This was last year, when loads of terrible shit was going on... In the dream I was at a large party with everyone I knew and people kept congradulating me on getting into the school I wanted, and finding a great place to live right near it. I walked to a park and sat on the swings, it was night, and my best friend popped out from behind the bushes and said: "Hey! you know what? I don't care that we had sex! it didn't change anything! we're all cool now and not messed up at all! I love you, you're my best friend!" Then another friend appeared: "Hey! Guess what? I quit the army! I'm not going to kill people or be killed! I'll never hold a gun again!" Another one (a girl): "HEY EVERYBODY! Let's all go get our tounges pierced!" and we did. I think I woke up crying. It was so damn painfull and absurd. That was the worst. |