We met up at the Alibi in Arcata and drifted our way down the coast, and the part of the dream that sticks in my mind is the part where Patrick drives us through Los Angeles and we go up into the hills and are wandering through trees and brush. There are big burned out stumps and little scrubby fir trees and the trail we are on is choked with weeds. And then we find this big abandoned building that is filled with beds and the windows look down onto the city which is filled with lights which look like they are underwater. We drag a bed over to one of the windows on it and sit there passing around a giant doobie for awhile. I remember thinking that I have asthma and smoking a doobie is probably not the brightest move. Patrick's car had the wheel on the wrong side. I sat behind Nate. Then the phone rang and I woke up. |
last night i had a very vivid sorabji dream. i haven't had one in years. it was sorabjifest in Austin, except it was really a city more like Portland. but it was in Austin because it was decided that everyone could get there easily. the most prominent people in my dream were sem and kazu and wisper. also in attendance were spider, nate, karl (who was really patrick, but in my dream patrick's name was karl), cyst, agatha, dave, czarina, lapis, heather, and dougie. also, i think spiracle. notably absent was droopy and mark. it was fun. we all met up at this busy, noisy restaurant, it was dark outside and wet, like it had been raining. we had reserved our own room in the restaurant, and everyone was milling around, talking, and there was a LOT of laughing. like every couple minutes or so someone or a few people would be laughing themselves to tears. mostly i talked a lot with kazu, agatha, and cyst. kazu turned out to be way different than the last time i saw her (remember... this is a dream). she had died her hair jet black and had this awesome choppy fun haircut, and lots of tattoos. it turned out she was a drummer in an all-girl metal band. cyst had flown in from new york city, and she was a bit like Jules (Demi Moore's character) in St. Elmo's Fire, only more likeable, and not on cocain. she was telling us funny stories and cracking us up. she was divorced, and later started hitting on dougie a little bit, but in a humorous, flirtatious way. dave and nate were telling really dirty jokes to cz and wisper. wisper kept ording rounds of cocktails for everyone. spiracle was there, but she kept coming in and out because there were other friends of hers from houston that she ran into who were hanging out in the parking lot. spiracle was tall and very thin, with long, straight, dark brown hair. we were there for a long time, then spider said she had to go study, so after she left, people started grouping off and making plans to go do this and that. end of dream. |
i think she was teaching me something. oh, and i was being forced to go to catholic school. and i had to wear slacks and a tie. and two teacher-people were talking to me like i was some sort of bad kid and i was trying to keep my cool and not prove them right. i think heather led me down the path that got me sent to catholic school. damnit heather. |
oh, and i just remembered something else. senor was there, and he was amused that karl/patrick kept trying to explain things to him, but clearly he wasn't getting any of the sorabji jokes, or why everyone was laughing so much. but it didn't bother him that he didn't get it. (i had warned him.) he was just there as a token escort. in my dream i knew he'd really rather be in the bar downstairs watching sports, and i told him i really didn't mind if he did, but he also wanted to try to get know people too, because he thought it was important to me. i also just remembered that dave kept trying to explain to people what he used to do for a living, telling everyone he was international business consultant, but currently out of a job. somehow i realized that it was really just a cover-up for his real job - he was a spy. and i hinted to him that i knew what was up. i worried for a while that he'd put a hit out on me because i knew his secret. then i realized that he trusted me to keep the secret, so i was okay. i'll probably remember more as the day goes on. it seems like the more i write about it, the more i remember. |
What am I? Chopped liver? *Sigh* I can't get no respect. |
actually, you were in my dream too. sorry, i just forgot to list your name. but i happen to love chopped liver. my great grandmother made it from scratch - she used this old peuter grinder that clamped onto her kitchen counter. she'd grind up the chicken livers, eggs, and onions. we'd eat it with matzo or challah, and sometimes chicken soup. i loved visiting her. so yes, you're chopped liver. |
Naw, I just figured I was too busy to participate in the ectoplasmic gathering... :D |
congrats! you got married in a church? |
or was it dong? |
I suppose I'm pickled tongue or something, since it looks like I was notably absent as well. |
I so need to get the disks with the pics of our wedding from my Aunt and my Dad already. Cuz I only have a couple of fuzzy pics from ours :( |
missed this earlier because i usually skip the dream threads. congrats tiggy! very nice. |
