I want the truth!

sorabji.com: What do you want?: I want the truth!
By spunky on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 - 09:17 pm:

    New Crap on the McVeigh Case.

    What you think you know, is not what happened.

    What do I think happened?

    Just hear me out.
    I think there was some middle eastern influence in this. I will pull more information I have on this and share it.

    There is enough out there to make me question the official "home bred angry white male" story.

By Bigkev on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 - 09:59 pm:

    and people wonder why conspiracy theories(theorists) are so persistant.

    I dont (usually) belive them, but then i dont (almost ever) belive the news I hear/see/read...

By eri on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 - 11:00 pm:

    Sorry love, but I thought this was old news? I have heard this for years. Doesn't make it truth, but I question a lot around the national holiday that fucks up my birthday!!!! I question a lot about OK City, and have questions about 9/11, but I doubt the answers I am looking for will happen in my lifetime.

By Rowlf on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 09:27 am:

    Theres more evidence that the US government helped set up 9/11 then there is that OKC involved middle eastern peoples...

    I'll admit the possibility of yours if you'd be so bold as to recognize the other... be ojective, not asking to draw conclusions. evidence is evidence..

By eri on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 12:38 pm:

    I am not denying either of the two possibilities. When I said that the answers probably wouldn't come out in my lifetime, I was thinking about Pearl Harbor and all of this proof I had (from research we did in school) about how we knew about it and didn't do shit about it. Tried talking to my parents and grandparents about it and they thought I was a conspiracy theorist and a freak. Then the "news channels" come out with the exact same truth about this that I showed them 10 years before and they believed it from the news. I asked them why they believed it then but wouldn't listen to me 10 years before when I tried to discuss this and they told me I just sounded too over the top and the didn't believe me.

    This runs through my brain when I think about OKC and 9/11 both.

    Now I have X-Files music running through my head!

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 02:00 pm:

    Some kind of knowledge that something was happening, yes.

    Helped plan it?
    Hell no.
    Unless you mean someone else other then the current administration.
    Trust me, there is no way they could have planned and cooridinated somthing like that with only 8 1/2 months lead time. The Government just cannot work that quickly.

By Antigone on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:02 pm:

    "Hell no.
    Unless you mean someone else other then the current administration."

    Golly, you have no bias.

    None. Whatsoever.

    "The Government just cannot work that quickly."

    You mean we didn't just invade a country in 3 weeks?

    I seem to remember that happening rather quickly.

    Your reasoning is so flawless, it borders on the god-like.

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:17 pm:

    It took us 18 months to get there.
    I never said I was not biased, I simply meant I did not think 8 1/2 months was enough time to coorditate the effort.

By Bigkev on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:24 pm:

    "It took us 18 months to get there."
    Are you saying that from the moment the attacksin Newyork took place it was a forgone conclusion that Iraq would be attacked by The USA?

    please tell me thats what you are saying... caus eas soon as you do, that lets me ignore more than half of your defenses of Dubbaya!

    "Trust me, there is no way they could have planned and cooridinated somthing like that with only 8 1/2 months lead time."
    What are you refering to here? the OKcity attacks or the 9/11 attacks?

By Antigone on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:30 pm:

    "Are you saying that from the moment the attacksin Newyork took place it was a forgone conclusion that Iraq would be attacked by The USA?"

    Actually, it was a forgone conclusion long before that.

    Spunk, you're ignoring possibilities I know you can see. You're being dishonest. I don't respect deceitful people.

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:34 pm:

    so I had the number of months wrong, we are still talking 12-14 months.

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:36 pm:

    You think GW PLANNED 9/11?

By Antigone on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:42 pm:

    You think Hillary Clinton KILLED VINCE FOSTER?

By Bigkev on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:43 pm:

    So, 18 co-signators sent Bill a letter in 98.. they were ignored (obviously) and now that they(or some of them) are in positions of greater power they have acted like they think should have been done years previously... would the same thing have happened if GW Bush hadn't become pres? Methinks not... besides there is no such thing as a forgone conclusion, unless your a fatalist...

    ON a completely diferent topic... have any of you noticed or clicked on the comma link that is at teh bottom of this page? the last line right before the Sorabji.com link?
    i never noticed that one be4, how unobservant... now i must go check other threads....

By Antigone on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:50 pm:

    You mean this?

    A few weeks ago it was a online bible. :)

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 04:51 pm:

    I saw it, but I think Sarah pointed it out a few weeks ago????
    "Actually, it was a forgone conclusion long before that."
    Tiggy, all I can say to that is touche'
    or in the words of Kelso "ooo burn!"

    IE it would appear you have a very good point.

By Bigkev on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 05:04 pm:

    so you agree then that American policy makers have been working up to an invasion of a sovereign nation for years, and have been manipulating public opinion in that direction for almost as long? Does that give more credence to the evidence that the bush administrarion knew 9/11 was going to happen (just like Roosevelt knew of Pearl Harbour) and let it, so as to gain the political impetus needed to wage their war of agression? (just as roosevelt needed the public behind him in joining WW2).

    Doesn't that strike you as going against the ideals and beliefs of most americans? In that, everyone, Regardless of race, creed, or color, should have the right to safety and happiness (not necessarily as defined by the US, but in their own way?)

    where roosevelt knew that unchecked, the nazis and japan would race towards the new world in their greed for control. BUsh is beginning to look the same, 'give me what i want or i'll take it!'

    much more of that kind of diplomacy and the world WILL rise up against the USofA

By Bk on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 05:05 pm:

    so i am slow... oh well, nothing my highschool teachers didnt tell me for years anyway...

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 05:51 pm:

    Now, I have read a lot of theories, with some interesting facts to back them up, about Israel having more then just a hand in 9/11.....
    There is little doubt that the Jewish faction, both in the administration and other levels of US Government, had an interest in the US going into Iraq again.

By Rowlf on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 06:12 pm:

    you know the government mentioned going into Afghanistan months before 9/11... noone on TV mentions the Unocoal pipeline stuff...

    About Israel, there was stuff about a spy ring, and one of the networks was going to run an expose on it, but they got accused of Anti-Semitism (which is bullshit) because of it and pulled the story.. sad that so many Jewish people cant seperate criticism of a government from anti-semitism... kinda like some people (ahem) cant seperate criticism of a government from Anti-Americanism..

    www.whatreallyhappened.com believes the government was at least partially behind 9/11, and has a large section of articles on it that are quite interesting. The site is actually mostly links to views/news that aren't being expressed/reported on US TV and newspapers, and I use the site as a link reference...

    i dont know what to make of their 9/11 stuff, but its interesting is all I'll say. The history of the US with the Northwoods Project gives crediblility to these types of theories. I haven't decided if thats good or bad yet.

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 11:22 pm:

    Here is an interesting piece about the history of Modern Israel.

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 11:23 pm:

    Kind of puts an interesting tilt to the "squatters" theory.

By spunky on Thursday, May 1, 2003 - 11:29 pm: