Warm Clothes

sorabji.com: What are you wearing?: Warm Clothes
Jim aka PajamaBoy on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 11:45 am:

    Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. It is SO fucking cold today. The windchill must be below zero. It must be.... wait... what's this??? The weather report...


    I was RIGHT! -4 degrees Windchill. Otherwise it's 28 degrees. I wish!!! Oh, and for those non-American observers, that would be...


    -1 Celcius/Centigrade normal temp.
    -20 Windchill.


    So anyway, the purpose of this thread....

    * Gray/Black/Brown small checked wool trousers

    * Navy Blue Turtle Neck

    * Navy/Black/Beige/White Fleece Print Pullover

    * Navy Blue Socks

    * White Boxer Briefs

    * Black Dress Shoes with a Silver Buckle.

    And for outdoors...

    * London Fog Raincoat with winter lining zipped IN.

    * Black Wool Gloves

    * Hunter Green Headband Thingymajig

By Me............. on Wednesday, December 30, 1998 - 11:56 am:

    Well, aren't WE the well-dressed Pajama Boy !!
    Okay-Ankle-length black skirt; off-white knit top; very long olive-green, long sleeved knit button-up sweater; gold chain w/multi-colored elephant pendant; small, round, white pearl earrings, and a dirty, old pair of Reeboks-for outside-Knee-length, black wool coat, and black & white wool & leather gloves........The Reeboks, I think, add the finishing touch.........