worst good dream

sorabji.com: Dreamland: worst good dream
Wisper on Friday, July 9, 1999 - 04:51 am:

    I had a dream of the most horrible kind, I dreamed that everything was okay.
    This was last year, when loads of terrible shit was going on...
    In the dream I was at a large party with everyone I knew and people kept congradulating me on getting into the school I wanted, and finding a great place to live right near it.
    I walked to a park and sat on the swings, it was night, and my best friend popped out from behind the bushes and said:
    "Hey! you know what? I don't care that we had sex! it didn't change anything! we're all cool now and not messed up at all! I love you, you're my best friend!"
    Then another friend appeared:
    "Hey! Guess what? I quit the army! I'm not going to kill people or be killed! I'll never hold a gun again!"
    Another one (a girl):
    "HEY EVERYBODY! Let's all go get our tounges pierced!"
    and we did.

    I think I woke up crying.

    It was so damn painfull and absurd.
    That was the worst.

By Babel16 on Monday, December 27, 1999 - 10:27 pm:

    this is a little late but i agree. dreams where everything is great are the worst ones. you think its real and then you wake up and life is goin on as usual. dreaming utopia just makes life harder cuz you get a taste and then you realize itll never be that way but you cant help wanting it