These are a few of my favorite words Words: These are a few of my favorite words
By Markus on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 10:57 am:
    Wow, that was fast. Mark's the man.

    This was created in response to a request in a different thread for a forum for favorite words. Words that are cool. That sound juicy. Spatula. The more you say them, the weirder they get. It really has little to do with the actual meaning, in most cases. To wit:

    Engorged. Weasel. Juxtaposition. Synergy. Vis-a-vis. Weltanschauung. Conjoined. Synchronicity. Cretinous (with the short e). Inherent. Deciduous. Nocturnal. Snippet. Uvula. Fortuitous. Eponymous. Beelzebub. Priapism. Vulgarian. Clitoris. Schadenfreude. Preternatural. Lipid. Limpid . Limpet. Largess. Supple. Corpulent. Defenestrated. Proconsul. Astringent. Amorous. Bovine. Innocuous. Melee. Awry. Erstwhile. Ersatz. Precipice.

By Christopher on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 03:56 pm:
    Specious, discombobulated, vertigenous, officious, languid, plethora, minutiae, goiter. Use these words in every day conversations, such as " When I caught sight of her soccerball sized GOITER, a wave of wretching ,VERTIGENOUS, horror overtook me". Thwapadda, thwapadda, thwappada...

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 04:23 pm:
    Christopher: Is "thwappada" one of your words? It should be. : )

    Markus: May I direct your attention to I've seen this thing, and wow, is it great!

    KaCHUNK! Ululation. Beelzebub.

By Please to note on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 04:27 pm:
    wretch is noun
    retch is verb

    usually if you are doing one, you are the other

By Markus on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 04:30 pm:
    Specious, very nice. But goiter is the opposite extreme for me, something that throws its (unpleasant) meaning in my face, overshadowing the word itself. In fact, it's so strong that it could name the entire class as goiter words, as opposed to spatula words (the term a friend came up with when we were playing around with the concept of words that please the palate in the first place).

    Carroll's " Jabberwocky" is jammed with spatula words.

    Mogul, minion, vapid, verisimilitude, scapula, droll, mnemonic.

    "The droll mogul's vapid minions become vertiginous over the verisimilitude of the fake scapula."

By Please to also note on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 04:32 pm:
    Wrench is a noun.
    Wench is a noun.

    If you are using one, you're probably not the other.

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 04:50 pm:
    Versimiltude?! Which reminds me:


By Fredescu on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 05:00 pm:

    There is no word more orgasmic.

By Dave on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 05:03 pm:
    Goiter words:


By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 05:05 pm:
    Fredescu: Perhaps "jouissance"? ; )

    Dave: Right on. Eeew.

By Humbert on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 05:07 pm:

By Duly noted on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 05:28 pm:
    hey, sexist remark noted, 6 notes back. can't let these things pass, gals, or we'll be back to the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, and (still fixing our own plumbing) before you know it

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 05:41 pm:
    Dear Duly, choose your battles wisely. If I bothered with every objectionable remark I heard, I wouldn't have time to do more interesting things, such as fixing my own plumbing. (Stilson wrenches, by the way, are also useful for opening stubborn small-lidded containers, such as maple syrup cans.) Besides, choosing not to respond to some boneheaded remark has about as much causal relation to being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen as drinking coffee does to shooting smack. And what about the sexism inherrent in bashing pregnant women who cook while not wearing shoes, hm?

    But - as has probably been duly noted - we digress.

    Savoy, uncial, Wellington, monastic, lupin. Entreaty, pistachio, shoreline.

By A on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 06:37 pm:
    vapid, elan, verdant, primordial, ephermeral, ethereal...

By Scrunch on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 06:58 pm:
    I think this is the weirdest word of all. Both. Both. Both. Both. Both. It sounds really strange. Which reminds me. "Strange" is a strange word too. Hmm... I guess that means that they're *both* *strange*!

By Dave on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 07:02 pm:
    frangipani, myrrh, velvet, caramel, ocelot, cove, mnemonic, acerbic, mollycoddle, nimbus, oogenesis, gewgaw, moussaka, denizen

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 07:37 pm:
    Phylum, julep, sinecure, eglantine, truculent, apothecary, iconoclast, synecdoche (sin-EK-do-kee), imbroglio.

By SQUEE on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 08:52 pm:

    squee squee,


    squee squee, squee squee, squee squee squee,


    (This is in one of Bruce Hampton's songs, dunno which one at the moment)


By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 08:54 pm:
    Funny how "quash" is so much nicer than "squash." ... But while I'm here: civet; syrinx.

By MUTTER on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 08:54 pm:

By Fredescu on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 09:11 pm:
    Matronymic. Matriculation. Spurious. Chortle. Tetterwort. Spinach. Tharf. Peristalsis. Pistachio. Repugnant. Vermicious Knit (as seen in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory).

    And I've gotta agree with Iconoclast. Garumph!

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 09:29 pm:

By Golden Boy on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 10:21 pm:


By Nate on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 10:23 pm:
    I squeal.
    This is like masturbation for smart people.
    Well, no, I assume masturbation is like masturbation for smart people.


    Decrepitatus, crescendo, lyceum, TRINITROTOULENE, blizzity-blaugh, pickle, mandingo-dongo, antelope.

    I must return here discombobulated.

    (note - allen wrenches are good for cleaning your ears. and when your sigO says 'what the HELL are you doing?' you can say 'Winding up my brain.' and then you get that -look-.)

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 10:41 pm:

    Glad you could make it. And yes, masturbation is like masturbation for smart people, unless of course, one is not so smart, in which case it's like masturbation for not-so-smart people.

    Your choice of trinitrotoluene is very, very interesting. Its musical polysyllabity is nothing at all like the harshness of its acronym, or the cacophony of the result of lighting it.

    I'll remember the allen wrenches. And sigO. : )

    south seas

By Raine on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 11:09 pm:
    somnambulist, reconnaisance, Dalyrmples, phantasmagoria, Carlsbad, Sakamodi Siddahmahatra Buddha....not sure about the spelling on the last one.

By Raine on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 11:11 pm:

By Superjesu on Wednesday, February 11, 1998 - 11:56 pm:
    "the town ripples like a lake in the waking haze" -that whole line is beautiful

    scurvy, porphyria, Versailles, Hossbach Memorandum, Nuremberg, Huxley, Capote, Helmhotz Watson ;)

By Pink Eye on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 12:04 am:
    pusillanimous-the only vocabulary word I remember from high school.

By R.C. on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 12:29 am:
    Do foreign words qualify? Becuz all the words that make my heart beat faster seem to be French:

    les flicks
    pas de deux
    les oeuf

    Then again/everything sounds great in French. But I esp. love the words listed above. Even the spellings tickle my fancy.

By Markus on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 01:41 am:
    Ach, my old nemesis, after all these years! RC, when but a lad I was heavily into language and reading (it helped that I was also shy and lacking in the social skills), and as a result cranked through the local and regional spelling bees nema problema (as they say in the Balkans). But when I got to the state championship, I was knocked out as number 20 by "couture". I had never heard it before, but hearing the French origin, went for "couteur" and blew that free trip to DC. Whaddid I know, I was in seventh grade.

