By Venatrix Mirjen on Sunday, April 19, 1998 - 07:28 pm: |
Last night had to be the strangest yet. My viewpoint was from me watching something on the computer - like a RealVideo file or something. It was a file on how occult places in the world. One was a tower in Spain that was supposed to look out over four churches, one from each corner, but one corner looked at factories. Another was a Mayan pyramid that was hollow, and you could look through the edge of the step across the step out the other side. The strangest part was in a cement-cave-like place. The narrator was none other than Mark. In fact, I think the file I was watching was supposedly housed here somewhere. He was teaching whoever was watching how to summon Cthulhu and then Nyarlathotep, wearing a black robe. It was very dim in this cement place, and there was a pool of water (it was like the ruins of the smaller Roman baths, actually.) and an altar and I remarked 'How does he know what the atrium looked like?' I guess that was all my Latin and my trip to Italy coming back to me. But strange. |