Internet-influenced Dreams Dreamland: Internet-influenced Dreams
By Venatrix Mirjen on Sunday, April 19, 1998 - 07:28 pm:
    I don't know if I've been spending far too much time online (which I haven't - neither more than less than usual), but for the past few nights I've been having dreams about stuff online.
    Last night had to be the strangest yet. My viewpoint was from me watching something on the computer - like a RealVideo file or something. It was a file on how occult places in the world. One was a tower in Spain that was supposed to look out over four churches, one from each corner, but one corner looked at factories. Another was a Mayan pyramid that was hollow, and you could look through the edge of the step across the step out the other side.
    The strangest part was in a cement-cave-like place. The narrator was none other than Mark. In fact, I think the file I was watching was supposedly housed here somewhere. He was teaching whoever was watching how to summon Cthulhu and then Nyarlathotep, wearing a black robe. It was very dim in this cement place, and there was a pool of water (it was like the ruins of the smaller Roman baths, actually.) and an altar and I remarked 'How does he know what the atrium looked like?' I guess that was all my Latin and my trip to Italy coming back to me. But strange.

Jen on Monday, May 31, 1999 - 10:29 pm:

    I never had an internet influenced dream but close. I often play computer games such as tetris or solitare. I'll be playing one of these games in my dream and all of the sudden i'll do something impossible like put a 10 on top of a 2 or something of that sort. I'll start screaming and crying and making a huge deal about it. I think I might be a subconcious perfectionist or something in that genre.