    Maggie - there are some gems here. Uncial? Truculant? Whoof, had to cool off there for a minute. Know how Nate feels.

    A - a woman after my own heart. Truly a stunning little list you've got there. My felicitations.

    I am quite gratified by the responses here. And I thought I'd be sitting in this thread by myself, masturbating to a thesarus (a good word in itself).

    Emollient, disembowl, madrigal, talisman, nadir, firkin, supple, astrolabe, oligarchy, revanche, condign, surfactant, modulo, amniocentesis, tallow, dihydrous.

By R.C. on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 02:16 am:
    Ahhh, but the real brain-buster wd be to stop the list right here/& have everyone write a sentence (are real sentence/not a nonsensical one)/using a least 2 words from this page. And of course/then next post wd have to make some kind of sense/so a story wd ensue using all these delicious words...

    I'm not even sure if I can hang with this. Some of these words are totally unfamiliar to me. Umaluts? Tharf? I wd start it/but I hafta be at El Job-o an hour early to let the carpenters in. Fuck!

    So... let the games begin!

By Markus on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 09:25 am:
    Thefirst was a typo and should be umlauts, the German word for the two little dots above certain vowels. I gotta raise an eyebrow at tharf, though, as a spatula word or real word. Again, the meaing can lend something to the ambiance of a word, but is a secondary consideration.

    Fred - matronymic? I like it. You're not Romanian by any chance?

    Redux, vapid, sacroiliac, masticate, mizzenmast, pluperfect, toluene, pneumothorax, coccyx, mendacious, litotes, armada, boink.

By Nate on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 09:30 am:
    Maggie - trinitrotoulene is my lover.
    R.C. - I can't. (Now.) Brain is already busted.

    Edonai. Duchentau. Enigma. Gnostic.


    (and for texture, not connotation)

    (come to think of it, many uncomfortable genital maladies have neat names.)

    Eeee. I should really be asleep. But I have about 6 hours to make up for missing class for 4 weeks straight. Midterm: 1:40PM (PST).


By Nate on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 09:34 am:
    Ahh, boink.

By Me Myself And Eye on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 01:11 pm:

    Sounds wrong to me when said aloud (Sponge???) Why not spell it like it is pronounced (Spunge?)

    Masturbation is a lovely word though. I adore it!

By Christopher on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 04:03 pm:
    Fistula, Neuroblastoma, . Unpleasant conditions with unpleasant names. Merkin! Its a toupee for pubic hair.

    Harry Hoover living in number 10,
    bought a toupee, and glued it to his head
    "Looks very natural" everybody said.
    But then his wife said "Toupee? Isn't that a french word?"
    Harry said "Ole`!"
    She said "Thats a Spanish verb!"
    and he said "OK. Can't tell the difference, anyway."

    ruminating, blundering, consternation.
    Wankle Rotary Engine.

By Sir Nigel on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 05:05 pm:
    If you're British, sponge IS spellt the way it's pronounced.

By Fredescu on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 05:17 pm:
    Tharf (adj)- Unleavened.

    As in "We were hoping he would just hurry up and go home, but he remained 'unleavened' until 2am"

    And though I may not be Romainian, the suffix -escu has those origins.

By Squee on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 06:04 pm:

By Maggie on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 06:36 pm:

By Markus on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 08:15 pm:
    Ceaucescu was a monster, but had a somewhat mellifluous name. Not as good as Gheorghiu-Dej, of course.

    Rototiller. Pestilence. Vagus. Scalar. Striations. Goop.

By R.C. on Thursday, February 12, 1998 - 10:16 pm:
    There are a couple or three English words that do give me the shivers:

    uxorious (a female favorite!)

By Angus on Friday, February 13, 1998 - 01:35 am:
    cunilingus (ate)



    i've been away from my one and only for 6+ weeks.

    5 hours by car tomorrow, 5 hours by car sunday. all north north north. and i'll be in love arms.

    (and, consequently, i'll be in the same state as i am in now, for all you freaky east coaster peoples.)

By Slacker on Friday, February 13, 1998 - 03:21 am:
    once again

By Maggie on Friday, February 13, 1998 - 12:33 pm:
    Angus: Happy driving (and happy Valentine's Day : ).


By Nelly on Friday, February 13, 1998 - 02:33 pm:

By Nelly on Sunday, February 15, 1998 - 09:48 pm:
    Sorry for the echolalia with regard to amanuensis. (Sorry. I will dictate a personal retraction to my secretary in the morning.)

    Please add: procrastinatory

    (Wait a minute)

    also, procrustean.

    (my bed is a bit too short)

    hooray for megasyllabicism

By Markus on Monday, February 16, 1998 - 03:16 pm:
    A tip of the chapeau to the lovely and talented Nelly for the contributions.

    Also, it was noted to me that besides Lewis Carroll, Theodore Geisel also made a decent living off spatula words.

    Pernicious. Reprobate. Kumquat. Protean. Licentious. Querulous. Endoskeletal. Promethian. Burnoose. Peccadillo. Quagmire. Spork. Ooze.

By Chrashtopher on Monday, February 16, 1998 - 05:44 pm:

By Humbert on Monday, February 16, 1998 - 07:19 pm:
    Ferret, stoat, marmot, ermine. Weasel.

By Maggie on Tuesday, February 17, 1998 - 05:39 pm:
    Don't worry about amanuensis, Nelly - you *more* than redeemed yourself with echolalia! Tell your secretary to take the day off. : )

    Chinchilla, sybillant, Languedoc.

By Maggie on Tuesday, February 17, 1998 - 05:40 pm:
    Hey, Humbert, what's with all the weasels?

By Humbert on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 11:29 am:
    Damn weasels. They're behind it all. Ruining my life. Mocking me behind my back. Stealing my socks. Ruining my credit rating. The things I could tell you about weasels. Damn their beady little eyes. Have to go now, I think they're listening.

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 01:51 pm:
    They're also (fyi for all you city kids) damn near impossible to shoot. And they love to eat fluffy baby chickies. : (

    Balderdash; brouhaha.

By The weasels on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 02:26 pm:
    Nyah nyah nyah hahahahahahahahahahaha

    And our favorite words are "weasel words". Ha.

By Maggie on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 02:46 pm:
    Slimy, slinky, wiggly, squiggley, serpentine?

By Nelly on Wednesday, February 18, 1998 - 07:23 pm:
    egg-sucking, prevaricating, razor-toothed, viscious, elongated, sneaky

By Nate on Thursday, February 19, 1998 - 11:22 am:
    octal, oral, origami.

    Excúseme? Por qué? Porque!

    Je tiens mon ami comme la pluie.

    Bitte löschen Sie mich von Ihren Hosen.

    Excúseme? Por qué? Porque!

By Markus on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 10:05 am:
    Maggie - In what part of the world does maple syrup come in cans?