i'm not getting married, but a friend of mine and i are planning a fake wedding in february if he doesn't leave town. he'll wear the dress, i'll wear the tux (hopefully with a corset)... but we'll see. it was strange talking about wedding plans with my housemate while sharing a couch with this cute (mmmm-mmmm) messenger boy whom i'd been making out with all weekend. |
I've been planning my wedding too. i think its november next year. Cept its on the other side of the island, so difficult to organise. |
PS- you look very handsome in the, oh, maybe ONE, tux picture. |
moonit - i think that one of the reasons that i don't appear in people's dreams is that people don't have a picture of me in their head - tall short, thin fat, light dark, and all that. i am simply "figure in wheelchair", which is not something most people know what to do with in their subconscious. |
My subconscious is freaky. |
congrats and cocktails for all! |
The kids are cute,is the little boy your nephew in Tucson? |
I guess I'll have to be the first to say it,a great big Sorabji; FUCK YOU,YOU ASS!!!!!!!! |
droopy wasn't there because he is bored by all of us and couldn't be bothered. moonit wasn't there because she couldn't fly in from new zealand. platypus wasn't there because she said she didn't have anything to talk about lately. mark wasn't there because, well, nobody can see god, they just have to believe god exists. |
Yep, J, that's Zachary. He's running around, and his favorite question now is, "What happened dere?" This afternoon he and my sister are coming over so he can play with my neice Lindsay. More pics to come on the site. The ones up there now are from the best man, Ope. |
actually, i'm pretty sure we did see a picture of droopy once a long time ago. and his sister. |
uh. carry on. |
one time i had a dream that audrey hepburn-as-holly golightly and i were enjoying a romp and after we finished, she sat up, put a cigarette into a holder, lit it, inhaled, exhaled, and said "wHat dO yOU tHiNK oN wHaT i wROtE?" |
But at any rate: yay! |
Was it at least an awkward dream? |
My apologies, I had worked all night. |
Anyway, we were on an island all to ourselves. It was an island reminiscent of Nantucket, if Nantucket were completely uninhabited -- small enough to walk from one end to the other in an afternoon, in a Northern climate, and made of grassy hills. Most of you were there, but you were all invisible -- I could just feel your different presences on various spots on the island (e.g., Dougie's hill was next to Sarah's hill, etc.). There were no houses, just open air and grass. Apparently, we had decided to live on the island so that we could be with each other and talk openly with each other all the time. The one detail I remember most clearly is hearing Nate complain that this idea of ours ended up being really boring, and hearing Patrick tell him that this was what marriage was like. |
Can't remember my dreams lately, as I've been taking sleeping pills to overcome jetlag. 8 hours of blackness. Although when I woke up at 2:30 to go to the bathroom, there was a kickass thunderstorm last night. |
sorabji island wouldn't be boring. not after we started the band. i call ukulele. |
i call bongos. |
i did not have a sorabji dream last night, but the odds are up that i will tonight after reading this. |
Sorabji Island *was* very pretty, so if we formed a band and were visible to each other, we'd have a good time. I think House (Hugh Laurie as House) also lived on the island, or that may have been a separate dream. He was nice to me but a little depressed. Bored Nate, bitter Patrick, nice House. It was like a mirror world. |
It isa mirror world. Anybody been to Hell lately? I mean the one Mark invented? Drop in sometime. |
im not bitter! |
Not being cryptic. |
past tense? i thought you lived in chicago, a very wintery place when the season came. but you don't experience that anymore - the cold, the wetness, the hardships - because you are dead. it seems obvious: dr. pepper is a ghost. somehow he's manifested himself on these boards, but from faraway spirit plane. it explains his poor grasp of the language. what use is language in the realm of the dead? you don't need grammar and syntax in the void. or maybe it isn't so much that dr. pepper has returned, so much as that he's in limbo. something is keeping him between the earthly realm and infinity - some dark secret. this is why he's so reluctant to reveal too much about himself. |
we've even voted quite a few people off. |
all i know about my dream last night is that i woke up feeling sad and lost today. |
seems so fuckin medieval |
fucking zombies. |
Hmmm. Brother Justin shares traits with the zombies in my dream -- they look normal on the outside but are festering within -- except in his case the decay is moral, not physical. Same concept, though. |
every have a dream in which, you feel a presence say behind you, but you are paralyzed to turn to face them? had one of those last night. i learned what that is. apparently that presence is *you*, the part of you that is trying to wake you up. but the paralysis is due to that chemical released in your brain when you hit a certain stage of sleep that sorta acts as a paralyzing agent. so when you have a dream of the sort, you are literally in this middle state between wake and deep sleep. freaky eh? |
maybe nate lacks the paralysis chemical |
