Depends whether its skinned really and slides all over the floor.


By Starchy on Thursday, September 24, 1998 - 09:10 am:

    Now I have a whole slew of dead baby jokes pummeling their way into my mind. Thanks.

By Karia on Friday, September 25, 1998 - 03:48 am:

    Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


By Starchy on Friday, September 25, 1998 - 11:11 am:

    Er.. all of the above, I guess. But the moment has passed.

By Karia on Saturday, September 26, 1998 - 03:45 am:

    I am presuming you are aware of the skinned baby, baby with a razor blade jokes?


By Slacker on Saturday, September 26, 1998 - 10:19 pm:

    what's the difference between a truck full of dead babies and a truck full of bowling balls?

    you can use a pitchfork to unload the dead babies.

By Huh Huh on Sunday, September 27, 1998 - 02:36 pm:

    what's the difference between a truck full of dead babies and a truck full of razor blades?

By Southie on Sunday, September 27, 1998 - 04:50 pm:

    uhm.. is there a difference?

By Starchy on Monday, September 28, 1998 - 10:40 am:

    Q. What's so funny about a baby in the middle of the road?

    A. It keeps getting run over.

    Q. What pink and red, and bumps into walls?

    A. A baby with forks in its eyes.

    Q. What's pink and red, and scratches at the window?

    A. A baby in a microwave.

    Q. What's pink and red, and has trouble going through revolving doors?

    A. A baby with a spear in its side.

    Q. What's pink and squirms in a corner?

    A. A baby in a baggie.

    Q. What's blue and sits in a corner?

    A. The same baby a week later.

    Q. What's even more disgusting that a pile of dead babies?

    A. The one at the bottom eating its way out.

    Q. What's even worse than that?

    A. The one from the bottom goes back for seconds.

    And, last but not least...

    Q. What do you get when you slit a baby's throat?

    A. A hard-on.

By Quidam on Monday, September 28, 1998 - 08:46 pm:


By Slacker on Monday, September 28, 1998 - 09:30 pm:

    starchy, you sick, sick individual.
    i approve.

By Quidam on Monday, September 28, 1998 - 10:53 pm:


    You magnificent bastard.

By Starchy on Tuesday, September 29, 1998 - 04:02 pm:

    Thanks. And just think - that's probably less than half of the ones I *could* have told...

By Asia on Tuesday, September 29, 1998 - 04:49 pm:

    Q. What do you get when you slit a baby's throat?

    A. A hard-on.

    i dont get it.

By Rath on Tuesday, September 29, 1998 - 08:01 pm:

    you dumb bitch

By Quidam on Tuesday, September 29, 1998 - 09:20 pm:

    Aw, now why did you have to go and ruin our party Rath? Asia's alright, let her be.

By Slacker on Wednesday, September 30, 1998 - 12:22 am:

    don't you get it. you dumb bitch is one of the lesser known dead baby just requires a little thought.........

    .....very little!

By Karia on Wednesday, September 30, 1998 - 05:07 am:

    Did I set this off? I like!


By Asia on Wednesday, September 30, 1998 - 08:34 am:

    a dumb bitch, maybe, but i *still* dont get it.

By Slacker on Thursday, October 1, 1998 - 04:08 am:

    don't get what?

By Asia on Thursday, October 1, 1998 - 08:34 am:

    um....i forget.

By Slacker on Friday, October 2, 1998 - 01:26 am:

    i think you better lay off the doobage.
    leave it up to the seasoned vets.

By AWKward on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 02:52 pm:

    What's pink and black and jumps in the air?

    A baby in a toaster.

By Gee on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 03:51 pm:

    My Maw thinks ye olde dancing baby is sick and perverted. But then she thinks most things are sick and perverted....except for Jerry Springer.

By Reknball on Tuesday, February 23, 1999 - 10:28 pm:

    When I was a baby, my mom made me dance by jabbing me with a cattle prod.

By Sadistic Gee on Thursday, February 25, 1999 - 06:56 pm:

    heeheehee! Sounds like good clean fun!

By Reknball on Friday, February 26, 1999 - 12:23 am:

    Mom!!!..... is that you?

By Semillama on Friday, February 26, 1999 - 02:11 pm:

    If go to the webpage that puts up the dancing jesii (see my post in what are you doing for the link), you can get to an animation called Dancing Baby meets Cthulu. Worth a look.

By BLAKESNAKE on Thursday, April 6, 2000 - 08:44 am: got all your animated dancing needs. I'm not sure if it has the baby, but take a look.

By Skitzo on Wednesday, August 30, 2000 - 10:51 pm:

    Does anybody know any good Dead Baby jokes???

By Dougie on Thursday, August 31, 2000 - 09:23 am:

    Damn, I can't believe I remember this one:

    What's easier to unload: a truckload of dead babies or a truckload of bowling balls? Answer: Babies, you can use a pitchfork.

By Z the eliminator on Friday, September 1, 2000 - 12:42 am:


By Juha ruoho on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 05:05 am:

    dancing baby osta myytä tavara

By semillama on Sunday, April 29, 2001 - 03:27 pm:

    There were Ruohos who went to my high school.