    Rhomboid. Perspicacious. Friable. Zounds! Droll. Proclivity. Jackanape. Hirsute. Egregious. Ersatz. Feckless. Hapless. Erstwhile. Jocular. Trenchant. Japery. Succulent. Truculent. Shubbery. Flechette. Tumescent. Punctilious. Conjoined. Vaunted. Nonagon. Demarcation. Poopdeck. Wombat. Flapjack. Sphincter. Djinn. Bounder. Pizzle. Gnarled. Flatulent. Squeegee.

By Just Visitor on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 12:10 pm:
    Immaculate Effectuation.
    Pyroflatulent Divination.

By Christopher on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 02:40 pm:
    Markus, You can buy maple syrup in cans from Vermont (good stuff) or from Costco (usually bad stuff). Most restaurant suppliers offer it as well in the big multigallon screwtop cans. For pancakes try Cane Syrup. I know there is a company out of Louisiana that makes some really kicking cane syrup, I'll have to look it up when I get home. It too comes in a can.


By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 02:49 pm:

By Markus on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 03:45 pm:
    Thanks for the clarification, Christopher. But those (other than possibly the Vermont one) don't sound much like "stubborn small-lidded containers" amenable to opening with a Stilson wrench. Or a Stilton cheese, for that matter.

By Christopher on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 04:26 pm:
    Thats why every kitchen should be equipped with a blow torch. Believe it or not, Williams Sonoma sells a little pocket blowtorch, Which I hear is quite popular with the crack set, as well as for chefs looking to touch up their meringue.


By Maggie on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 04:32 pm:
    Now, while I'd never use a Stilton cheese to open a (yes, Vermont) syrup can (although perhaps a stubborn Port bottle), the inch-and-a-half-diameter lids on the cans do sometimes get sticky enough as to disallow (literally) manual opening by my puny self (hence, a wrench). And Markus, I already said "pizzle." Or was that "pangolin"? I always get them confused. ...

    (Confidential to Christopher and, by association, Squee: Wankel rotory engine - *now* I get it!!!)


By Naran on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 05:51 pm:
    shock troops
    "lysergic acid diethylamide" sounds really neat, and "cannabis sativa" has great rhythm.
    For dessert, evocative C function names:

By Squee squee squee on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 06:08 pm:
    I assume rotory engine was self conscious.

    Rotary engines are, after all, rotor-y.

By Maggie on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 07:41 pm:
    Oh, I am called out. It's this darn ergo keyboard that does it to me - I forget where all the letters are. ... Do rotarian engines wear those little jackets?

By Christopher on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 07:46 pm:
    This thread has been here for three weeks and no-one has yet said "moot"?

    I could say moot all day.

    Moot, moot, moot.

By Just Visitor on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 09:54 pm:

    I wonder if there's some kind of subconscious connection to all these free associations?


By Christopher. Dont accept substitutes. on Thursday, February 26, 1998 - 10:48 pm:
    Hey Buddy, I'm a regular. Use another variation on Christopher. Thanks much.


By Markus on Friday, February 27, 1998 - 12:55 am:
    Imposture. Chicanery. Humbuggery.

By Lover of onomatopoeic inventions on Friday, February 27, 1998 - 07:01 am:
    a selection of favorite utterances of friends:

    shoomp (accompanies some transitive verb action of something doing something to something... "She tossed them in the garbage, shoomp..."

    chook (accompanies something popping out of something)

    ph,ph,ph (accompanies general consternation or effort)

    blooey (describes a general activity of disintegration, such as when your computer screen suddenly goes blue)

    and of me:

    gack (general response to the disgusting)

    tm t-tm t-tm tn-tn-tn (little mantra i find myself doing when hanging up a phone call)

By Markus on Friday, February 27, 1998 - 10:14 am:
    "Chook" is Aussie for chicken. "Gack" is chicken for Aussie.

    Here's one for your collection: I used to have a Scottish bodyguard (former French Foreign Legion) who was something of a Neanderthal. His favorite expression was to gleefully say "Goosh!" while pantomiming hitting someone. In fact, to this day we refer to him by that name.

By PetRock on Friday, February 27, 1998 - 01:49 pm:

    And the lesser-known SPIRKLE!

By Not an advertisement on Friday, February 27, 1998 - 05:45 pm:

By OED on Saturday, February 28, 1998 - 04:20 am:
    Thesaurus? ....amateurs.

    wahine (most words Hawaiian)
    Kuala Lumpur
    Shaquille O'Neil
    muxipation (should be a word)
    methode chapenoise
    cube root
    Grand Guignol
    maroon (abandoned in claret)
    diphthong (a favorite)
    serrupticious (sp?)
    (as opposed to ictheology - belief in the deep)
    George (keep saying it...)

By Mirjen on Sunday, March 1, 1998 - 04:54 pm:
    hm...somnambulist was said, but needs to be repeated, as was spork, which is now both noun and verb.
    and i know it's a fictional name, but Nyarlathotep.

By Just Visitor on Tuesday, March 3, 1998 - 03:35 am:

By Asti on Wednesday, March 4, 1998 - 11:20 pm:
    Spooty *for definition see:
    (tell them asti sent you)

    and of course, my all time fave:
    asti (as in spumante)
    (brings back memories better than pizza does!)
    (btw: it is really only 8:20pm my time)

By Lightwood9 on Friday, March 6, 1998 - 07:59 pm:

    although it doesn't sound anything like what it is

By Woody Wordpicker on Saturday, March 21, 1998 - 02:35 am:
    1. Chumbawamba

    2. Kari Whurer

    3. Sausage

By M on Friday, March 27, 1998 - 11:03 am:

By Chuckbucket on Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 07:47 pm:
    Ham, Chickens, Beef "its whats for dinner", watermellon, Toe, Liquify, Neck, megeflhp, quick, Click, Beep, Bib, snot, snoot, Shmuck, Skunk, Shlumeal, sue, and Scue

By Yoko on Tuesday, March 31, 1998 - 09:47 pm:

By Yanya on Wednesday, April 15, 1998 - 12:05 am:


By Fred on Wednesday, April 15, 1998 - 12:46 am:

By Xxxchris on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 02:16 am:
    zeugma always makes me think of smegma, and its bad
    artichoke--where the hell did that come from?
    mmm, oral (and the same goes for coral, and doral (cigs))

    goat, while a good word, should be spelled goate

    sizzle-chest will always send me into fits of spastic laughter
    sizzle chest. i am a sizzle-chest. you are a sizzle-chest. we are sizzle chests. rotfl

    jark crasm nazz natch cranch ge dick jones jerome sizz
    xxx means everything

    if the english language were to be reduced to one word, it would have to be:

    if something's bad, you say "man, what jasm"
    hey--what's that jasm over there?

By Jasmine Guy on Monday, April 20, 1998 - 07:18 pm:
    Naw. Reminds me of "jasmine".

By Nelly on Monday, April 27, 1998 - 09:44 am:

By CarrieAnn on Tuesday, April 28, 1998 - 03:00 am:
    *spackle (spah-kuhl)
    *legume (lay-gyoo-m)
    *triscuit (trih-skih-t)
    *poop (pew-p)
    *hemidemisemiquaver (heh-mee-deh-mee-seh-mee-kway-ver)
    *mustafa (moo-stah-fuh)
    *crotch (krahh-ch)
    *booyahkah (bew-yahh-kuh)
    *el chupacabra (ehl-choo-puh-kahh-bruh)
    *soilent (soy-leh-nt)
    *coital (koy-tuhl)
    *crackle (krah-kuhl)
    *onomatopoeia (ah-noh-mah-to-pee-uh)

    Ack, didn't realize the time. Time for bed! Be back with more later. Oh, and no need for thanks on the pronunciations there. Just thought I'd help ya out. Heh. I know I need it. Besides it's more fun if you say them slowly & sound them out. Na night...

By Jon on Monday, May 18, 1998 - 07:21 pm:
    My favourite word would have to be "scrotum", when pronounced as in "scrow tum".

    Beard; Ferret; regurgitate; mellifluous; village.

By PetRock on Monday, May 18, 1998 - 10:32 pm:

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Tuesday, May 19, 1998 - 12:53 am:

By R.C. on Tuesday, May 19, 1998 - 01:55 am:
    Mazarin (whom I think was a character from The 3 Musketeers). When I finally get my cat/I'm gonna name him Mazarin/just so I can walk around saying it all the time.

    Then I'll get a female & name her Marzipan. Which sounds almost as groovy.

By Slacker on Tuesday, May 19, 1998 - 02:14 am:
    favorite words?
    spooch tube.

By Jim aka PajamaBoy on Tuesday, May 19, 1998 - 06:49 am:
    Marzipan is icky. But it's a fun word, nevertheless!

By Gubiotti on Wednesday, July 15, 1998 - 03:53 pm:

    It's just a damn funny word. If I repeat "cow" to myself a dozen times, I'm laughing.

By Strange on Thursday, July 30, 1998 - 05:12 pm:
    It must be said:


By TB Soup on Friday, July 31, 1998 - 02:25 am:
    Huzzah, my friends and I aren't the only ones who have this sort of conversation. That said, here's my list:


    linoleum (Bert even used it in a great Sesame Street song)
    adenoids (sp?)

    And, from a high school religion class, a phrase immortalized as a commentary on the teacher's use of complex language:
    "Extrapolate on the contrapositive"

By Starchy on Friday, July 31, 1998 - 04:05 pm:

By Liam on Friday, July 31, 1998 - 07:37 pm:
    I've always felt that "fastidious" is a very fussy word.

By Lindsay on Wednesday, October 21, 1998 - 04:36 pm:

    i ONLy hAVe ONe......
    yes, it IS a word.

By NZAngel on Wednesday, October 21, 1998 - 06:28 pm:

    My grandfather was praised for being of "abstemious nature" when he was at sea.

    My other favourite words have been listed already:


    But not:


By Fred on Thursday, October 22, 1998 - 01:30 pm:





By Aurastorm on Saturday, October 31, 1998 - 06:52 pm:

    Antipathy. Epiphany. Smooth. Melange. Annui. Argon. Evenstar. Mithril. Moria. Numenore. Wanderlust. Dunedain.
    There seem to be so many more....I know I'll remember them when I press the button. Oh well.

By Lmnopop on Friday, November 6, 1998 - 09:53 pm:

    and any other word ending in "-uggle"
    and "happy"

By Nerp on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 01:20 am:

    yo-yo (yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo-yo- ... circular word)

By Vindow Viper on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 01:22 am:

    defenestrate! YES!
    defenestration for all!

    that and pan-galactic gargle blasters

By Cyst on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 10:15 am:


    last weekend I decided that my favorite city name was "dnepropetrovsk," then the new york times used it on monday. that was exciting, to see it get such a large audience.

By Markus on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 10:28 am:

    "Abstemious nature" [NZAngel 10/21/98]? What exactly does that mean? That he refrained from constantly polishing the mizzenmast?

    And while I'm half a year late in my responses anyway, I notice that TB Soup [7/31/98] used "quatsch", the German word for nonsense, pronounced "kvahtch". I dated a baroness (Freiin) in Muenchen, and she would go around scornfully replying "Quatsch!" to anything she disagreed with, to which I would way "Doch!"

    Ah, such a nice collection here. I've downloaded the page so I'll have something to comfort me in my old age.

By Markus on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 10:47 am:

    Dnepropetrovsk was Brezhnev's power base, as he had started his career as Party boss of the surrounding oblast. So when he became GS of the CC of the CPSU, he brought all his friends from the old days in, who were disparagingly referred to as "the Dnepropetrovsk mafia". That's why I became a Sovietologist, so I'd have an excuse to say Dnepropetrovsk on a regular basis. Then that boring Chernenko from Minsk took over, and it was all downhill.

    Kamshchatka is nice too. We learned to pronounce the "shch" sound in Russian by saying "fresh cheese" really fast.

By Cyst on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 11:10 am:

    last weekend while drunk I met an american woman who had lived in dnepropetrovsk, and I gratuitously dropped that name in conversation with her ("so, you lived in dnepropetrovsk. what's dnepropetrovsk like?")

    when I was in college and found that I had to declare a major, I chose "anthropology" because that was the word I most liked to say (my second choice would have been comparative literature, as its course catalog abbreviation was CLIT) and it didn't really matter what I chose, as I wasn't planning to attend classes regularly anyway.

    then I specialized in physical anthropology, specifically human evolution, as an excuse to say the word "australopithecus" a lot.

    oh weird. a coworker just said, "hey, I didn't know chernenko was from dnepropetrovsk." he's reading a book about the state security service has fought with the dnepropetrovsk power base for power in post-soviet ukraine.

    did he grow up in dnepropetrovsk and move to minsk?

By Margret on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 11:22 am:

    i've always liked the language disorder words:

    my favorite place name is:
    brest litovsk, isn't that pretty?
    and from RISK kamchatka has always had a nice ring.

    i like foreign words, too:

    and for some reason, melange and savour.

    let us not forget onomatapoiea

By Cyst on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 11:30 am:

    onomatapoiea, zeugma and synedoche have all been mentioned. I learned all those words on the same day in high school.

    according to a little chernenko bio I found on the web, he is not from minsk or dnepropetrovsk. he's from siberia.

By Skleephotek on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 12:23 pm:

    now I keep repeating "fresh cheese" to myself.

By Markus on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 01:01 pm:

    Happy happy joy joy. Where to start with these goodies. Brezhnev's is even better. He dreamed of being an actor? I love Stalin's comment, "What a handsome Moldavian." (!) And as a bonus, he originally hailed from Dneprodzerzhinsk.

    Don't know where I got Minsk from for Konstantin Ustinovich. His surname is Ukrainian, however, and was considered a member of the Dnepropetrovsk mafia, even though he didn't really serve there.

    What's the name and author of the book?

By Agatha on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 01:05 pm:

    what is the word for a phrase or word that is the same spelling front to back or back to front? i was trying to think of it the other day, and for some reason, it was eluding me.
    ex: racecar, racecar!

