I want it to be dark in the day. I want to light candles and watch the smoke of incense trail through their soft light. In a square room with warm wood floors and a collection of rugs overlapping in the center. Large pillows form comfortable seats on arm chairs. A straight backed wooden chair sits in front of a long oak desk. Audio monitors sit to either side of the video monitor. Cables run from an interface on the glass-topped coffee table to microphones and synthesizers. Instruments and amplifiers line the walls. The rain beats on the window, trails down the window, obscures anything beyond the window. I left the house briefly yesterday to drop off the note to my landlord declaring the 30 days to my goodbye have begun. I knocked but no one answered the door, so the note went through the mail slot. I thought that perhaps she would come by and say something, but she never did. Maybe tomorrow. I don’t have much to move. Two pickup truckloads of the heavy stuff. The stuff that takes two people. I might do that November 8th. I guess that will be the end of my stay here. The day the bed moves. Then I will live in the People's Republic of Berkeley. My four months in Santa Cruz will be over. My four years in Santa Cruz county will be over. There is more. Some things that might leave some heads being scratched. My next steps, what I'm putting in motion. But, I'll keep these quiet for a while. Don't worry. I'm not engaged. |
say hi to chordata for us when you run into her. |