Searching and dying Dreamland: Searching and dying
Semillama on Tuesday, February 23, 1999 - 05:40 pm:

    Here's what I remember of the dream I woke up from:

    From where I can start remembering it, I am in a little shop, owned by a friend, in some dirty town in a hilly region of the country. Seems like a cross between Pontiac and Duluth. Anyway, I some how get clued into the fact my best friend is being held in some huge complex, run by an evil corporation. I have to make my way in there and find her. I go through a lot of rooms, am chased, and wind up in a big dark room, kind of like the star map room in the star trek movie before insurrection. The computer that runs the place is friendly and lets me know that Dangergrrrl is there, and plays back a bit of the journal she's writing. It lets me know where she is. I go and grab her and we escape back to this shop my friend owns. Apparently the huge complex is connected by some sort of space warp to this little shop. So, we go out the front door. For some reason, I have to carry my friend. I see someone coming, and I see he has a gun, so I start running back to the apt. I share with my friend. The guy starts shooting, and I get hit in the back of the head. Somehow, I make it to our building. The door man lets us in and the gun man runs away. I fall to the floor, and at this point, the POV of the dream switches to my friend who is looking at me. In the dream, I am a black male with dreads and tan skin, and my brains and blood are all over the floor.

    That's when the alarm went off.

By Al Camus on Tuesday, February 23, 1999 - 06:37 pm:

    are you sure you weren't an arab? It would have been better had you been an arab.

By R.C. on Tuesday, February 23, 1999 - 11:37 pm:

    The meanings of this dream are obvious;

    1. Your frend needs yr help in some way. You are subconsciously aware of this/which is why in the dream you seek her out/then carry her to safety. (There was no mention of her being injured or otherwise unable to walk.) However, you have resisted offering her yr aid/for fear that assisting her will harm you somehow/or end up costing you more than you're willing to sacrifice at this time.

    2. You really want to be a big Black man. Like Dennis Rodman/but w/dreds. And everyone knows Dennis needs to be shot.

    Pls. pay the receptionist on yr way out. See you next Tues. And remember -- you must provide this office w/at least 24 hrs. notice of cancellation or you will be billed for a missed session.

By Nate on Wednesday, February 24, 1999 - 11:41 am:

    Talking about being really wanting to be a big Black man, I used to have dreams where my father was a kind faced black man with a short beard. I even wished for a black father when I was awake.

    Sometimes I want to go into therapy just to find out what modern (quack) science has to say about me.

    Personally, I think that seeing yourself as a dead black man could have something to do with the guilt put on you from an early age from being told all your life that you are the devil and the root of all mistreatment of non-white peoples on earth.

    then again, you might not be white.

    also, i don't really believe that anyone outside of the dreamer can interpret dreams. lalala.

By Semillama on Wednesday, February 24, 1999 - 12:30 pm:

    Here's a twist:

    One of my friends who I was ina band with decided that everyone in the band was part of a conspiracy.

    Mine was that I was actually a black man disguised as a white guy, undercover on a secret mission for the black panthers. He was unable to say why a secret agent for the black panthers would be doing in the ass end of nowhere.

By R.C. on Friday, February 26, 1999 - 12:17 am:

    Nate, meet Sem.

    Sem, meet Nate.

    You 2 are definitely twins seperated at birth.