By Cyst on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 01:45 pm:


By Cyst on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 01:55 pm:

    my mother, who is weird, picked me up at the airport after I'd been out of the country for a year and on a plane for 15 hours, and in the car on the way home, when the only thing I could really think about was how much I wanted to first go to taco bell and second sleep, she said, "I want to know how smart you are. what's the name for words that are spelled the same backward and forward?" I almost cried. it reminded me of when I was 14 and ran away from home (well, as far as my friend cindy's house, anyway) because I got a b in school and couldn't face my mother.

    more details than anyone asked for, huh?

    here's a response to an actual request:

    Dnipropetrovsk V Security Service

    from the Series: Politics and Policy-Makers

    published by Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research, 1996

    made possible by tax dollars from income-declaring americans such as yourselves. (you-ess-ay-aye-dee)

    my friend says the interesting information in the book gets lost in all the bad writing (and spelling!). not recommended.

By Markus on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 02:11 pm:

    If he sends me a copy, I'll not only cover purchase price and postage, I'll include Doritos or whatever it is that expats in Ukraine are jonesing for these days.

By Sheila on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 02:48 pm:



By Markus on Friday, February 19, 1999 - 03:32 pm:

    Your leading purveyors of Dnepropetrovsk madness continue here.

By Agatha on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 01:24 am:

    cyst, thank you. that was really bothering me, and i didn't have a reverse dictionary.

By Danielle on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 01:46 am:


    just something about it....

By Gee on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 04:32 pm:

    I've always loved saying the name "Wickham"...I get the feeling there are about ten Thousand implyed "H"s right after the "W" in that name....(WhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhICKHAM!!!)

    ipicak (which I don't really know how to spell and it's not in my dictionary, but just sound it out) is also a lot of fun to say. ipicak. ipicak. ipicak. oh god.

By Gee Fraser on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 04:43 pm:

By Swine on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 05:57 pm:

    i had this friend in college...
    whenever he wanted to express that something was extraordinarily good, he would always say it was "dalai lama".

    for instance:
    "man, i just scored some phat buds from dr. vic. yo, that shit is DALAI LAMA!"

    that always used to crack me up.

By R.C. on Saturday, February 20, 1999 - 06:36 pm:

    Ipecac -- meaning the stuff they use to induce vomiting?

    That word always sounds like foreign currency to me. When we finally succeed in discovering a habitable planet within our solar system/the astronauts disembark (or whatever one calls exiting a space craft)/are escorted to the nearest bar/& find out that a bottle of the local micorbrew costs 18 ipecacs.

By Markus on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 01:40 am:

    We always have a fun supply of syrup of ipecac on the ambulance, but my favorite tool in the med box is Narcan, DuPont's brand name for naloxone hydrochloride. It almost instantly separates opioids from their neural receptors, killing a high immediately. We use it on ODs, and it's pretty dramatic when they almost rise from the dead. After whacking junkies with it, though, we step back, because they sometimes sit up swinging for ruining their high, even though it was putting them into respiratory arrest.

By Boss Hog-err...Gee on Sunday, February 21, 1999 - 07:45 am:

    Ipecac! That's it! Thanks dumpling. [bumm pat]

    I feel very much like a sleezy old boss cheating on his wife with his reluctant secretary, today.

By Skittles on Saturday, April 10, 1999 - 10:36 pm:


By Gee on Sunday, April 11, 1999 - 02:00 am:

    That's just rude, man.

By Nelly on Tuesday, May 11, 1999 - 05:49 pm:

    some words:


    I haven't been able to find any referring page to tell me why they're there, but most of them are real choice words that could well find a place of honor here, if they haven't already.

By Markus on Thursday, May 13, 1999 - 09:13 pm:

    Nice find. I'm going to challenge "w", however.

By R on Thursday, May 13, 1999 - 10:11 pm:

    Just say it slowly: double u, dubliu, dubbbbleyouuuu.

    Unless you're from Philly; then it's just 'dubya'

By Nelly on Friday, July 9, 1999 - 12:48 am:


    kinda made getting fillings a little more tolerable.

By Dave on Friday, July 9, 1999 - 01:03 am:

    that stuff'll kill you. what were they thinking?

By Pamela on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 - 01:45 pm:

    To start off, My nickname is Spatula (or the nickname of my nickname, Spatch). I am not exactly sure where it came from... I think it started with Pam ryhmes with Spam, then went on to Spamula which then was contorted into Spatula. My friends are very odd, but then again, I guess so am I. There's really nothing wrong with that either, because I would just hate to be considered "normal". And just what is normal?

    And speaking of normal, here's a word: 'normalcy'. Which president was it that made that word up for one of his speeches? J. Edgar Hoover? No, I think it was the same guy who said walk softly and carry a big stick... I don't remember, but it was one of them.

    I love the word 'wanker' and 'bollucks' (is that is the correct way to spell it?). Kumquat just sounds like it should be a naughty word, but I just love it. I can't help but call my husband "my little kumquat" every now and then. He thinks it's cute as long as I don't over use it.

    R.C. French words are my favorite! Your list was wonderful! I just love the way French words just roll off your tongue (there's another word -- tongue!) or spring forth from the back of your throat... Four years of French class and I still can't speak fluently (aha! another word -- fluent or fluently). Of course it has been two years since my last French class... I need someone to speak French with. I am absolutely in love with everything French (well, almost everything. I especially love French kissing -- ooohhhh and French fries, even if they're not actually or culturally French).

    When I was working at my Grandfather's pizza restaurant, most of my co-workers would talk about el chupacabra... I couldn't get that word out of my head. But I just love the English translation... Goat sucker... tee hee hee...


    My husband came up with this word a long time ago, long before I knew him, but he lovingly shared it with me -- Diptard. I guess it's a cross between Dipshit and Retard. It's quite comical, especially when you throw it in on a serious argument. You can't help but laugh.

    Hoser. That is just hilarious. Go lay down with your pups, hoser. Canadians. I love them almost as much as the French.

    Dork. There is a word that I think is used in the wrong conotation. Since the actually meaning of dork is a whale's penis, men should really feel quite honored when someone calls them a dork. It is a compliment isn't it? Well, I guess a great come back from being called a dork would be either, "No, but I've got one," or "Well, it's about the same size..." Regardless of it's meaning, I love the word.

    What about Illiad? Or is that Iliad? I can never remember. Not only did I love the story but I also love the word. Words are great fun. In my Desktop Publishing class my Junior year in High School, a friend and I spent many a day creating a list of words that we loved. Unfortunately, we lost the list. What a shame that was.

    Fellatio <GRIN>
    sorabji (I'm surprised no one has said it by now)
    reconnaissance (especially the way Elizabeth Hurley says it in Austin Powers)

By Cyst on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 - 11:48 pm:

    theodore roosevelt

    I have recently remembered the word "cretin." I was talking to people on my bank's customer service line.

By Gee on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 01:36 am:

    I too am very fond of the french, Pamela. And Canadians.

    When I was in the states, I really enjoyed using common Canadian words that I knew they didn't use down there. Like chesterfeild and serviette. My sister did it too, but she didn't realize it.

    Sis: "Can you tell me where the washroom is?"

    American: "The what?"

    Sis: "The washroom?"

    American: "The restroom?"

    Sis: "The washroom." (nodding)

    American: "Wait...what?"

    Once, while waiting for a bus, I asked some guy if he had a loony. Even after I explained what it was, he refused to believe me.

By MoonIt on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 01:58 am:

    what the heck is a loony?

    Kiwis use the word 'toilet' or 'bathroom'

By J on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 10:33 am:

    Maybe a form of the loo?

By Cyst on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 10:33 am:

    when I was very, very young, I was out with my dad and told I had to go to the bathroom.

    he asked me why I called it a "bathroom."

    "there isn't a bath in there, is there?"

    I tried this logic on my first-grade teacher. I told her I had to go to the toilet.

    she told me to call it a "bathroom."

By Pamela on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 01:34 pm:


    Isn't it amazing how contradicting everything is?

    Gee: I was reading some of the Canadians board (I forget what the name of the board was or where it is, sorry) and everyone was making fun of Canadians. And the French. Even though I found the whole thing comical, I still love both cultures very much! I myself am part French. I am also part everything else! Well, everything European, that is! = )

By Waffles on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 02:18 pm:

    well then...i guess this is obligatory....

    fuck you!

    with affection of course

By Pamela on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 03:35 pm:

    = )

    Awww, Waffles! You are the sweetest!

    = )

By Markus on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 04:29 pm:

    A loony is 62 cents.

By Perfidy on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 05:31 pm:

    I believe a serviette to be a linen napkin of sorts and I may be fully wrong but what is a chesterfield? A divan or a duvay or neither?
    Is a chesterfield a pack of smokes or one of those blue things with the things sticking out of it? You know, those blue things with the things on them?

    Seriously though, what is a chesterfield?

By Rhiannon on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 05:50 pm:

    Chesterfield: \'ches-ter-feeld\ n [fr. a 19th cent. Earl of Chesterfield] (1852) 1: a single-breasted or double-breasted semifitted overcoat with a velvet collar 2: a davenport usu. with upright armrests

    --courtesy of the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed.

By Rhiannon on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 05:54 pm:

    Davenport: \'da-vn-port\ n [prob. fr. the name Davenport {really?--RD}] (1853) 1: a small compact writing desk 2: a large upholstered sofa often convertible into a bed

By Droopy on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 06:05 pm:

    my random house dictionary has a third entry for chesterfield that reads: 3. _chiefly Canadian_. any large sofa or couch.

By Droopy on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 06:09 pm:

    by the way - i'm american and i know what a washroom is.

By Rhiannon on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 06:12 pm:

    Speaking of dictionaries and favorite words, this dictionary is really cool because it tells you the exact differences among synonyms. Check it out:

    syn: DEADLY, MORTAL, FATAL, LETHAL mean causing or capable of causing death. DEADLY applies to an established or very likely cause of death <a deadly disease>. MORTAL implies that death has occurred or is inevitable <a mortal wound>. FATAL stresses the inevitability of what has in fact resulted in death or destruction <fatal consequences>. LETHAL applies to something that is bound to cause death or exists for the destruction of life <lethal gas>.

    syn: BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY, HANDSOME, PRETTY, COMELY, FAIR mean exciting sensuous or aesthetic pleasure. BEAUTIFUL applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses. LOVELY is close to BEAUTIFUL but applies to a narrower range of emotional excitation in suggesting the graceful, delicate, or exquisite. HANDSOME suggests aesthetic pleasure due to proportion, symmetry, or elegance. PRETTY often applies to superficial or insubstantial attractiveness. COMELY is like HANDSOME in suggesting what is coolly approved of rather than emotionally responded to. FAIR suggests beauty because of purity, flawlessness, or freshness.

    I don't know why, but this kind of stuff fascinates me.

    I also love words like "defenestration," words that you can't really believe they made a whole word for that. Do you know what I mean? There's a word (too bad I can't remember what it is) that means the shy tone of voice you get when you speak of something you care a great deal for. I think it's neat that there is a unique word for that state, rather than a clumsy phrase.

    I also think it's neat that in Gaelic -- a language with very very very few homonyms -- the word for "truth" is the same as the word for "girl."

By Rhiannon on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 06:16 pm:

    I know why I like stuff like this...duh. I like writing and I like being as precise as I possibly can.

    I took 2 semesters of poetry writing last year, and I wrote a poem in which I used the word "adjuration," which means essentially "begging," but it implies begging God or begging something from someone in great authority. So much better than just plain old "begging," and it worked really well for the poem.

By Waffles on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 06:27 pm:


    thats a fun word.....

    as printer spool on this network is acting up god damn it, i have asked my techies three times to fix the fucking printer SPOOL soes I can print a document that i need to mail yesterday...BUT NO!!!!!!!!!!!! the ding dongs all have to go to lunch at the same time...all 4 of them, ther the discuss their knight outfits for this weekends renaissance festival and discuss d&d theories and the pros and cons of proxy servers............damn it damn it damn damn you SPOOL

    rhymes with drool, cool, ghoul, fool, mule, dule, fuel, rule,

By Jinafishes on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 06:28 pm:

    Scaffism- the act of covering your entire body in honey, laying out in the sun, and dying from the intense heat.

By Fetidbeaver on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 06:44 pm:

    poikilothermy- the condition of having the tempature of the organism or animal assume the same tempature as the environment.

    I once had a patient who suffered poikilothermia due to a brain stem stroke. Had to keep that room HOT. He didn't live long though.

By Swine on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 07:10 pm:


By Waffles on Thursday, September 9, 1999 - 07:24 pm:


    meine deutsch ist nicht sehr gut

By Jusmiceelf on Friday, September 10, 1999 - 01:19 am:

    burke, burking

    to kill someone by smothering them with a pillow, after Burke and Hare, famous for killing vagrants in a rooming house in this manner, and selling them to a med school as cadavers. The word also means to suppress.

    not to be confused with berk, short for berkshire hunt, cockney rhyming slang for vagina

By Gee on Friday, September 10, 1999 - 06:09 am:

    LoL (I'm laughing a lot today) I love the word bumbaklaat. I used to hear it a lot when I was a kid. I also used to head "bumba johnny!". My sister always got that wrong, though....every now and then I still hear her mutter "Johnny's bumba!"

    A serviette is a napkin. A chesterfeild is a couch. A loony is a (canadian) dollar. It's a coin with a loon on one side, hence the name. (our two dollar coin is called a Toonie.)

By BigKevin on Friday, September 10, 1999 - 09:12 am:

    And they're both annoying as hell.

    But if you keep a change jar/bucket/box/shelf...... the monetary value increases for quicker than prior to these stupid coins. which has its upside (like being able to take vacations more frequently {my change bucket is my vacation fund}).

By Jinafishes on Friday, September 10, 1999 - 11:31 am:

    Toonie is as cheesy as calling URL's "earls" and DUI's "dewies"

By J on Friday, September 10, 1999 - 11:36 am:

    My husband had a uncle named Looney Ball.

By J on Friday, September 10, 1999 - 12:55 pm:

    And I know a guy named Seymore Weiner.

By Waffles on Friday, September 10, 1999 - 03:18 pm:

    i went to the VSDA (Video Software Dealers Assoc.) convention in Vegas a couple of years's a large convention for the video industry and well the porn industry has it's own section...all the different labels and they have all the porn stars there signing autographs and what not.....i met a whole slew of them, in fact my buddy and I stayed in the section the whole damn time we were so mesmerized......anyway...I got to meet this porn chick her boyfriend was this producer named Seymore Butts and she had his name tattoed on her ass.......of course we got a peek...most of the porn girls were barely dressed........we got to watch porn in 3d......met Ron Jeremy....aka the Hedgehogg.........I also met Kevin Smith and Russ Meyer at this was really kinda sad though......there was a huge line to meet Leslie Nielsen and Russ Meyer was just standing at his booth waitin gfor people to come up and get his autograph and an 8x10.............I also met the the gangbang chick..............shit whats her name...ah hell......Jasmine St. Clair.........and we had Mario (the guy Slater from Saved by The Bell) at our booth. He did a Greg Louganis film....and all the girls were lined up for his autograph....funny though....all the porn stars were swooning him and at the end of the day we saw him get in a limo with a bunch of them......lucky bastard.....

By Semillama on Saturday, September 11, 1999 - 01:50 am:

    i like how celtic words are spelled.

    bheann sidhe (banshee)

    seamus (pronounced "Hamish" when you are talking to a Seamus, and if you were writing him a letter I think it is spelled seamuis or seamues. This is because in Gaelic ( a language i briefly atempted to learn), certain words are spelt different depending on whether you are talking about yourself or someone else. Seamus is actually the Gaelicized version of James, Sean is John, Sinead is Janet, and so on, because there is no letter J in celtic tongues.)

    excremeditation is also a fave.


    I absolutely love Indo European.

    *okto (latin octo, fr. huit, it. otto, port. oito, eng. eight)
    *lakte (latin lactem, fr. lait, it. latte, sp. leche, port. leite, eng. milk)
    *faktu (latin factum, fr. fait, it. fatto, sp. hecho, port. feito, eng. fact)(the irish for girl is fidhe, i think, which is the same as "truth" according to Rhiannon)
    an * indicates the word has been reconstructed from descendant languages.

    this al comes from"Archaeology and language" by Renfrew, a fascinating book.

By Gee on Saturday, September 11, 1999 - 02:33 am:


By J on Saturday, September 11, 1999 - 03:08 am: crack me up:)

By J on Saturday, September 11, 1999 - 03:10 am:


By Rhiannon on Saturday, September 11, 1999 - 09:38 am:

    I tried to learn Gaelic, too, because it sounds really neat, but the grammar is very strange and I just couldn't do it. The fact that they don't have a word for "yes" or "no" really disturbed me. (If you ask "is it raining?" they have to say "it is.")

    When I was in Scotland I bought a big English-Gaelic dictionary and I will admit I read it for entertainment. (*sigh*) Anyway, I think the word I mentioned before (the shy tone of voice you get when you speak of something you care a great deal for) is a Gaelic word.

    I was very impressed with that language because it's chock full of words like that, words whose meanings are so specific and poetic. They have a word for blood floating on water. There's another word for the cry of a drowning man. (They have a lot of sea-related words.) Also, the same words for physical beauty and ugliness also imply moral goodness and evil, respectively. When I can find my dictionary, I'll post more examples, which no one will read, but they're really neat and deserve to be up here.

By Semillama on Saturday, September 11, 1999 - 09:25 pm:

    I have unfortunately left my "teach Your Self Gaelic: book at my mom's house, along with the rest of my collection of celtic literature.

    For those who remotely give a shit, there are two remaining families of Celtic languages: Goidelic or Q-celtic and Brythonic, or P-celtic. Goidelic includes Irish, Scots Gaelic and Manx Gaelic, while Brythonic includeds Welsh, Cornish, and Breton.

By N on Sunday, September 12, 1999 - 01:25 am:

    That gaelic concept of moral beauty/ugliness is reflected in Southern U.S. expressions, e.g. "I'm never going back to that store again, the cashier was ugly to me" meaning he was rude and impatient when he couldn't find the code for your Belgian endive...

    Or, "She was a lovely person;" whether or not her visage plesed or turned men to stone, she always wrote thank-you notes promptly, called on the sick and never had a mean word to say about anybody...

By Semillama on Sunday, September 12, 1999 - 05:00 pm:

    That makes sense, since one the major centers of Scots immigration to America was the Carolinas...

By Forbidden Fruit Cocktail on Tuesday, November 28, 2000 - 07:12 pm:

    the ebullient egg-sac of ennui

By Jaded on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 08:46 pm:

    mendacious, slumber, solemn, embers, daddy-o, enigma, elite, abstruse, degregation, sourdough, numb, grey, MALK, wonton, moo, thermodynamics, disbanded, paddelin', erratic, enchanting, congeniality, divert, gloat, beckon, resonate, bobbyhatch, droll, subtle, vex, exasperate, nettle, rile, beefy, erode, zombie, wheeze, taradiddle, quirky, ninny, kinky, hunky-dory, extravaganza, banshee, armpit, cajole, epiphany, gumbo, indigo, lavender, narcissus, ping, retroactive, sulpher, arbitrary Engorged. Weasel. Juxtaposition. Vis-a-vis.

    and my favorite thus far... titillate and tantalize

By Tom on Monday, December 25, 2000 - 11:40 pm:

    vís-a-vís doesn't seem nearly as cool without the special "í"s though. does it?


    what's a taradiddle?

    tar·ra·did·dle also tar·a·did·dle (tr-ddl).

    A petty falsehood; a fib.
    Silly pretentious speech or writing; twaddle.

    oh. nevermind, then.


    PING! hehehehe


    yep. it works.

    I hate to say it (no I don't) but:

    appendectomy. slither. periodontal. FidoBoldCondensed. *sigh* tamale ta molly. gelato.

By Thistle on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 12:35 am:

    skitter, fling, spat.

    rant rant, rave rave- observe, a button is pushed, and words spill out.

    potential, prelude. facade- tirade, titillate-
    dream, drunk, drip.

By Tom on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 02:29 am:

    prelude, indeed. this is driving me crazy. Who wrote that: "a button is pushed, and words spill out." ARG! WHO!? Plath? maybe. no?

By Thistle on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 01:53 pm:

    I always thought it was Jon Carol. At least, he's the one I found it in. Can't remember if he was quoting it or not, though. Bother.

By pez on Tuesday, December 26, 2000 - 04:05 pm:

    flamboyant. loom. lopped. satchel. gargouille. a tout a l'heure.

By Tom on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 07:35 am:

    no, no, no, you're right, Thistle. I remember it now. I have that column clipped out and stashed somewhere. Of course, my book of his columns is 500 miles away, as is everything I own at the moment. Damn. wow. Good call, though.