it is scary having rattle snakes in your bed. |
This is also the probable cause for alien abduction dreams -- you are half-awake but the paralyzing mechanism hasn't shut off yet, leaving you with the feeling of being strapped down to your bed. In the '70s, researchers performed tests on cats that interrupted REM paralysis, and the cats got up and walked around, presumably acting out their dreams. |
it is entirely possible for someone to toss and turn during one. |
A few years ago now I was awake and Andrew was asleep next to me. It was quite cold so I pulled the blankets up round his neck and suddenly he yells 'FUCK OFF' but he was sound asleep. I had to giggle into my pillow to not wake him. |
i have no idea but the phrase has taken on a new meaning...a meaning i can't fully describe. but lets just say, during a dispute or tussle, if that phrase is tossed out, the other knows exactly where the other stands. there IS no fashion show there are other great lines that have dribbled out of my mouth during sleep. i'll see if i can get some. |
By Antigone on Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 12:05 am: "...i was just about to close my eyes when i seen this faceless bein floating above him..." This is called a hypnogogic hallucination. (An illusion seen while going to sleep.) "...my mother woke up one night to get something to drink and she seen 2 upside down crosses above her window..." And this is a hypnopompic hallucination. (An illusion seen while waking up from sleep.) Props to my 84 year old step grandmother for knowing this off the top of her head. :) That's one of many cool things I've learned from these boards. My son's 16 and still sleepwalks occasionally when he's really exhausted. The last time we were at a baseball tourney staying in the 10th floor of a hotel. He got up, walked to the door, unlocked it and would've walked outside if I hadn't had the latch on. I still shudder to think what would've happened had he headed for the balcony instead of the door. |
Now my daughter, like clockwork, wakes up screaming 30 minutes after going to sleep. She's only 13 months old, so it may just be the regular childhood sleep stuff, but it has me wondering. I kind of attribute my calm nature to having gone through abject terror on a regular basis. I had to learn to deal with it, to face it. But I wouldn't wish it on anyone else. |
Spider, I was Oct 1 in Topeka I think, remaining faceless and mostly anonymous on the tenth storey of a remodeled Ramada, trying to get some shut eye before talking all the next morning about self care and all afternoon Friday about cooccurring disorders of a psychiatric nature. This was after having had a hair raising drive from the KCMO MCI airport in a dented pickup truck driven by an old(er) friend (71) recovering from a stroke and bothered only slightly by pneumonia that day... But the room held fast and I had good dreams. I do have access to some old sorabji pics, so I do have faces and other recognizable parts in memory. Black glasses like a librarian's and a white top, Nate's black shirt and dilated pupils, or Syrup's favorite sunset shot of Hawaii volcanoe or Even remnants of Danubian culture from the minature burro/pony farmer in the bayou (you'll all agree sorabjiworld is a-phenomenal, right?) I best not mention roses fading on a bedroom's wallpaper somewhere in the south pacific(last time I did I got in trouble). Yes good dreams, including one from 1969 October field of flowers at a truck farm in Valaparaiso Indiana. So I called the woman in the dream yesterday. Some things never change, not even in almost forty years. She said, "it was nice to hear from you." Made my day. If you want a face, check out LisaNovaLive and some cat named Dano there. It's like a word coming out of my mouth, slightly pursed. You'll also get my speaking schedule under events if interested. |
my dreams last night. I was late and dropped my sandwich. You're all magnificent. |
that is hilarious. i hope it wasn't an egg salad sandwich. |
remember everything she told me about it. this the second dream she has had about me. it gives me a sense of job security. i would like to try a tongue sandwich from carshon's deli. |
yeah. i bet your dad would eat one. i had beef tongue about 2 weeks ago. it was fine; nothing to write home about. |
I asked my dad about the likelihood of his eating egg salad -- fully expecting him to say, "Hey, I draw the line somewhere" -- and he said he eats it all the time! He gets it pre-made from the deli at his grocery store. Hurk. But listen: I went clothes shopping today, and it turns out I now wear a size 10 in most pants, a size 8 in Ann Taylor curvy pants (they fit me like they were tailored to me, inseam and all), and a size Medium in tops. This is astounding. I've been doing pushups at work on my breaks (modified: I place my hands on a low desk, since I can't do a single real pushup), and I went from being able to do 15 at a time to 50(!) yesterday. I have actual muscle definition in my arms now. Even just sitting here relaxed, I can feel the swell of my new triceps in my arms. I'm doing physical therapy for my knees, and I am now so flexible that when I stretch my hamstrings by sitting with one leg extended and reaching for my toes on that foot, I can rest bend and rest my head against my knee. EITHER knee, even the right knee, which I have never before been able to do in my life because my right hamstring has always always always been significantly tighter than my left. When I stand up and touch my toes, I can *just* about touch my palms to the ground. I am so stoked about this. My goal now is to be able to stand with my feet together and touch my head to my knees. Almost there! |
