I remember these last name are weird. There was a young girl whose last name is spelled "PEED", a years later, there is a Teacher Aide whose last name is spelled "FAGG", and other is "NAGY" . I assume it must be a southern name. can anyone tells me why? |
20 years ago in Dallas, around this time of year, I was in the hospital with a severe eye socket infection. The doctors speculated that the cause was 1) me swiming in a dirty public pool, and 2) playing trombone so much it forced the infection far back into my head. Puss was building up behind my right eye, pushing my eye clean out of the socket. It was excruciatingly painful. I had to go into surgery, and there was about a 10% chance that I would die. (The pus pressure had built up to the point where it could explode back into my brain.) As I woke up from surgery, the first sounds I heard were the doctor dictating the details of the procedure into a tape recorder. "Explosions of pus erupted from the initial incision..." I'll never forget those words. It's the only time I've been on heavy painkillers for an extended period of time. Demerol gave be fantastically vivid and detailed dreams. The last thing I remember from the whole episode was going home from the hospital. The hospital was just around the corner from my house, so I rode home on a bike with my friend Lee. We spent the afternoon on my mom's computer (a Xerox word processor) getting a BASIC program simulation of the Sierpinsky gasket running. Yes, I was an ubergeek. |
Just kidding. Heehee. |