...in England we have a homeless shelter,it saved the live of my Father in 1926,the name is "The Salvation Army",berhaps it also exists in America.Thay play brass bands to raise money mostly at Christmas and are Christians,very nice people indeed and my heart goes out to them....can you tell me more of your singing in shelters? I had no understanding of this and it interests me a lot,sorry I have been off line for 3 days,it is allwas nice to post to such a fine person as your self....more,allthough I try to be tolerant of other religions,I am rather disgusted at the reation of a few Muslims to "the cartoons" of Mohammed,now they want to behead all non-muslims in London.If you want to see the "Mohammed cartoons",just tap that in to your computer,I find them very inoocuous next to the insulting cartoons that you will find in any Arabic newspaper,they insult Jews,The Pope,and all Christians alike.