    Jon Carroll is possibly the bestest current, working, living writer in the world. The Oregonian is, overall, a better newspaper than the Chron, but there aren't any columnists worth reading. The back page of the features section of the Chronicle always had Jon Carroll and Adair Lara (Lara Adair? damn.) and Leah Garchik and a crossword puzzle. Easily worth the 50 cents right there.

    On the upside, the Oregonian always carries the NY Times crossword in the classifieds, for when I am tired of hunting for a job.

    french words are neat, when taken out of context.

    Trompe. Foie. Fleur. Arc de Foie Fleur.

    yep. silly.

By Eeyore on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 07:37 am:

    *peers at Thistle*

    Are you in SF?

By Trace on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 07:55 am:

    bulbous bufant

By Thistle on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 - 07:31 pm:

    SF? Nope. Possibly, though. It could be done. Thus is the miracle of public transportation.

    vermillion, aquatic, quantum

By More than Jake on Thursday, December 28, 2000 - 06:33 am:

    verily. bouffant, dearie, bouffant.

    quamquat. I'm sure I spelled that wrong; anyone wanna help?

    Persimmon. alabaster. schnauzer.

By pez on Tuesday, January 2, 2001 - 05:31 pm:

    kumquat. i think.

    zuccini. lollipop. ooglie. quiche. (argh. food.) lily. feather. skylight. mixed. dinosaur.

    i just read about how "sardines are terribly good for you. they contain a lot of dna."

By Hal on Wednesday, January 3, 2001 - 05:28 am:

    Putz, guaqamole ( spelled horribly wrong ), ass-schelunker, yiddish, sweedish, bong, creole, cannibis, Heineken, Moose.

    Oh yes and cannot forget appendix, the word that means nothing.

By Bobby on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 01:59 am:

    Wandered around long enough to find this wonderful Sorabji cubbyhole of words. Perusing the selection, semi-literate that I am, I see my dictionary and search engines are going to get a little workout.

    In the meantime, a token few of my own favorites:

    deja vu
    Ferrari Testarossa
    Lamborghini Countach
    caramel latte
    Worcester (Wurster, with a Boston accent)
    Guillermo (think Gyro)

    and last, but not least...

    Scooby Doo

By Bobby on Sunday, March 25, 2001 - 03:20 am:

    And how could I forget...

    Kahlua Liqueur

By El Mirada on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 11:44 am:

    Why are words parts that sound alike often spelled differently?

    Take "Weasel" and "Gerbil" for instance.

    And furthermore. If the past tense of "Spit" is "Spat" why isn't the past tense of "Shit" "Shat"?

By El Mirada on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 11:55 am:

    are a few of my favorites.

By El Gato on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 12:00 pm:

    "Diarrhea" is understood universally as is the smile.

By patrick on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 01:03 pm:

    i like saying "wombat"

By Mundle on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 04:45 pm:

    These words rule:
    hhhmmmmmm (not really a word, but it comes from the throat, and its fun to do)

By JusMiceCentralMassElf on Monday, March 26, 2001 - 04:57 pm:

    Yo, Bobby. That's Wistah, to you. And mind you remember that Wistah was the Paris of the 80s.

By Tobias A.F. on Tuesday, February 26, 2002 - 11:24 pm:

    hors d'ouevres.
    ore d'wehveray, not orbed herbs!

By Edgy on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 02:41 am:

    No kidding:


    Look it up.

By pez on Monday, April 15, 2002 - 01:19 pm:


    i still like "flamboyant".

By Nick on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 - 10:16 am:

    Like dirty words? Rogers Profanosaurus! English people would probably know what I'm talking about. Real English that is! No offense, Americans- I'm just bitter because the Queen Mother died- I heard she was shot by the Mac-Daddy.

By Ron hopkins on Tuesday, April 16, 2002 - 05:25 pm:

    Dr. wilford Funk made a list of the 31 most beautiful words in the english language.
    Joseph Newman then wrote a poem using them all
    here is that poem M.B.Words CAPS
    Twas a TRANQUIL summer evening
    and a BOBOLINK was singing
    to the warbling of a THRUSH
    nothing else disturbed the silence
    save a LULLABY of breeze
    and the CHIMES of village curfews
    and a MURMURING in the trees
    overhead the cloudless ceiling
    still was LUMINOUSLY bright
    glowing DAMASK and CERULEAN
    in a MELODY of light
    there were MARIGOLDS and JONQUILS
    side by side with columbine
    and an ORIOLE was sitting
    on the TENDRILS of a vine
    MYRRH and MIGNONETTE were blooming
    where the meadows softly rolled
    and a haze lay on the hillside
    like a GOSSAMER of gold
    how I loved the lovely Phyllis
    like a FAWN at DAWN was she
    or dewdrop on the CHALICE
    of a spring ANEMONE
    there she lay among the blossoms
    in a field of sweet ALYSSUM
    and my rival sat beside her
    through the MIST I saw her kiss him
    from behind the OLEANDER
    taking aim I shot at Phyllis
    she is buried in the graveyard
    neath a bed of AMARYYLLIS
    let ROSEMARY bloom about her
    whom I loved so long and well
    lay a red CAMELLIA on her
    and a stately ASPHODEL
    HALCYON days alas are over
    I have lost the lovely Phyllis
    and tomorrow I'll be hanging where the gallows on the hill is

By Vogel on Thursday, July 29, 2004 - 03:50 am:


By Jax on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 07:22 am:

    Hi, just trying to 'googlewhack'and putting in 'amalgam onomatapoiea'gave 1 hit - yours!!!

    And my favourite words are 'bap' which always makes me laugh, and 'gormless'.

    Cheers matey,

By droopy on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 01:28 pm:

    i have several old jax beer church keys.

By platypus on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 01:41 pm:

    I've recently discovered the joys of zax on a triple word score.

    Zaxy zax zax zax. It's a fun word to say, too.


By I aint wearin none on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 03:04 pm:


By Spider on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 03:35 pm:


    It's a palindrome. It's a good name for a black metal band.


By Dr Pepper on Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 10:55 pm:

By droopy on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 01:08 am:

    punk as an adjective meaning "to feel unwell"

By semillama on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 03:53 pm:

    "Abu Hol" is a great name for a death metal band. It's arabic for "King of Terror" and is what the Sphinx is known as in Egypt.

By Markus on Thursday, September 23, 2010 - 11:47 am:


    I wonder what happened to Christopher. Hope he's doing well.

By J on Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 03:38 am:

    I'm still wondering if he's growing pot in his closet,and how he does it?
    A friend of mine "cough" tried growing it in her closet,but then her grandson stayed 2 weeks with her, making it hard to water. She said it's not worth the trouble.I'm not one to gossip though.

By Dr Pepper on Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 03:47 pm:

    J, I do remember growing mine in a closet , everything was FINE, until my ex-wife made a words to her sister, and other, I got paranoid for seeing people coming to see the closet. So, I decided to "kill" my plant.

By la on Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 06:06 pm:

    ass-haberdashery. prowl. retro-direct. verdant. tomatillo. ferment. lexicon. pron. cozy. slip. breathe. gauche. sinister. dexterous. arboretum. myopic. cyan. scarlet fever.