Last night I had yet another teeth-falling-out dream. I dreamt I was wearing some kind of retainer, and when I took it out my teeth were all loose. I was looking in the mirror, touching my tongue to my two upper front teeth and one just fell out. It didn't even look like a tooth, more like a piece of wood. I got really upset (which is my usual reaction in these dreams) and started planning how I would get to the dentist. Then the neat part: when I looked in the mirror again, I saw a new tooth growing in its place. So I wasn't upset anymore. That's the first time a tooth-losing dream has had a happy ending. Then I had an extremely realistic dream about eating spaghetti. It was so realistic I could feel the slipperiness of the spaghetti as it slid between my lips and also I could taste that the sauce was too bland and needed some cheese. I never had a dream in which I could taste before last night -- usually the only senses involved in my dreams are sight, sound, and touch -- so I thought that was kind of neat. |
i've been having eerily psychic dreams about my friend god these days. do you ever have a dream about someone, and then call them up the next day and they tell you something happened to them that was exactly or nearly exactly what you dreamt about? it doesn't happen to me with anyone except him. |
I'm afraid of having my teeth fall out. When I was a little girl I never brushed my teeth, so when I got older and told myself it was important, I became paranoid about it. |
I write down all the dreams I can remember now, so I'll be able to look back if they come true and see when I dreamed them. Lately my dreams have been like watching a movie - not things that will happen to me, more strange (I was an alien the other night). |
i have been having a lot of teeth rotting and teeth falling out dreams lately, again. i have them about once a week or more. perhaps i am grinding my teeth in my sleep. maybe it's because i'm about 6 months overdue for a cleaning. they are terrible dreams, very vivid and realistic. |