bread. That's sad, Daniel. Take care of yourself. |
I am getting better with the breathing, and even a doctor's appt this afternoon. From Updike: "If you have the guts to be yourself...other people'll pay your price," |
that club after all.This Dr. scared the shit out of me saying it looked like I had cirrhosis,now it turns out my liver is just fine!!! I'd slap his face but shit splatters! |
drinking. i got into the habit of wandering around town drinking booze from water bottles. the next morning i find all sorts of things i pick up from the streets. a walgreen's reusable shopping bag an empty eyeglass case the heel from a woman's high-heel shoe a whisk broom a piece of cardboard with "homeless! anything helps. god bless" written on it. this evening i made a complete mess in my already messy kitchen making pesto. while i was pouring the spaghetti into a colander to drain, i accidentally poured water over my left index finger. it hurts more as the night wears on, but i found that if i keep in submerged in cold water it doesn't hurt as much. as i type this, i have to dip in water every so often. |
wandered downtown again tonight. drinking. found out there's a bike shop downtown. next door to a cajun place. i wonder if they have bike odometers. do those exist? something i could adapt for a wheelchair. i wonder what my mileage is in this thing. |
could totally make one work on a wheelchair, especially if you have wire spokes like a bike. It's just a magnet that attaches to the wheel, and a reed switch that attaches near enough for the magnet to pass on every rotation. I need to fix up my eBike and give it a spin. Haven't ridden it since I moved. |
prices vary wildly, but i'm sure i can find one in my range. my wheelchair wheels, apart from from a side handrail, are pretty much exactly like bike wheels. i'll be in the (austin) hill country next weekend with some friends who are bikers, i'll pick their brains. i'll try to get one with a speedometer. yesterday i was doing one of my especially hot-doggy things in my chair where i start on a steep hill and race down to the level street at the bottom (making a right turn) and going as fast as one of these things will go. i've done this a thousand times, but yesterday was the first time a car went past me with a teenage boy hanging out the window who yelled something i didn't catch but it ended with "baby!!!". glad you liked my post, dr. we don't need that facebook crap here. |
I don't know if I could talk to my sister or my daughter, because, I am tired of the weather changing and the days soon are getting shorter when it comes to a wintertime. f*ck it! |
texas (in the 90's) drives me crazy. it happens every year. fuck it. i have tequila. |
other side is Texas after a long summer. Then it's brown. |
Look into the special light boxes. I here they can be great for SAD or SDD. |
deutsche texas has a kitschy charm to it. and it's warm. |
I am back in Chicago tonight and the trip isn't stressful, My daughter changed my flight this morning and didn't wanted to be a little late for special events, I do find Nashville very intersting.. At least, I bought my friends at work some t-shirts and a shot of glass for my supervisor. When I got on subway, I noticed a few fare cards on the top of fare purchase machine, I thought, I would check to see each cards hold some value, yes, one of the card has a dollar value in it. Wishing you guys a prosperious New Years! |
i hope you did some yodeling while you were down there. |
the first day i went to the gruene (the pronounce it "green") district. ate at a restaurant called the gristmill - a converted mill/cotton gin on top of a bluff overlooking the guadalupe river. we ate outside where there are wooden terraces running down the side of the cliff. then over to the winery for mulled wine. second day was christmas eve. had dinner and drinks at my sister's house. watched buzzards flying over her house - apparently they all head to an island on the river about that time of day. big bastards; you could hear the whoosh of their wings as they went by. dinner was tamales. christmas day i was back at my sister's house opening presents early. that evening we had dinner with a family of australians, friends of my sister. the grandmother made plum pudding--the kind you start making months in advance and hang from the ceiling. tasty (not being sarcastic). that night, back at the schlitterbahn, the wind got fierce. all the units have tin roofs, and they rattled all night. it made that sound like in old stage special effects where they'd shake a sheet of tin to mimic a storm. luckily, the australians fed me enough booze that i could sleep through it. at my sister's house, the wind knocked a huge branch from a tree in their front yard. it just missed their car, but it knocked down the power lines. this was the first time in years i actually spent christmas with my family. i might to it again. |